Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1110: Individual action

Chapters 110 and 110

The dinner at night is a local seafood. Zhao Tiezhu is not a tribute to the seafood. After dinner, Tiandao and Zite specially dragged Zhao Tiezhu to the corner, saying that there is a good thing to introduce to Zhao Tiezhu.

"My grass, this island has a demon show?" Zhao Tiezhu whispered.

"Of course! Thailand's shemale, which is famous all over the world, this Phuket is a tourist attraction, naturally there will be, and I told you that here, as long as you spend some money, you can play with the shemale! For example, these cuddling, these shemale, can be a first-class beauty, in addition to the following more than a gadget, the other is no different from a woman, the iron column brother, the woman you touch more, this Shemale, you must have never touched it? How do you want to play together?"

"This, I am serious!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a hesitant face, "This kind of thing, too heavy taste, I still do not participate!"

"Really? Iron column brother, I heard that at night, but there is a performance of Ms. Ma Masha, the Queen of Thailand. Although the price is a bit expensive, as long as I am willing to throw money, I can also kiss the Fangze!" Tiandao temptation Road.

"I wipe, you, this person, really, have known for so long, don't you know that my strength is very... bad? Say, at night, where is the meeting?" Zhao Tiezhu bent his eyes, wretched Asked.

"Iron brother is really heroic! At 8 o'clock in the evening, let's meet at the hotel entrance? Can you?" Tiandao asked.

"Yes!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded. "Sunglasses and hats, you two are responsible!"

"Why are you wearing that?" asked inexplicably.

"Stupid you, what if you are seen by an acquaintance at the time? This is not only to bring a trumpet, but the trumpet equipment is also going to catch up. Go out at night, in front of others, you call me Zhao Kunlun, as for Heaven and Heaven, you are not famous anyway, just call your name!"

"I rub, despise you, iron pillar brother!"

On the other side.

"Linger, at night... Let's go out and play, aren't you?" Zhou Yu took Li Linger in a corner, next to Chen Lingshan and Nangong Zi. Chen Lingshan’s face is the same as Li Linger’s, and Nangong Zi is the same as the old god.

"Night? Why do we want to play by ourselves?" Li Linger asked inexplicably.

"I heard that there is a performance of a demon in the evening. The Thai **** queen Martha is coming here, let's go see it! And, I heard that you can touch the body of the **** with a little money!"

"Ah? Why are you so heavy?" Li Linger asked in surprise.

"This is normal. I just want to try it. The touch of the **** is the same as that of us!" Zhou fish said, pointing to his chest.

"This... this is not good, if you are seen, how embarrassed!" Chen Lingshan said next to him.

"Nothing, we go out wearing sunglasses at night, anyway, come here to play, which one does not wear a half-faced sunglasses? Then wear a hat, it will be fine!" Nangong Zi'an, " Just look at the shemale, and it’s no big deal. It’s just to reduce unnecessary trouble.

"That... well, I am no problem, Lingshan, are you together?" Li Linger asked.

"I? Let's go together." Chen Lingshan agreed.

"That's good, wait at 8 o'clock in the evening and wait here! We have to dress up beautifully, but the handsome guy here is a lot!" Zhou fish excitedly shouted.

"You are not very good with Heavenly Brothers? Are you thinking about handsome guys?" Li Linger asked.

"We want a handsome guy, just like a man who wants to be a beautiful woman, it can be used to raise the eye. Others, as long as it is not a principled thing, you don't have to worry about so much!" Zhou Yu said.

Two people, one man and one woman, are discussing the same thing, but the time for the two people to meet is a little different.

At this time, Zhao Kunlun, already walking alone on the road, next to Zhao Kunlun, stood a brown-skinned Thai man, screaming in his mouth, do not know what to say, Zhao Kunlun listened and nodded, Then, not long after, the Thai people left.

"Hey, this general Kunshan, how did you stare at Zhao Tiezhu? Who made a greeting?" Zhao Kunlun's face showed a trace of fun, "the golden triangle is one of the best drug lords, eyeing the biggest gang of fj The boss of the Blood Soul Hall, this trip to Thailand, will not be lonely!"

After dinner, Cao Ziyi first went back to the hotel. It is said that he planned to leave for the Golden Triangle tomorrow. He had to go to bed early at night, so Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger did not bother her. Then Zhao Tiezhu took Li Linger upstairs and reached the door of the room. At the time, the two men said in unison, "I am tired today, I have to go to bed early!"

Then the two looked at each other with a strange look. Zhao Tiezhu said first, "Oh, it seems that we are all tired. Let's do it that night, go to sea tomorrow, and have fun!"

"Well, I have to sleep well, I have to sleep right away, but I am not allowed to quarrel with me!" Li Linger said.

"No, you are not allowed to argue with me!"

The two met each other and went to sleep.


Zhao Tiezhu quietly opened the door and looked at the room opposite Li Linger. The light was on. It seems that Li Linger has not slept yet!

Zhao Tiezhu gently closed the door, and then walked downstairs with a light hand.

After ten minutes, Li Linger’s room lights were extinguished. Li Linger opened the door and looked at Zhao Tiezhu’s room. The dark road was really a night’s sleep! After that, I also quietly went downstairs.

"Call, it’s really a tourist attraction. There are so many people this night!"

At the Phuket Central Business Street, three men with hats and sunglasses walked in and looked around from time to time. One of the thin men saw all kinds of races on the road, and sent out the above. Feeling.

"Really, Tiezhu brother!" Tiandao nodded. Just wanted to say something, he found Zhao Tiezhu staring at himself. He said that he had made a mistake and laughed. "This is Kunlun!"

"Yeah, remember, don't say it's leaking. When I have to be remembered by someone, it's not good!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Know it, iron... Kunlun brother!" Tiandao said with a smile.

"Well, heaven, road, do you know?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Of course I know, follow me and I am right!" Tiandao said confidently. "Guarantee to bring you to the show, haha, when, the shemale, ***, but how much is there!"

"Good!" Zhao Tiezhu and a look of hope.

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