Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1121: Ready to go to sea

The first one hundred and twenty-one chapters are ready to go out to sea

The problem of living was quickly solved. Chen Shao and Jian Dong lived together. As for Zhao Kunlun, they rented a set of cows.

This beach house is connected in a row. It is not only a simple house, but also equipped with a small sauna pool, a swimming pool, a small garden or something, all kinds of things that can be played. It’s really awkward to enjoy. what!

Since Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger fight a room, Li Linger’s luggage is naturally held by Zhao Tiezhu.

In the cabin, as far as Zhao Tiezhu thinks, there is only one room. Because this is a honeymoon room for couples or couples, naturally there is not much room, because these people from fj University come over. The owner of the beach room also specially changed the single bed in these rooms into two small beds.

Seeing that both beds are in one room, Zhao Tiezhu has fun to bloom at a time. Doesn't that mean that the buddy can sleep in the same room as Li Linger at night? Zhao Tiezhu felt that life was so beautiful.

"Hey, what about a room?" Li Linger said shyly. "Iron brother, people haven't slept with a boy in a room!"

"It's okay, it's not on a bed!" Zhao Tiezhu said comfortably. "You can sleep at night, you can!"

"Then you can't climb the bed in the middle of the night!" Li Linger warned.

"I am like a person who is so boring?" Zhao Tiezhu said proudly. "I am a lascivious person, but I never go down. I like what you want. Of course, Linger can't climb me in the middle of the night." Go to bed!"

"This will not pull, the iron column brother, I heard that there is a sauna room, I have to go to the steaming sauna first, do you want to be together?" Li Linger looked at Zhao Tiezhu charmingly and said.

"This... steaming sauna? How to steam?" Zhao Tiezhu, this bandit from small to large, although enjoying a lot of things, but really did not steam through the sauna.

"It's steaming, here is steaming, I like it!" Li Linger said.

"Would you like to wear clothes?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Of course, don't, how to steam clothes? It's all right to go around with a bath towel!" Li Linger laughed. "How, iron pillar brother, do you want to be together?"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Li Linger’s repeated invitations, and a heart suddenly hung up. This Li Linger, wouldn’t there be any attempt?

"I... I won't want it." Zhao Tiezhu tentatively refused.

"Oh, iron pillar brother, it's okay to pull, steam, very comfortable!" Li Linger said.

Zhao Tiezhu’s alertness is even heavier. He shook his head in a hurry. “No, I’m going out and looking outside! I’m diving in the afternoon, I’m going to familiarize myself with the terrain.”

“Is it really not?” Li Linger directly lost a wink to Zhao Tiezhu. “This is a good opportunity!”

"Don't worry!" Zhao Tiezhu decisively refused, and then put the luggage down, then went downstairs. Downstairs, you can hear Li Linger’s undisguised laughter.

"Cut, what is the law? I will not be fooled!" Zhao Tiezhu snorted and went outside the house.

This is a more fascinating coast than the previous coast. The sea water is a blue color. Looking at the enchanting, Zhao Tiezhu did not take long on the shore. I saw two wretched figures appearing on the shore. side.

"You are really fast!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Hey, this feeling is just getting started, naturally you have to add the fire, just wait for you to get back on track!" Tiandao said with a smile.

"Oh, now you are harmonious, and there are emperors, and Fan Jian also has women. Hey, this time is really fast. When are we still fighting together? Now we can be comfortable. Pick up the girl." Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion.

"Oh, it’s all your credit!" said Tiandao. "Since I followed you until now, I don’t want to say that my martial arts are growing. I can live alone, but I don’t know much better than before! I Master told me only a few days ago, let me follow you all my life!"

"You still follow the embarrassment for a lifetime, you are good friends." Zhao Tiezhu pointed at the embarrassment.

"All three of us are good friends." He said shyly.

"Prim to go."

The three of them walked around and talked. The director did not know when it appeared on the beach. When he saw Zhao Tiezhu, the director of the school smiled and said hello.

"Wait a little diving outside?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

“Well, the corals here are very good. The afternoon activity is to see the coral reefs. There will be a special coach to lead the team!” said the director.

"Is there no problem with safety?" Zhao Tiezhu said. "Is there no shark around?"

"No, absolutely no, there is a shark prevention net in the outer part of this sea area, which is to prevent sharks from coming in!" said the director. "Every year, many people come to dive and do not touch any sharks. Safety is absolutely no problem. ”

"That's good!"

Not long after, all the students came to the beach to gather, this time is about two o'clock in the afternoon, the sun, what is very good.

"This afternoon's activity is to go diving in the sea!" After the teaching director finished, all the people made a burst of exclamation.

"Okay, everyone should not be happy, this time not only diving, but also taking pictures, there will be special people to follow you! You remember to cooperate with the coach to do the action! Don't patronize!"

"Know it!" A group of students can't wait to agree.

"Specific, I won't say much. Now we welcome our coach, Mr. Djibou!" said the director. As I walked over, a dark man with a falling triangle appeared in front of everyone.

"Hello everyone, I am Djibouti, Thai, and your coach. I hope everyone can cooperate with each other and try to shoot the film quickly, and then everyone can play with peace of mind!" Djiboute took a bite Fluent in Chinese.

"Know!" The crowd was busy with the promise.

"In the water, it's no better than on land. I will teach you some simple gestures on the boat, and how to deal with emergencies! Now everyone will follow me on board!" Djibou said, turned and walked on. A yacht parked in Makou not far away. Everyone followed suit.

Just a few kilometers outside the coastline, a small boat was moored, and the boat was on the head. Several people were basking in the sun, and there was a fishing rod next to it. The fishing line was put into the water and it looked like it was coming to the sea. Fishing, but under the boat, there are several people, what are being done.

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