Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1065: No return

The first thousand and sixty-five chapters do not return

"What? Dad, do you want to cancel Lingshan's marriage contract?" In Chen Xinshou's study, Zhu Ji was looking at Chen Daoling with disbelief.

"Since Zhao Tiezhu is going to take the lead for us, then we don't have to let Lingshan marry someone she doesn't like. Zhao Tiezhu's identity is there. If you want to come to Cui, you will definitely give him face!" Chen Daoling said.

"But... that Zhao Tiezhu is so powerful? Zhao family, that is Tianjia, how can I just come out alone is the heir, this Zhao Tiezhu, will not be a counterfeit?" Zhu Ji asked unwillingly.

"How is it possible, this time I went to Beijing, Zhao Lao was especially mentioning this grandson with me, and I have seen this Zhao Tiezhu many times. About him is the successor of Zhao family. In the upper circle of Beijing, there is almost no People don't know!" Chen Daoling said, looked at his son and said, "It's you, old in the field of sc, mixed, what is the name of the well, do you know? You bastard, actually shot to Zhao Tiezhu, if not My old face is there, do you think this can be done?"

"But Dad, that Zhao Tizhu is so powerful, it is just a person!" Chen Xinshou argued.

"Now do you think he is a person? Zhao is standing behind him!! This is the case, I said Xin Shou, wait for you to talk to the people at the Cui family, hope they I can give Zhao Tiezhu a face! Although this is a robbery of my Chen family, it is an opportunity. When you are talking to the Cui family, try to confuse our relationship with Zhao Tiezhu and let them guess. In this way, we can still hang up with the Zhao family, and there will be a lot of convenience when we have to do things!"

"Know, Dad!" Chen Xinshou nodded.

"Hey, since Dad, you are so fixed, then I am not saying anything, I just hope that all this will be smooth. After all, Lingshan is our heart, and it is not acceptable for her to be wronged." Ji’s face looked distressed.

"Well, Lingshan has been out for so long, you can care more about her. Now she has a very good relationship with Zhao Tiezhu. You can create opportunities for them appropriately. If Lingshan can enter Zhao, then Our Chen family, for her own, is a fortune!" Chen Dao-ling said.

"Know it!" Chen Xinshou and Zhu Ji both nodded.

"Well, I have to go and have a look, ask you to go." Chen Daoling said, he left Chen Xinshou's study, and the Chen Xin code was a quiet corner with a phone.

Zhu Ji bit his teeth, turned and walked out of Chen Xinshou’s study and returned to his bedroom.

"Cui Xiao, our plan, something went wrong." After Zhu Ji closed the door, he called out.

"Oh? What happened?" The phone was a bit of a handsome male voice.

"Half a shot of Zhao Tiezhu!!" Zhu Ji said with a bite of his teeth, Zhao Tiezhu and Chen Lingshan said, the man named Cui Xiao on the phone was silent for a long time before he said, "This plan is really impossible." It!"

"Well, if Zhao Tiezhu crosses a bar, Chen Lingshan can't go to your house anyway! When Chen Lingshan wants to be true with Zhao Tiezhu, then Chen's family is absorbed by Zhao's family. It's only a matter of time. Cui two things!" Zhu Ji said.

"This thing, I have to think about it!" Cui Xiao pondered for a long time, "Can you... find a chance to kill Zhao Tiezhu?"

"Did up Zhao Tiezhu?" Zhu Ji hesitated and said, "So the Chen family is not finished?"

"It's okay, God can kill it without knowing it. When Zhao Jiazhen came down to check it, he only said that he could leave Chen's house! Zhao's family is not a piece of iron. If Zhao Tiezhu is dead, there will be many people. I am angry, but there must be more people happy, so it is very likely that I will not go to great lengths to check this matter! Moreover, if Zhao Tiezhu is dead, Chen will have to marry Chen Lingshan because the Zhao family was angry. No one knows what will happen, and one more ally is more power! Chen Xinshou will definitely understand the stakes!"

"That's good! Hey, as long as Chen Lingshan's little monk married to your Cui family, when she came to Chen's property, she couldn't get a penny!! But Cui Xiao, the percent of our Zhu family. Twenty shares, you have to declare that you only sell to Zhu family! So I am more weighty in Chen’s family!"

"Know it! However, Zhu Ji, Chen's rules, it is really strange! If the Chen family women marry other families who are also family members, they will automatically give up the inheritance rights. What is the rule!" Cui Xiao is a bit puzzled. Said.

"Oh, the earliest Chen family owners may be afraid that women will marry other families, and the inheritance rights will give other family members a chance. Anyway, it is such a rule, I am not very clear." Said with a smile.

"Well, then you have to start faster, maybe there will be news on my father's side later!" Cui Xiao said.

"Oh, it will be faster! Lingshan that little monk, will definitely be yours, don't worry!" Zhu Ji smiled.

"Actually, I want you more!" Cui Xiao at the end of the phone snarled.

"Go, I have 30 people, oh, they are already old." Zhu Ji said sadly.

"I am not old or old. Since I saw you last year, I often think of you!"

"Oh? What do you think of me?"

"Think of your smooth skin..."

Next is some conversations that are not suitable for children. There is not much to write here.

Hanging up the phone, Zhu Ji thought for a long time, then made another call out, not long after, a short man appeared in front of Zhu Ji.

"Miss!" The man is very short, and he is absolutely no more than one meter five, and the whole person is very thin.

"Hey, at night you went to kill me with Zhao Tiezhu." Zhu Ji said.

"Know it!" The man, who was called a sly, nodded. The body stepped back, and the floor on the sole of the foot disappeared instantly.

"Zhao Tiezhu, you just escaped a catastrophe, this time, I will let you die!" Zhu Ji said with a bite.

It is a pity that Zhu Ji did not know about the incident just now. That is to say, Zhao Tiezhu just missed Chen Bo and hardened the bullets. Zhu Ji did not know that she was only subjective and thought it might be Chen Daoling’s timely appearance. Zhao Tiezhu was relieved of a disaster, so subjective delusions made Zhu Ji go on a road of no return.

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