Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1123: Fighting in the sea

The first one hundred and twenty-three chapters

The black shadow in front of you, or should be arguably white shadow, turned out to be a great white shark! !

That's right, great white sharks, such as fake white sharks, without great additives and preservatives.

"Nima is not a shark prevention net! How come this stuff comes in!" Zhao Tiezhu was shocked. This great white shark had at least five meters of visual inspection. The empty eyes had no eyes, as long as people saw it. There will be a feeling of chilling. And the white skin of the abdomen is a kind of coldness like ice!

The visual acuity of sharks is very poor, but their perception is super strong. They can feel very clearly in the blood a few kilometers away, and if they have prey in front of them, they can do it very quickly. Out of reaction.

The great white shark is the leader of the shark. In the film of Spielberg, the horror of the great white shark was interpreted. This is a kind of human weapon, which belongs to the existence of the plug-in! It’s like a lion on land, and the lion’s fighting power may not even reach one-tenth of the great white shark. It’s a great white shark that can even smash a small yacht!

The speed of this great white shark is very fast. In almost a few seconds, it was the first time that Zhao Tiezhu was the only one to discover the great white shark. There were many people who found the great white shark almost at the same time.

Because there was no way to talk under the water, Jibu hurriedly made a finger up and up, which indicated that everyone was going to hurry up, and then Ji Bu did not stop, and went straight to the surface.

A group of people rushed to the surface of the water, the great white shark, no matter who's heart, it is a nightmare-like role.

Zhao Tiezhu also wants to run. Although he has a strong military value, other people's great white sharks are at home. If they are on the shore, Zhao Tiezhu can fight with others. In the water, Zhao Tiezhu encounters this thing, then there is only one word. run! Nothing to say! Zhao Tiezhu thinks that even if he hardens and is bitten by this great white shark, how hard it is, he has to be bitten by a few holes.

The bite force of the great white shark can be ranked in the top of the animal world!

It’s just that Zhao Tiezhu can’t run, because Li Linger is at his side, perhaps watching the coral reef look too fascinated. Li Linger didn’t even find the people around him swimming towards the water, and Li Ling’s position is almost everyone’s. The closest to the great white shark! If the great white shark is not a fool, the first attack is definitely Li Linger in its nearest position!

Zhao Tiezhu wants to call it, but this is the sea, it can't be called at all. Seeing that Li Linger is going to become a prey, Zhao Tiezhu's legs are slamming and rushing directly to Li Linger!

The speed is actually much slower than that of the great white shark. Zhao Tiezhu is closer to Li Linger than the position of the great white shark from Li Linger. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu is faster than Li Linger!

Zhao Tiezhu reached out and grabbed Li Linger's hand. In Li Linger's stunned voice, Zhao Tiezhu pushed it up. Li Linger seemed to be a torpedo that was launched. He went straight to the water, and Li Linger’s horrified eyes. In the middle, the huge black body below, directly hit Zhao Tiezhu!

Do not! !

Li Linger yelled in his heart and wanted to stop himself. But a figure rushed over and grabbed Li Linger and went to the water.

It is Chen Lingshan!

Chen Lingshan's strength is not a small Li Linger can compete, so Li Linger can only be pulled by Chen Lingshan!

After Zhao Tiezhu threw out Li Linger up, because of the reaction force, the body sank directly to a deeper place, and the great white shark clearly felt the existence of Zhao Tiezhu. The tail swayed and ran to Zhao Tiezhu and swam.

The great white shark's attack method is a very violent bite. Like most fish, the great white shark is biting you, then squirming and dying, not letting you lose your meat, it won't stop. of.

Although Zhao Tiezhu is not as fast as the shore because of the resistance of the water, it will not slow down much.

When the great white shark opened his mouth and bite at him, Zhao Tiezhu directly turned around. The **** mouth of the great white shark directly rubbed Zhao Tiezhu’s body. Zhao Tiezhu had not had time to counter it. The tail of the great white shark slammed into Zhao Tiezhu’s Body.


A muffled sound.

Zhao Tiezhu felt that he was hit by a train, and the internal organs were almost shaken!

"My grass! It really is the overlord in the sea!" Zhao Tiezhu felt a bit of emotion, took a few mouthfuls of oxygen, adjusted the breath, and swallowed the blood that was about to be sprayed out.

The great white shark turned and rushed toward Zhao Tiezhu. This time, the speed of the great white shark is faster than just now!

Zhao Tiezhu stretched his hand to the bottom of the foot, and a dagger appeared in the hands of Zhao Tiezhu.

As a former killer and mercenary, Zhao Tiezhu never let himself be unarmed.

Right hand stroked the water, Zhao Tiezhu let the body side again, can not escape the attack of the great white shark, but when the great white shark passed by, Zhao Tiezhu another grasping the hand of the dagger, fiercely The side of the great white shark is stuck in!

However, people's great white sharks can be used as the hegemon of the sea. There are still reasons for this. I feel the change of the water flow. The great white shark forcibly twisted a smack, letting Zhao Tiezhu go straight, and then twisted again. ***, just beside Zhao Tiezhu, going to Zhao Tiezhu’s body.

"Grass." Zhao Tiezhu continued to sneak a sigh, seeing that the body was about to be bitten, Zhao Tiezhu reached out and directly caught the nose of the great white shark. Here, it is also the most sensitive place for the great white shark.

While grabbing the top nose, Zhao Tiezhu rolled over and sat on the head of the great white shark, then waved the dagger and plunged into the head of the great white shark.

I didn't expect the brains of this great white shark to be hard enough. Zhao Tiezhu almost broke out with all his strength. Although it was offset by the sea, it was enough to make a hole in the cement wall. I didn’t expect it to be just Poke the head of the great white shark a bit.

But this is the point that the great white shark broke out directly!

The great white shark was directly in the same place, writhing rapidly, and Zhao Tiezhu was surrounded by the hands of the great white shark. He tried his best to hold it tight and tried not to let the great white shark squat down.

One person, one shark, is so deadlocked.

When Zhao Tiezhu and the great white shark wrestle, Li Linger and others have already got on the boat.

"Come on the iron column brother!" Li Linger cried like a madman.

"Linger classmates, we don't even have a harpoon on the boat. We can only find death!" Zhao Kunlun stood up and said with a deep face.

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