Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1149: Snake bite

The first thousand one hundred and forty-nine chapter snake bites

"Call!" Li Linger jumped into the water a few seconds later, took out the water, and sighed with a sigh of relief. He called Zhao Tiezhu and Chen Lingshan. "Iron brother, Lingshan, the water here is so comfortable! You guys are coming down!!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Chen Lingshan’s pink underwear, which was very obvious because the clothes were wet. He said, “Linger, I’m still forgetting, I’ll just look at it, Lingshan, let’s go play with Linger, this is More safe than the sea!"

Chen Lingshan hesitated, because it belongs to the tropical relationship, so Chen Lingshan has a lot of sweat at this time, but Chen Lingshan is not Li Linger, so Zhao Tiezhu can open it, so Chen Lingshan sat after thinking for a while. On the shore, he said, "It’s still Linger’s own play. I won’t go on.”

"Oh, Lingshan, what are you shy about, come down!" Chen Lingshan said as she slammed into the water and poured it into Chen Lingshan. Chen Lingshan was caught off guard and was splashed. The simple short sleeves were wet. It is.

Oh, it’s wet, it’s wet! Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes are shining. He feels that this time he came to this small island, just look at the two beautiful women who are wet and return to the fare.

Chen Lingshan did not expect that Li Linger would actually take the water and splash himself. Seeing that she was already wet, now it is estimated that it will take a long time to change clothes, so Chen Lingshan jumped into the water with her.

With a bang, the water splashed.

Zhao Tiezhu sat on the shore and shouted, "You two, the clothes are so good to wear, it is better to take off now, I will help you get it to dry?"

"Also!" Li Linger said, and immediately took off his coat. Of course, it was not because Li Linger was open, but because Li Linger had already put on a bikini when he came out this time.

Zhao Tiezhu really didn't expect Li Linger to be so prepared. When Li Linger took off his clothes, Zhao Tiezhu almost boiled blood. I didn't expect the clothes under the clothes. The pink underwear originally thought that the underwear was actually a bikini. This made Zhao Tiezhu It was a little disappointing, but it was disappointing, but it turned into hope and looked at Chen Lingshan.

Can't Chen Lingshan be prepared yet?

However, reality always likes to give a self-righteous person a loud slap.

Chen Lingshan also took off, and also took off very simply, simply to the same as instant noodles, just... Nima is also inside the potholes wearing swimsuits? And still a conservative swimsuit! That stuff is worn by people in the 1980s? Nothing can be seen! ?

"Give, iron column." Chen Lingshan laughed and threw the clothes to Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu reluctantly took the clothes in his hand, and then took over the beach pants and a small skirt that Chen Lingshan and Li Linger took off, in Chen Lingshan and Li Linger. The urging, left the pool, went to a highland next to it, the sun there is still very adequate.

Simply folding a few branches from the side, tied to the ground, and then a wooden stick, a simple drying rack is ready. After hanging the skirts and trousers of the two women, Zhao Tiezhu stood on the high ground and looked around. I found that it was the highest place in the whole island. I looked around in the southwest. It’s the yacht that I came out this time, and then the northeast direction, hey, isn’t that heaven?

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the northeast with his eyes open, and saw that Tiandao was holding his face with the fish. He didn’t know what he was doing. In such a hot weather, the two of them were so tight, which made Zhao Tiezhu look at both. I feel warm for them.

On a grass a few tens of meters away from Tiandao and Zhouyu, Yongzheng and Nangong purple rolled on the lawn. Hey, this wilderness, the lawn is not clean, the two are really, how to roll the clothes less. What?

Zhao Tiezhu held the idea of ​​protecting the heavens and the safety of the cockroaches. He insisted on looking at the hills decisively. However, Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes were good, and the sixth sense of heaven and earth was not bad. I was always stared at by Zhao Tiezhu, even though the sixth sense of Heaven and Heaven was not as enchanting as Zhao Tiezhu, but it felt a little more.

The two men looked in the direction of Zhao Tiezhu, and then they saw Zhao Tiezhu, a wretched face.

"I am doing it!"

"My grass!" 蛤蟆天道 each snorted, and they pointed out that Zhao Tiezhu had a **** and expressed his contempt, and then went to the depths of the forest with their sisters.

"I don't have enough brothers at all. Brothers, this is to protect you. It is important to know that when people are most excited, it is also the easiest time to put down their vigilance. If there is any enemy at this time, you will not have to be pitted. "Zhao Tiezhu said with dissatisfaction, Zhao Tiezhu said that he was very sad that Tiandao and He could not understand his good intentions." After Zhao Tiezhu expressed strong condemnation and contempt for the two people and the ignorant girl in the forest, the rest is full of envy.

"I knew that Lucy or Yanni had come out, so that the buddies could roll the lawn, oh, unfortunately this beautiful environment." Zhao Tiezhu thought with emotion.

The time is slow, and soon, the clothes are already dry. Zhao Tiezhu is thinking about taking clothes to see how Chen Lingshan and Li Linger are playing. At this time, in the place where Li Linger and Chen Lingshan play water, they suddenly pass. There was a scream.

Zhao Tiezhu was shocked, the dark road is not good! With clothes hurriedly ran down the hill, not long after, Zhao Tiezhu came to the pool.

"Iron column brother, hurry up, hurry to save Lingshan, Lingshan was bitten by a snake!" Li Linger pointed excitedly at Chen Lingshan, while Chen Lingshan was full of white face and blue lips.

"What happened!" Zhao Tiezhu ran to the side of the two and asked.

Li Linger pointed to the body of a snake and said, "The snake just bite Lingshan suddenly. After Lingshan killed the snake, his face was white! Iron pillar, save the spirit!"

"Where is it?" Zhao Tiezhu threw his clothes to Li Linger and asked.

"Bite under the left chest!" Li Linger pointed to Chen Lingshan's chest about three centimeters below the chest, there was a small break, a trace of blood flowing out from inside.

"You immediately go back to the boat to get anti-venom serum!" Zhao Tiezhu ordered.

"Good, good." Li Linger said, put the clothes up, and then ran outside the forest. Zhao Tiezhu, after carefully watching the snake, breathed a sigh of relief. It was a very venomous snake. If it was basically bitten, if it could be sucked out in time, then use a little antivenom serum. The problem is.

"Ling Shan, nothing. This is not a poisonous snake. It doesn't matter if you **** the poison out." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Chen Lingshan's face was slightly relieved.

Zhao Tiezhu immediately said a little embarrassed, "This, Lingshan, I have to help you **** out the venom, this... you... no opinion?"

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