Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1151: Sucking pretty clean

The first one hundred and fifty-one chapter **** pretty clean

Zhao Tiezhu has the blood, even before he even spit it out, he saw Chen Lingshan’s body reaction. Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes wide open, full of unbelievable eyes, and he has already had a relationship with many women. Zhao Tiezhu, who does not fall down to Lang Langjun, is very familiar with such performance. Every time, whether it is Su Yanni Lucy or Linda Red Rhyme, as long as he reaches the peak, there will be such a reaction. It’s hard to be... Then, Chen Lingshan, such a big yellow niece, was sucked... lost?


Zhao Tiezhu naturally swallowed a slobber, but did not expect that the blood in his mouth had not spit yet, and this time, the blood was swallowed directly into the stomach.

"Oops!" Zhao Tiezhu's face changed, but then he relaxed, his body has been moistened with medicinal herbs, and he has already had certain poison resistance. This little snake venom should have no way to hurt himself.

Chen Lingshan's forehead is full of sweat, the whole face is covered with a pink, and the body is also very beautiful pink. Zhao Tiezhu just wanted to say something, but he saw Chen Lingshan suddenly stunned.

"I am going, your duration, it is really long!" Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion.

Although Chen Lingshan is still a big niece, but for men and women, people in their twenties, how could they not know? Especially the feeling of his own body, Chen Lingshan has long been under the education of Chen Meng, completely understand clearly, this is the legendary performance to reach the peak!

Chen Lingshan simply did not dare to look at Zhao Tiezhu. No matter who it is, it is going to be with a man who is not a boyfriend, and then he will be embarrassed if he is sucked up by people without any lust. Chen Lingshan, a Huanghua big niece who has not experienced the principle of human relations, Chen Lingshan only feels that in the face of Zhao Tiezhu in the future, she is completely thorough and does not have to look up and behave.

"This... In fact, you shouldn't be so shy. This kind of thing is normal." Zhao Tiezhu is still a thoughtful person. When he sees Chen Lingshan's performance, he knows that this girl is estimated to be shy. Shy sometimes like Zhao Tiezhu likes to tease. For a man, it is a good thing, but sometimes it is not a good thing. If you are too shy, it is likely to evolve into two very powerful negative emotions, one is hatred, and the other is to see no face. People.

Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu knows that this time is not the time to sing Chen Lingshan, the seriousness is to comfort others is king.

"I... I'm fine." Chen Lingshan lowered her head, hesitated, and said intermittently.

"Oh, the poisonous blood has been sucked out, wait for the anti-toxic serum to come, it will be completely okay!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and touched his head, and then did not know what to say. Ask what is the feeling of the first high and tide of people? Or do you guys let you come to the second time for the third time?

Zhao Tiezhu feels that although he is inferior, he does not squat. Therefore, it is still not good to do such guilty things.

"Hmm, thank you... Thank you, Tiezhu brother." Chen Lingshan's voice became smaller and smaller. At the end, it was almost inaudible. If Zhao Tiezhu was sixth, he might not know what she was talking about.

"I don't appreciate, this should be done." Zhao Tiezhu said, stood up and looked around, saying to himself, "Why did Linger still not come?"

"This... Iron Pillar, you will not... will you feel... I feel that Lingshan is a... shameless girl," Chen Lingshan hesitated for a long time, looked up and looked directly at Zhao Tiezhu and asked.

“How do you say that?” Zhao Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"I... just... I just did that... I don't know... I don't know how to be ashamed." Chen Lingshan said, and bowed his head, saying in a tone of voice, "I... I can't control myself... Iron pillar brother, I... I am not a A shameless girl."

"Haha, what should I say about you?" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head helplessly, facing Chen Lingshan and sat down and said, "In fact, the human body is the most honest and primitive, and many people's desires are Derived from the body, this is human nature, human instinct, we, no matter who you are, or me, or who, there is no way, there is no need to suppress the instinct of the human body, since he is given to us by God. What we have, why are we ashamed of that?"

"But...but I... I am still in front of you... I..." Chen Lingshan looked at Zhao Tiezhu tangled.

"There is nothing to say to you. It is your instinct. It is not transferred by your will. It is like a beautiful woman standing in front of me without clothes. I will not respond? Impossible! These All belong to the natural reaction pull, look at the opening point!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

It’s just that Zhao Tiezhu said that he didn’t wear clothes. Chen Lingshan suddenly remembered that his clothes seemed to be on his head. He stretched out his hand to smash the clothes, and then looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a dubious question and asked, “Iron pillar Brother, you... what you said, is it true?"

"Of course it is true!!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded affirmatively.

"But...but I have never heard anyone say it... that would be like that!" Chen Lingshan said.

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly understood Chen Lingshan’s words and smiled. “Everyone’s excitement is different. Some people can be excited when they kiss, and some people can be excited when they touch. This is not comparable. Haha, I am thinking about it. Your excitement may be the position of your wound below the chest, otherwise the average person will not simply **** a few times and you will be like that!"

“Really?” Chen Lingshan asked, rubbing her clothes with her hands.

"Of course it is true, you have to trust professionals!" Zhao Tiezhu proudly lit his own molars.

"That's good!" Chen Lingshan sighed and patted her chest and said, "I thought... I am a yin woman."

This is saying, Li Linger took a lot of people and killed him. He saw Chen Lingshan sitting on the ground and looked like there was nothing wrong with it. A doctor accompanying him went to Chen Lingshan, and after doing a simple check, he said "Oh, the toxins are cleaned up. Just go back to sleep and you're fine!"

Zhao Tiezhu proudly looked at Chen Lingshan, did not speak, Chen Lingshan was blushing and bowed his head.

Li Linger looked at the two people curiously, and they secretly screamed, these two people have a traitor!

Due to the injury of Chen Lingshan, Zhao Tiezhu and his party returned to Phuket in advance. Zhao Tiezhu specially went to buy a supplement to Chen Lingshan to eat. The Chen Lingshan who was eating was so moved that he almost had to make a decision. Fortunately, Zhao Tiezhu will be determined and determined. Resist the heart of Chen Lingshan’s retribution.

Of course, these are all Zhao Tizhu and Li Linger said. Right now, Li Linger is looking at Zhao Tiezhu with a look of eyes. He asks, "Iron column brother, toxin, sucking is pretty clean."

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