Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1139: Zach’s obsession

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-nine chapters of Zach’s obsession

Sometimes, not everyone will save you at a critical time. It is often broadcast on television. At a dangerous moment, a hero appears and saves you from saving all humanity.

Zachdo hopes that at this time, there will be such a person, and then you can save yourself without saving all human beings.

However, it is clear that Zach’s hopes have failed.

Zhao Tiezhu, who is most likely to save him, is shaking a small iron column in the toilet.

Therefore, Zach was hit on the nose with a punch without any suspense.

The center of the nose.


Zach can clearly hear the sound of his nose bone being interrupted.

Then slowly, Zach feels that his mouth does not seem to be under his control, and then the teeth slowly fall off their mouths and then fly out.

Zach flew up.


As a muddy mud, fell to the edge of the boxing ring, the body hit the small thorns, directly tied out several blood.

"Little kid, this is your Shenzhou martial arts? Snake fist?" Dak smiled disdainfully, walked to Zach's side, said condescendingly, "What **** is scam martial arts, is a deceptive thing, the show in the movie Come to show people, you also believe? In my Dak's life dictionary, Muay Thai is the most powerful martial arts in the world, and everything else is a cloud."

Zach’s entire face fell to the ground, his body shivering slightly, and it seemed that he had not lost consciousness.

"Hey? Haven't fainted yet?" Dak was a little surprised. The strength of his fist was the clearest. He put it on the ordinary person. The punch was enough to make the other person faint and could not faint again. Ke can still move.

"Why, you still want to try?" Dak stunned as he watched the ground tremble, but wanted to struggle to stand up Zach.

"I told you that you can learn Muay Thai well. If you are Thai, you have to learn the boxing method of your own country. What kind of Chinese martial arts do you learn from people? The soft bully of the children blinds others, do you believe?" Dak asked. Road.

"I..." Zach just said a word, and a blood spurted out.

"Kid, do you want to come back and try with me?" Dak asked with a sullen face.

After all, Zach failed to stand up, but reached out and grabbed the ankle on Dac's ankle.

"It seems that you really want to try again. If so, then I will let you feel my leg method!" Dak said, and the foot that was not caught by Zach went straight forward. , mentioned in Zac's ribs.

Card wipe.

The sound of rib breaks.

The entire volley of Zach’s volley flew more than ten centimeters and then fell to the ground with a bang.

However, Zach’s hand was extremely firmly grasped on Dak’s ankle, and there was no looseness.

"Little kid, you dare to hold your uncle and my feet so much? I let you catch!"

Dak yelled and kicked Zac's ribs.

Similarly, Zach was kicked off.

Then he slammed into the ground.

The hand is still caught on Dak's ankle.

"You!" Dak didn't think that this person could actually hold his feet so firmly. Even so that they have a slight pain, a thin and not a few people, where come so much strength?

"You want to die! Let go!" Dak shouted.

"Shenzhou... Shenzhou... Shenzhou martial arts... No... not... you... said... like that." Zach struggled and looked up, watching Dak, shaking and whispering.

"Damn!" Dak was completely angered by Zach. Seeing Zach’s obsession, Dak’s heart even raised a sense of fear.

"I want to kill you!" Dak was kicking a few feet in Zac's ribs, then squatting, grabbing Zach's hair and pulling Zach's head all over.

"Give you a chance, as long as you say that Shenzhou martial arts is rubbish, I will let you go!" Dak said wickedly.

"Don't." Zach stared at the eyes that had been blurred by blood, looked at Dak, and suddenly smiled.

"What are you laughing at!" Dak was a bit puzzling, and his horror was even worse.

"Shenzhou... Shenzhou martial arts... very... very powerful!" Zach said intermittently.

"You!! Good!!" Dak angered and laughed, so he squatted and grabbed Zach's head and punched him directly on Zach's broken nose.

Zach’s eyes turned white, and he would shock the past, but the hand caught on Dak’s ankle was a sudden increase.

Zach’s consciousness was also instantly awake.

"Next, it's your death!" Dak's eyes were cold, his right hand clenched his fist, and he could hear the squeaking of the bones.

Zach looked at the fist and sighed. Did he really die here? Iron pillar, I also promised you to go to China, it seems that you can only go to the next life.


Dak yelled and his fist was going to Zach's temple.

at this time.


A slight percussion came from the side.

Dak’s movement stopped for a moment, and when he turned around, he saw that at the door of the steel cage, a person was standing calmly and knocking at the door.

"What is going on here? Who is this person?" The beautiful host on the side screamed with a microphone and said, "Sir, what do you want to do?"

"I came to my friend, Zach." Zhao Tiezhu said faintly, "Trouble to open the door."

"Oh! It's a gentleman from China. Sorry, sir, I forgot to tell you. Everyone who enters the steel cage has a life and death. If you go in now, Mr. Dak will make it to you. What a bad thing hurts you, then you can't help it!" Beauty hosted to persuade.

"Nothing, open the door." Zhao Tiezhu's face did not have any expression.

The beauty host still wants to say something. Suddenly, a breath of coldness finally surrounds her.

The beauty hosted her eyes wide and looked at the moment. This gentleman who was a little polite at the beginning of the day now seems to have become a sacred ice of a million years, and he can’t speak.

"Since he wants to go, let him go. If something happens, don't blame us!" the sergeant of the *** called.

The beautiful woman hosted a busy nod, then opened the door of the steel cage.

The Shenzhou people standing by the door stepped into the steel cage.

"Li Maozhang!" Zach whispered.

Zhao Tiezhu did not change his face, nodded and said, "I am coming."

"They are saying what you are Zhao Tiezhu, I told them, they don't believe." Zach's voice is getting quieter.

Zhao Tiezhu walked to Zach's side, swearing, said, "They? You wait, I will help you find them, wait a minute."

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