Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1073: Assassination

The first thousand and seventy-three chapters of assassination

Zhao Tiezhu still had a lot of opinions on the houses of each house. My buddy, I came here, the bad guys did it, the frame was also hit, and then I was shot a few shots. As a result, nothing was obtained. You have to give I mean it? Then Chen Lingshan asked Zhao Tiezhu what he meant. I don't understand what you mean. Zhao Tiezhu said that you understand what I mean. Chen Lingshan said that I really don't understand what you mean. You can say it directly, Zhao Tiezhu said what I mean, you know, Since you understand what I mean, then I am embarrassed to say it.

As a result, the two played a few minutes, and then Zhao Tiezhu had to go back to his more boring room, and Su Yanni’s phone.

"Iron column, my father was discharged from the hospital." At the end of the phone, Su Yanni's tone was a bit happy. "It is Wang Shuji who came to pick up my dad and was discharged."

"Oh? Secretary Wang?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned and said, "What did the Secretary of the King say?"

"Wang Shuji told me one thing, saying that the above people are going early. After all, the people of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission are always staying and scared in the county." Su Yanni said.

"Haha, this... you tell him, when things are sorted out, those people will naturally go." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"That's alright!" Su Yanni said. "Then I may return to fj the day after tomorrow. Will you be in fj?"

"The day after tomorrow? The day after tomorrow is definitely there!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "The day after tomorrow, my school seems to have a holiday. I have to go to the school to attend the last class. It’s just Yanni. I may have to go to Thailand after the holiday. Now, I participated in the school grass competition and won the first place, and I can go to Thailand to play at a public expense!"

"Oh, how is that good?" Su Yanni said enviously. "It's a pity that I have to go to work. Are you going with Linger?"

"Well, Linger will be optimistic about me, don't worry! I will also be self-disciplined!" Zhao Tiezhu assured.

"I am afraid that you are going to take Linger!" Su Yanni said with a smile. "Two days in Chen Lingshan's house, is it good?"

"Hey, you don't say it's okay, this time, it's really something broken!" Zhao Tiezhu grievously talked about what he had encountered in these two days.

"Hey, the big family is this is not good, the feelings between people are too weak!" Su Yanni said with emotion, "Iron, if we have children in the future, can we not live in Zhao? I know that you must be back to Zhao! But I don't like the feeling of a big family, I like only our world!"

"Well! I will consider this!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

After two people screamed for a while, they said good night. Zhao Tiezhu put the phone aside, but he seriously remembered what happened to Su Yanni.

If you really have a relationship with a few women in the future, then your own children will definitely be a lot. If you are with Chen, then you will have to be exhausted, and this kind of struggle for power, especially It's easy to make people feel chilly. If the father and son turn their faces, it would be bad. Even if the father and son don't turn their faces, what if Su Yanni's son fights with Lucy's son? Lucy’s child has contradictions with Li Ling’s child. What should I do? Cao Ziyi’s children fell in love with Su Yanni’s children. What then?

When Zhao Tiezhu thought of this, he suddenly felt that his head was a big circle.

It seems that this harem river crab is really a problem that has plagued countless people since ancient times! Going to the royal family, going down to the civilian population, how many people have an accident, and in this case, the emperor can give his wife a slaughter of the country, and the officials can let Xiaosan give the name of the defeat, this thing is a deal. Not good, even Zhao Tiezhu, it is estimated that it has to be burnt.

"Take a step and take a step! After the big deal, I will raise it separately!" Zhao Tiezhu thought for a long time and couldn't think of a reason. He had to smash his head and throw all the thoughts of the miscellaneous, and then he planned to go to sleep.

At this time, the moon was on the eyebrows, Zhao Tiezhu just lie down, suddenly felt a shadow in the room, there was a murderous, then a black dagger without any luster, suddenly appeared in front of himself.

Hehe? Assassination?

Zhao Tiezhu did not have any panic at this time, and some just wanted to laugh.

The buddy was a magical shadow of the killer in the past, you a little killer, even dare to assassinate me?

The man is a short and very thin man. The man's eyes don't have any other emotional colors. Some are just empty. The dagger is about ten centimeters long. This is very short in the dagger. The so-called dagger is one inch shorter, and the difficulty is a bit more. This person dares to use such a short dagger, it must be very confident in his own hands!

Seeing that this dagger is going to break through Zhao Tiezhu’s trachea, Zhao Tiezhu even said that he was very leisurely and said, “Report your name.”

I listened indifferently to the man who said that he thought that only the brain-dead people on TV would say it. The heart was full of disdain, the person who was going to die, and he was not busy blocking, even thinking about asking his name, this is Look at the TV too much, look silly?

"Hey!" Zhao Tiezhu saw that people simply ignored themselves, and the right hand seemed to lift up a bit, then stretched out two fingers, opened and closed.

The dagger with a strong murder was so caught in the hands of Zhao Tiezhu’s fingers.

"I said it, I reported your name. Don't you know that your behavior is very impolite?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"What!" I was shocked. I didn't expect that this person would easily pinch his dagger. He wanted to take out the dagger, but found that the dagger seemed to be welded, and he had already made 12%. The strength is gone, this dagger is still not moving.

"Since you don't say it, then I will talk later." Zhao Tiezhu said as he spoke, the other hand slammed, and at this time, he immediately understood the meaning of an idiom.

The idiom is called lightning fast.

Just seeing a virtual shadow flying towards himself, I felt my face seem to be hit by the tank car. He could clearly feel that his nose was broken, and then the teeth in his mouth flew out of his mouth. With a trace of blood, he also flew out. Then the whole person seems to fly up, the whole person is light and floating.

Surprised, he did fly!


舜 directly on the wall opposite Zhao Tiezhu, made a muffled sound, and then the whole person softened on the ground.

From assassination to self-defense, less than five seconds before and after.

Zhao Tiezhu pointed at the dagger and said with a smile, "Can you tell me now, is your name?"

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