Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1125: Clouds and rain

The first one hundred and twenty-five chapters

There are many overlords in the ocean. On the bright side, there are great white sharks, killer whales, and tiger sharks. But in fact, there are many unknown creatures in the sea. They are more than the overlord on these bright faces. More horrible!

Among them, the most widely known, but can not find evidence of their living, is the octopus king!

There are many sea monsters in the horror movie horror novels, all of which are based on the octopus king. The tens of meters long tentacle, and the sticky touch, undoubtedly do not reveal nausea and horror.

Zhao Tiezhu did not expect that he had such a back today. After encountering the great white shark, he could still meet the octopus king. At the moment, this octopus king, Zhao Tiezhu could not see his body at all, only to see several tentacles swaying there. Zhao Tiezhu knows that if he is taken down by the octopus king, he really has no possibility of living!

At the moment, Zhao Tiezhu took up the dagger and stroked it according to the tentacles of the octopus king!

Although the tentacle is long, but it is not thick, so Zhao Tiezhu's stroke, even directly cut the entire tentacle, watching the tentacle falling from his body, Zhao Tiezhu a hi, just want to run, but no I thought that I would have angered this creature that is more powerful than the overlord in the sea!

Another tentacle of the octopus king waved over, but this time, he did not want to wrap up Zhao Tiezhu, but directly flew out Zhao Tiezhu!

Zhao Tiezhu seems to be the baseball, and the tentacle is the baseball bat. The strength and accuracy of the tentacle strike are very good. Zhao Tiezhu is suddenly attacked and does not know how far it is going.

This is a home run.

Zhao Tiezhu feels that his whole body bones must be broken. In general, a blood can no longer be tolerated, and it is sprayed directly, but because of the bite on the mouth, Zhao Tiezhu can only give the blood to the pharynx. Go on.

Zhao Tiezhu feels that his consciousness will almost disappear, and at this time it is in the sea. If he faints, then when the oxygen is over, he will only have a dead end!

Looking up at the top, Zhao Tiezhu’s surprise discovery, because of a hit by the octopus king, he actually went directly to the place very close to the water!

A will to survive, supporting Zhao Tiezhu to go upstream.

Although Zhao Tiezhu’s hand has been broken, the bones on his body have not known how much it has been broken, but Zhao Tiezhu is extremely stubborn and determined to go upstream.

Until it surfaced.

Perhaps it is Tian Tizhu.

After Zhao Tiezhu emerged from the water, he saw a floating branch next to it!

The branch is very large, about one meter in diameter. Zhao Tiezhu hugged the branches, then turned over and lay on the branches, fainting directly.

Just when Zhao Tiezhu was in a coma, the yacht carrying Li Linger and others had already returned to the shore. The heavens and the hustle and bustle appeared on the dock. They had already got the news of Zhao Tiezhu’s disappearance, so they waited here early. .

"How about?" Tiandao asked coldly.

Chen Lingshan shook her head and said, "I have lost my iron pillar. We don't know where to go. I don't think he has anything big, because we didn't see anything in the sea where we dive. ”

"You, come over!" Tiandao took a hand to the Djibouti, and that Djibouti seemed to have a lingering look. It was not a bird.

Tiandao body is a horizontal shift. It appeared in the moment of Gibb's side, and then a long sword appeared silently on the neck of Djibouti.

Suddenly, there was a scream around, and the fish shouted that week. "Heavenly brother, what are you doing?"

"Ask the situation." Tiandao did not put down the long sword because of the scream of Zhou Yu. At this time, the heavens were full of temper.

Zhou Yu looked at it. He wanted to say something, but he closed his mouth at once and looked at the strange world with a little horror.

Although I have seen people killing people, she has never seen the time when Tiandao has such violent bloodthirsty!

"First of all, I know that there is a shark prevention net in your sea area. You said yes?" Tiandao calmly asked.

"Yes! There are settings!" Djib looked at the long sword on his neck, and the cold front of the sword was almost attached to his neck.

"Well, then I want to know, how did the shark come?" Tiandao asked.

"I don't know!" Djib shook his head and said, "It is reasonable to say that our shark prevention nets are very strong, and it is impossible for sharks to swim in!"

"Are you sure you don't know? You have to know that the consequences of deceiving us are very serious!" Tiandao asked coldly.

"I really didn't deceive you! I really don't know!" Djib was crying and sulking. "I don't have any deep hatred for the iron column students, even the contradictions are not!"

Tiandao took the sword up and turned around and looked at it. He said, "What does the iron hand say?"

"Iron has already arranged for people to come over! This time, there are definitely some factors in the inside. The people who have just sent to see the shark prevention net have brought back the news. The shark prevention net has been artificially cut! There are a lot of dead fish in the vicinity of the shark net. It is estimated that some people used the dead fish to attract the sharks!"

"Well, Linger sister, you go with us, this time, maybe someone is designing inside. For your safety, we hope that you can be with us!" Tiandao said.

Li Linger looked at Chen Lingshan a little bit, Chen Lingshan said, "I will accompany you!"

"Yeah! Thank you! Lingshan." Li Linger said with a red eyes.

And at the same time, in fj.

"A total of fifty people this time are the elites in our elite! If anyone dares to stop you looking for the iron pillar brother, all kill!" The iron hand stood in front of a group of ready-to-go men and said loudly.

"Know it!" The group nodded and answered, and in front of these people, stood a man with a bare head, this person is to quit!

"Just kill, I will not say anything else, Chen Commander's plane is ready, you can hurry up! Try to find the iron pillar brother as soon as possible!" Iron hand said seriously. Then I took a small step forward and whispered in the ear and said, "I will deal with the things in the gang, this time, no matter who comes back to fj, don't think about moving our mountains!

The smuggling nodded, did not speak, but turned to a truck on the side, the fifty people, then followed the truck.

After Zhao Tiezhu disappeared for half an hour, the military transport plane of the fj military area slowly took off.

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