Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1118: Smart spirit

The first thousand one hundred and forty-eight chapters of the clever spirit

"Family?" Li Linger looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a faint look, and then he lay down and lay side by side with Zhao Tiezhu.

"Iron brother, do you really treat us as family members?" Li Linger asked.

"Of course! Don't you also treat us as family members?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Well, I did the same!" Li Linger said seriously. "Yan Ni sister, Lucy sister, son Yi sister, are my sisters. Although Jia Ying sister does not stay in the villa, I can feel it. It’s true to her to me, and to other sisters. Of course, for the landlord, you, this landlord, naturally, you have to treat yourself like your family, or how can I bully you?”

"Oh, what are you? Just to bully me, I will be my family?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Isn't the iron column brother also trying to make us feel good about us, but also to take us as a family member?" Li Linger turned around and held his head with his hands, looking at Zhao Tiezhu sideways and said.

Zhao Tiezhu also turned his body, and held his head with his hands, and Li Linger face to face, and then said, "In fact, I am still very pure!"

"Pure? Oh, hey, brother, honestly talk to Linger, you... how many women are there now?" Li Linger asked curiously.

"This...not enough for women." Zhao Tiezhu smiled mysteriously, then looked down at Li Linger's twin peaks almost on his chest and said, "With women, don't talk to other women." ”

"Hey, then let me guess!" Li Linger said after a while, "Yan Ni sister, Linda, red rhyme, and... Hey, there is a Lucy sister, isn't it?"

"What!?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Li Linger in horror.

"Haha, Iron Pillar, the reaction is not so big! I don't tell you all about it. I am a student of medicine. I am still hateful about biology. The change of Lucy's sister is also in my eyes. You can rest assured, I will not say to Yan Yan sister!" Li Linger said vowed.

Zhao Tiezhu, Yan Li, this Li Linger, is simply a humanoid virgin detector, is it a virgin, she can see it at a glance, which makes me mix in the future!

"Iron brother, don't panic, Linger is not completely looking at the pull, some women's changes, very subtle, it is difficult to see!" Li Linger said.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "This, Linger, we all belong to ... the amount, the feelings are up, and then that, I am very serious and serious!"

"Know, Tiezhu brother is a responsible man, this is for sure!" Li Linger said, "Of course, in front of this responsibility, you should add a "to many women", iron column brother, is a pair of women Responsible man!"

"How do you listen so awkwardly," said Zhao Tiezhu.

"Fortunately!" Li Linger said, and he lay flat again, then looked at the sky and said, "Iron brother, you... do you know my identity?"

"Your identity?" Zhao Tiezhu snorted and immediately said, "Are you not Li’s daughter?"

"Well, but... the identity of Linger, in fact... more than this one." Li Linger showed a stretch of struggle in his eyes, then took a deep breath and said, "Iron brother, actually I still..."

"Don't say it." Zhao Tiezhu put his hand on Li Linger's mouth and said, "In my eyes, you are a little mushroom head with a ghostly spirit, just like that! Others are clouds!"

"Iron column brother." Li Linger turned his head, his eyes actually shed tears.

"Cry and cry? How big are people, and still like to cry, I remember that I realized with you, now, you can't cry three times, right, Linger, this year, how old are you?" Zhao Tiezhu will The topic was transferred.

"Twenty this year." Li Linger said, turned again, facing Zhao Tiezhu, put his hand on the chest of Zhao Tiezhu, holding Zhao Tiezhu in his arms.

Zhao Tiezhu was fierce and tight, but he immediately relaxed. He reached over Li Linger’s neck and took it to his side. Li Linger buried his head on Zhao Tiezhu’s shoulder and said playfully, “Iron pillar Brother, this is the third welfare that you saved me this time. After that, there will be no more after dinner!"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "Nothing, big deal, wait for me to throw you into the sea, and then catch you up, so there will be next time."

"Oh, iron pillar brother, how are you bad!" Li Linger wrinkled Qiongniu and looked at Zhao Tiezhu, then bowed his head on Zhao Tiezhu's shoulder.

"What?" Zhao Tiezhu asked softly.

"No, I just had a runny nose and wiped it off."

"I am a grass, you rub on me!"

"Can't you?"

The night is getting thicker.

I don't know how long it took, Li Linger's breathing slowly became steady. Zhao Tiezhu gently turned his head and saw that Li Linger had fallen asleep. He couldn't help but smile and slowly took his body from Li Linger's hand. I got rid of it and then put Li Linger on my back. Go to the hotel.

The sea breeze blew and brought a little coldness. Li Linger arched his head to the back of Zhao Tiezhu and then said to himself, "Cold death, iron pillar, come, give me a warm bed."

Zhao Tiezhu was a sly, and he did not fall.

"What dreams do you have to do!" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head with emotion and walked into the hotel.

At this time, in the lobby of the hotel, there are several people cleaning, and there are ruins everywhere. This is a bit too much. There are many pieces of tables and chairs everywhere. It seems that Zhao Kunlun and the Tucker are still very fierce. !

Zhao Tiezhu walked through the lobby and went upstairs. He sent Li Linger to the room, then gently placed her on the bed, took a quilt and covered Li Linger.

Just as Zhao Tiezhu turned and walked away, he suddenly saw something. Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes lit up and a smile appeared.

Five minutes later, Zhao Tiezhu left Li Linger's room with satisfaction. On the face, it was the kind of pleasure that a certain backlog of things had been released.

When leaving Li Ling's room, Zhao Tiezhu did not forget to close his door, which fully reflected Zhao Tiezhu's thoughtfulness.

Early the next morning, Zhao Tiezhu slept in a cool, suddenly heard a scream in the room next door Li Linger, this sound directly penetrated the wall, spread out to the entire hotel, and suddenly amazed birds The car alarm sounded loudly.

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