Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1144: Who is going down?

Who is the first one hundred and forty-four chapters?

"Is this?" Li Linger asked Angel, who had become a blonde girl next to Zhao Tiezhu, asked.

"This is my life and death partner, Angel." Zhao Tiezhu introduced.

"Hello!" Angel said nod to Li Linger, but apparently did not want to stay here more, but said to Zhao Tiezhu, "I have to go to perform a task again, iron pillar, if you have a chance, see you next time!"

"Well, where are you going?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Golden Triangle!"

" Take care!"

"Well, next time, you can remember the little beast!" Angel said, turning away and leaving.

Li Linger curiously looked at Angel and looked at Zhao Tiezhu again. He asked, "Iron brother, what animal?"

"No." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "Is it okay recently?"

"Every day I am worried about death, what is good, you ask Lingshan, we often can't sleep at night!" Li Linger pointed to Chen Lingshan, said.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded to Chen Lingshan and said, "Sorry, let you miss."

"It's okay!"

Not long after, Tiandao and Yi appeared in the side of Zhao Tiezhu.

"That Thai person I have already arranged, is called Zach, is it right? Tiezhu brother." asked.

"Well, yes, wait for him to be hurt, arrange someone to pick him up to fj." Zhao Tiezhu told.

After simply explaining things, the group returned to a secret residence arranged by Heaven.

"Iron column brother, since this Kunshan wants to deal with you, let's do him this time!" Tiandao took the sword on his back and held it with a cloth that didn't know what was made. The swordsmanship shines and the coldness is pressing.

"How to do it?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "People are big warlords. What is a big warlord? That is not a bandit or a baby in the northeast. It is a figure of a heavy soldier. Even if it is the Thai government, he dare not treat him." So, how do we do it? Anyway, I am not dead, there is no need to make unwarranted sacrifices. Let's deal with fj's things first. Tiandao, tell me, how many people are there in this year?"

Tiandao simply reported the information. The management of Xueshentang, about a dozen people betrayed Zhao Tiezhu, and many of these dozens were former Xiao Tianhu’s men, and the number of blood soul hall management About a hundred people, this time only betrayed more than a dozen, this is to make Zhao Tiezhu quite surprised, you know, the management side of the Blood Soul Hall, no one knows that he is still dead!

The remaining 80-plus management team is now united in the side of Solitary, and the forces of Xiao Tianhu and the iron hand are pressed underneath. Of course, this is only on the bright side, including Xiao Tianhu. I don't know, the iron hand is actually just a combination of the forces of Xiao Tianhu. Therefore, if it is really bright, then Xiao Tianhu will be destroyed by Zhao Tiezhu with the thunder.

And this, originally, was in the expectation of Zhao Tiezhu!

The most headache for Zhao Tiezhu is actually not Xiao Tianhu, but Jing Jing!

Jing Jing used to be the white tiger's men. Later, he faked himself and now rebelled. The forces behind him have always made Zhao Tiezhu feel like a cloud. The biggest hope of Zhao Tiezhu is that he can lead the people behind Jing. When you go to the vine, you can catch what you can't do? Of course, these unfortunate characters, Zhao Tiezhu still have to count on his second grandfather to help him, after all, Zhao Tiezhu now, still not full of wings.

"Listen to the iron brother said that Wang Qian of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry has already recognized Xiao Tianhu's orthodox position. As long as Xiao Tianhu needs it, the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce will provide financial and human support!!" Tiandao said.

"Wen Chamber of Commerce?" Zhao Tiezhu's brow is tight. If it is just a Xiao Tianhu, it is not enough to fear, and this Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce has come to make do with it. This is interesting. Zhao Tiezhu is very certain that Xiao Tianhu does not have the face to invite the Chamber of Commerce. The biggest possibility is that the people above Jing Jing have shot, in other words, that is, Wang million, it is very likely to know the people above Jing Jing! Even without excluding, Wang million is the boss above Jing Ke!

"No hurry, let's take it slowly!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "There are any troubles for them. Anyway, you want the eight fingers to look tight. Don't let the emperor give him a assassination. Then I will be right. Lulu sister!"

"Oh, now the emperor's side, but often follow no less than ten gunmen, the eight-finger brother is also responsible for the place where the emperor is haunted, in order to protect the safety of the emperor, until today, the emperor suffered three assassinations. , have been blocked, but, the iron column brother, the last assassination, listening to the eight-finger brother said, a little embarrassed!" Tiandao said.


"The last assassination, the people who came here are much more powerful than the two people before! It is simply not comparable. Fortunately, we have enough gunmen, and this will give the person the rain. Forcing back, such a skill, listening to the eight-finger brother said that there is no worse than the previous white tiger!"

"So powerful?" Zhao Tiezhu said with amazement, "The strength of the White Tiger, it is also able to enter the top five of the Dragon List! After the outbreak, it is able to enter the top three!"

"Well, the eyes of the eight-finger brother are very accurate. Basically, there will be no misjudgment. Therefore, the smuggling has already returned to fj, and it is specially protected next to Huangtian."

"Well, this is good! It’s really embarrassing to trouble everyone this time. It’s nothing to do now. Let’s play with confidence. Let’s wait for Wang’s people to go back to fj and have a good reception. Look at those friends in the field." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Not long after, Tiandao left the residence with an elite of the Blood Soul Hall, and Zhao Tiezhu, Shi Shiran returned to Phuket with Li Linger Chen Lingshan.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu is not afraid of being known that he is still alive. Anyway, paper can't contain fire. Xiao Tianhu is already on the string. He is not alive. For Xiao Tianhu, the meaning is not great. If Xiao Tianhu can Before Zhao Tiezhu came back, he would kill the Solitary Emperor, and then, with the cooperation of Iron Man and Fan Jian, the remaining forces of Zhao Tiezhu would be integrated. Even if Zhao Tiezhu returned to fj, he would not be able to return to heaven.

Of course, all of this is Xiao Tianhu's good wishful thinking. Xiao Tianhu is looking at the iron hand at this moment. He said, "Iron hand, Wang million people are coming soon. This time, the Solitary Heaven is even more Niubi, you have to give us a kneeling!"

"Oh, I have finally waited!" The iron hand was full of smiles, but in his eyes, there was a deep disdain that could not be seen by outsiders.

When the iron pillar brother comes back, we can know who is kneeling.

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