Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1114: Don't pay?

Does the first one hundred and forty-four chapters not pay?

Zhao Tiezhu is doing a v-gesture of victory and intends to take another photo. He suddenly heard a familiar voice calling himself. When he looked back, he saw Li Linger, who was standing next to a **** with a hat.

"Linger!" Zhao Tiezhu also cried with great surprise.

"How come you!" the two shouted at the same time.

Then the two men smiled and smiled at the same time. "Iron brother (Linger), are you here to play this?"

The tacit understanding of the two made the two stupid, but then they laughed.

"Go, the past!" Zhao Tiezhu greeted Tiandao and He.

"I haven't touched it yet!" Tiandao looked at the **** with a bit of reluctance.

"There is not one there, let's go, hey! It seems that Zhou Yu and Nan Gong Zi are also there!" Zhao Tiezhu said with surprise.

"What? They are also?" Tiandao and Yan were shocked. I didn't expect this to be a long time to meet, and it was hard to come out and steal them. I even met them.

The three men went to Li Linger's group.

Waiting for the moment, Zhao Tiezhu accidentally saw Chen Lingshan, did not expect this easy-looking girl will come to participate in this comparative, human activities!

"Iron brother, don't you want to sleep?" Li Linger said to Zhao Tiezhu with a smirk.

"You don't want to sleep too? Why didn't you sleep?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I can't sleep, just go out and walk! I don't lie!" Li Linger said affirmatively.

"You didn't lie? This hat and sunglasses are all prepared so well. You still told me that you didn't lie?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Li Linger disdainfully and said, "I sneak out and play, you still have reason." ?"

"It seems like you are sneaking out of the iron column brother?" Li Linger countered.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled. "I am a man, it's okay, you are a girl. If you are stared at by the bad guys, you can turn people into the kiln, and you can cry!"

"No, we have a lot of people!" Li Linger pointed to the girl next to him and said, "We have trained Taekwondo!"

"Oh? That's not bad, how many paragraphs?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"There is no paragraph..." Zhou said shyly.


After Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger ridiculed for a while, the two groups of people simply merged and played together. Li Linger curiously said to Zhao Tiezhu, "Iron brother, just now, have you touched it?"


"It's a shemale, you touched it?" Li Linger asked.

"Touched!" Zhao Tiezhu replied truthfully.

"how do you feel?"

"Generally, nothing feels!" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head.

"How much worse than the Yan Yan sister?" Li Linger smirked.

"Children's family, how curiosity is so heavy? The difference is much worse, you will not compare it yourself?" Zhao Tiezhu said dissatisfied.

"How do I compare?"

"You and Yan Ni are both girls, and the body is similar. You touch it yourself, and then touch people's, compare it, don't you know how much worse?"

"Where do you touch yourself? How much evil!" Li Linger said shyly.

"Don't you say you didn't touch it yourself?"



"That's true!!"

"Well, Lingshan, have you touched it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked Chen Lingshan.

“No!” Chen Lingshan shook her head. “I am not very interested.”

Several people chatted here for a while and saw that there was basically nothing to look at, and decided to go to the night market together. Because it is a tourist attraction, the night market is still very prosperous. There are various shops, but many of them are local souvenirs and crafts. Zhao Tiezhu has nothing to do with this stuff. The same is true for Tiandao and Yi, but those girls who are jealous of these crafts are very Interest, a few people walking around here, not long after, three people have more bags of things on hand, Zhao Tiezhu's hand is the most, because not only Li Linger, even Chen Lingshan bought things It was Zhao Tiezhu who helped to get it. Originally, Chen Lingshan wanted to take it himself, but Li Linger said that when men and women came out shopping, it was natural for the boys to mention things. Therefore, Li Linger also gave Chen Lingshan’s things to Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu is not a man who is more careful. Although he is secretive from the abdomen, he also keeps things safe and secure.

After shopping for several hours, basically after I bought all the things I could buy, several people found something to drink in a place with less personal flow.

"When you come to this place, you have to drink juice, the original flavor, freshly squeezed!" Zhao Tiezhu took a glass of mango juice and took a sip, feeling.

"Well, the taste is really good!" Zhou said. "But, Heavenly Brother, you are so durian, it is really difficult for me to accept."

Tiandao shyly touched his head and said, "This, I like to eat durian."

A few people are drinking here. A thin man walked into the juice shop and looked around. When he saw Zhao Tiezhu, the man’s eyes lit up and he left.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Tiandao quietly, and Tiandao nodded slightly, stood up and said to the crowd, "I am going to the bathroom."

Not long after, Tiandao walked in from the outside, sat next to Zhao Tiezhu, shrugged and whispered, "I have disappeared."

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and immediately said to everyone. "Well, time is not too early. Let's go back? You can still get the sea tomorrow!"

"Well, let's go back!" A group of women agreed, and after a few people paid the money, they left the juice shop.

Not long after they walked out of the juice shop, a group of people appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu and others.

The group looked at seven or eight, each of them had white bandages on their hands, and the upper body was a simple vest. Under the light, they could see that there were quite a few of these people. Scars.

The head is a man wearing a black vest with green trousers. The man looks like he is about 30 years old. The man looked at Zhao Tiezhu and gestured to the person next to him. The old man who Zhao Tiezhu had seen before was old. The woman appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

"Yes, he!" The old man pointed to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Do not pay, hit people!"

Zhao Tiezhu is so good that there is no blood to squirt out, what does not pay? The buddy is going wrong, okay!

"No money, no!" The man in green trousers said in blunt Chinese. "The person who beat me is not right! You, have to apologize! Lose money!"

"Iron brother, what did you pay for?" Li Linger asked curiously.

"This...just a misunderstanding." Zhao Tiezhu said.

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