Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1076: The protagonist aura?

The first thousand and seventy-six chapters of the protagonist aura?

"Cui Xiao, why do you want to do this!" Just like those in the movie who were copied out of the old world, in addition to despair and helplessness in Zhu Ji’s eyes, there are only deep doubts and unwillingness.

"I don't do this. Do you still have to follow you to die?" Cui Xiao's eyes showed a smile. "Don't look at it. Who is your opponent this time? That is the ancestor of Zhao's family, Zhao Da. Less! If I don't wake up again, wait for Zhao Dashao to find my Cui family, then I am the sinner of Cui's family!"

"Zhao Tiezhu doesn't know anything! Why do you want this, I don't understand, I don't understand!" Zhu Ji's body stepped back a few steps, and his eyes were full of incredulity.

"Take Zhu Ji down." Chen Xinshou shook his head helplessly, and things have become very clear. Although he was married to Zhu Ji, it is largely because of the relationship of interests, but in the past few years, Chen Xinshou still loves this very much. The woman’s, just did not expect this Zhu Ji to join forces with outsiders, intending to embezzle Chen’s family property, but also to let himself sacrifice his daughter. This can’t be said with horror. This is what can only happen on TV. plot.

Zhao Tiezhu does not care about the Zhu Ji. In his opinion, since this person wants to kill himself, and he has nothing to do with her, then the consequences of this person can be imagined, but this Cui Xiao makes Zhao Tiezhu look very much. It’s not transparent. This person had been able to embezzle Chen’s family property with Zhu Ji. It’s obviously a plot for a long time. The relationship between the two is definitely very reliable. Why is this directly countered? ? Did you give this Zhu Ji and his own things, did it not expose yourself at the same time?

Although Zhao Tiezhu has experienced a lot of things, he really can't figure out what Cui Xiao is doing. Why is it!

"Cui Xiao, this matter, I hope that you Cui, can give us an account of Chen!" Chen Daoling looked coldly at Cui Xiao, said.

"Chen Lao, this is the matter, wrong in our Cui family, but we also lost our way, right? You have not caused any loss, the so-called mistakes can improve Mo Dazhao, you should not be with my juniors. Take care of it." Cui Xiao said with a narrow eye.

Chen Daoling still wants to say something, Zhao Tiezhu said, "Chen Lao, don't care about him!"

Chen Daoling looked at Zhao Tiezhu and hesitated for a long time. After all, he nodded and said, "Xin Shou, take Zhu Ji to the secret room below!"

"Yes, Dad!" Chen Xinshou nodded and gestured to the side of his hand. Immediately, several people came forward and seized the Zhuji.

"Cui Xiao, you must not die! Zhao Tiezhu, this is Cui Xiao let me kill you!" Zhu Ji looked at himself and was about to be taken away, simply broke the can and broke everything and said everything.

"Jokes, if I let you kill Zhao Dashao, will I still run here to tell you? This is not logical at all." Cui Xiao said, "Zhu Ji, although this time I gave you out. But you don’t want anything else to buckle on my head!"

"Zhao Tiezhu, believe me, this is Cui Xiaoyu who made me kill you! This is Cui Xiao!" Zhu Ji called to Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu said with a sigh of his head, "This is no longer meaningful."

Zhu Jiyi, immediately said to Chen Xinshou, "Xin Shou, Xin Shou, I was just a moment of sorrow by the Cui Xiao to say, you give me another chance, beg you! I must be very embarrassed!"

A look of poor looks like Zhu Ji, with the peerless face, so that as long as the male animals around will be heart-warming, but Chen Xinshou is not a child and affectionate person after all, he even sacrificed for the benefit of his family. Losing the happiness of her daughter, it can be seen that his heart is not ordinary hard, so although hesitated a bit, Chen Xinshou waved his hand and let his men take Zhu Ji.

"You can't do this to me! If you dare to move me, Zhu will not let you go!" Seeing that this last hope is gone, Zhu Ji had to take out Zhu Jia to suppress Chen Xinshou.

"Let's take the Zhu family out and say things, believe it or not, let the Zhu family disappear?" Zhao Tiezhu touched the ring on his hand and asked faintly.

Zhu Ji stayed for a moment, then looked at everyone in despair and was taken away.

"Tiezhu Xiaoyou, I have to deal with this matter, I can't entertain you! This time, I will give you a perfect answer!" Chen Daoling said, deeply stunned Zhao Tiezhu Oh, "Sorry!"

Zhao Tiezhu was to let himself go. This Chen Daoling was also a hero in the same year. Although Zhao Tiezhu was a bit cold because of this several things, he was very admired for such a person, but Chen Daoling was only a human being. I have to face the troublesome things in my family. Zhao Tiezhu could not help but think of his own future.

"Is this the same in the future?" Zhao Tiezhu shuddered for no reason.

After Chen Xinshou and Chen Daoling left, the study room was very strange and there was a moment of silence.

"Say, what are your attempts?" Zhao Tiezhu opened the silence.

"I have no intentions!" Cui Xiao shook his head firmly. "When I found out that the woman wanted to be unfavorable to you, I rushed over and hoped to inform you. I was afraid that you would not believe it on the phone, so I didn't call." ""

"We are not fools. Do you think it makes sense to say these words?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Actually, I was scared by Zhao Dashao's prestige!" Cui Xiao did not hide his fear of Zhao Tiezhu. "You started from scratch, and the warrior killed the white tiger. It hurts Kirin. Anyway, let me only I can look up to you, so when we know that our opponent is you, our family and I, decisively decided to give up any action for Chen, and then come to see you honestly, that's it!"

"Oh? Is my protagonist aura strong?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Oh, it's really powerful!" Cui Xiao said. "I only hope that Zhao Dashao can not remember this matter in this matter. We have a good relationship with Zhao Da, and we hope to have a good relationship with Zhao Da!"

"Oh, you are indeed a smart person, maybe you are smarter than I thought." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Cui Xiao deeply, as if to see Cui Xiao in general, "The matter here, it is so closed, you Cui family And Chen's things, I will help you mediate, although I don't know what your intentions are, but at least you do not have any harm to me, so you can!"

"Thank you Zhao Dashao!" Cui Xiao came to Zhao Tiezhu for a 90-degree embarrassment. Zhao Tiezhu nodded and left Chen Lingshan and Chen Meng to leave the study.

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