Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1160: Chasing!

The first one hundred and sixty chapter chase!

Looking at the jeep that was flying fast, Kunshan struggled to stand up, and then threw away the explosives that were tied to him. Then he touched his phone in a sullen face and gave it to his men, but he did not. I thought that the phone’s own man reported that there was an explosion in all parts of his residence, and that the explosion almost destroyed the entire palace!

Kunshan was surprised to see the jeep that had disappeared in his sight, and then said to the phone, "They went north and sent me a helicopter."


Hanging up the phone, Kunshan suddenly smiled and immediately said to himself, "If you can escape the pursuit of my helicopter, let them put a life, how?"

On the jeep.

"Iron column, why not kill Kunshan!" Angel asked curiously. As far as she knows, this Kunshan, almost a few days ago, almost let Zhao Tiezhu kill.

"It’s useless to kill him." Zhao Tiezhu said calmly. "If we kill him, it is likely to lead to the Thai military. And, most importantly, if he dies, there will be countless people who want to take our Let's go back and ask for merit! You know, if anyone can kill us, that credit, you can go to the top! The most important thing is to kill him. We don't have any benefit! Instead, we put him now, although it seems We have lost one chip, but he will not die and have to go out with us. You know, if he pushes us hard, at least I have the ability to let him sleep well every day! Kunshan is a smart person. So he knows what to do."

"That's what you mean, what will he do next?" Angel asked.

"What else can you do? Send someone to chase us. If you can catch us, it is the best. If you can't catch it, it will be enough." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and turned the car into the woods next to him. Jumped from the car.

"Then why don't you continue to hold him? Well, it's also a life-saving card!" Angel said inexplicably.

"The kind of person, the longer you stay with him, the bigger the flaws may be exposed. Now we are running away, always with such a cumbersome, that is not far away, is it?" Zhao Tiezhu said as he walked. Go to the side of a pile of seemingly swelled mounds, then dig up the mounds three or two, and escape a bag from inside.

"Give, this is what you are used to." Zhao Tiezhu threw an mp5 to Angel, and also threw a few clips.

"Haha, iron pillar, you really have the heart." Angel was injured, but looked at the spirit is still very good look, after receiving the gun, there is still room to give Zhao Tiezhu a wink.

"When we go to the Mekong River, Leizi has already prepared a speedboat. When I bypass the town of Messer, I will go directly to an airport next to it. Someone will meet us." Zhao Tiezhu said, take it from the bag. A camouflage m4a1 with a muffler on top.

"Are you still used to this?" Angel said with a smile.

"Yeah, haha, m4a1-s is my favorite." Zhao Tiezhu put a few clips around his waist and said, "Let's go, there will be about three kilometers of hiking, and get twenty minutes to get it." ”

"Cut, twenty minutes? Fifteen minutes is enough, let's go!" Angel said, holding the mp5 directly to the depths of the forest.

"Hey? You didn't suffer much damage?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and grabbed the gun on one hand. He dragged the gun in one hand and ran to the forest behind Angel.

five minutes later.

Several jeep cars appeared beside the forest, and a pair of soldiers jumped from the jeep, and some black backs screamed down.

"Chasing!" A person who looked at the head was shouting, and immediately loosened the dog chain. The black back slid away directly from the scorpion, and at the same time, the two military helicopters whizzed past the low altitude. The airborne Gatlin machine gun is cold and aimed at the deep forest below. As long as there is Zhao Tiezhu's figure, this Gatlin monster can instantly make the dense woodland into an open space.

Zhao Tiezhu and Angel are very fast. Both of them are mercenaries. For this kind of heavy load running in the jungle, it is still very good!

"I didn't expect you to be comfortable for so long, this skill has not weakened!" Angel could play with Zhao Tiezhu while running.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said proudly, "Of course, I have not weakened, but I am always vigilant at all times!"

"Then let's compare the speed." Angel laughed and quickly speeded up, Zhao Tiezhu smiled disdainfully, and immediately caught up with Angel.

At this moment, the sound of a bark of dogs was heard from the back.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face changed and said, “My grass is a German black back!”

"There is actually a beast!" Angel's face has also changed slightly. The German black back is a military dog. It is very good at investigating and tracking. As long as they are caught up, you will run faster and eventually catch up. !

"Get rid of them!" Zhao Tiezhu and Angel looked at each other and said at the same time.

The running movements of the two people stopped for a moment. Zhao Tiezhu turned over and placed the m4a1-s directly on his shoulder, and then the black figure not far behind him was three bursts.

"Hey!" A burst of wailing came, a black back fell to the ground.

Puff puff.

Angel's mp5 also spit out a fire tongue, already close to a black back of less than 20 meters, and also screamed and fell to the ground.

"The gunmanship is good!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"You too!" Angel said with a smile to Zhao Tiezhu. The two men paused for a shot and spent less than five seconds in total. After five seconds, the two returned to the speed of the rush.

At this moment, a louder sound than the black back rushed out of the sky, and then a weak, as if the engine was heated, passed into Zhao Tiezhu’s ear.

"My grass, Gatlin!" Zhao Tiezhu exclaimed, directly reaching out to grab the Angel next to him, and then the speed soared to the extreme, the body also went to the wooded place.

at the same time.

A shrill sound broke through!


In the position behind Zhao Tiezhu, the bullets fell like raindrops, and the lush palm trees were instantly broken into pieces! The bullet is like a snake, and it is tightly biting behind Zhao Tiezhu!

"Over there!" Angel suddenly pointed her finger at a pit about one meter deep and shouted.

Zhao Tiezhu turned directly and then held Angel on his body. The whole man vacated and rolled into the pit.

Puff puff.

The figure of the bullet hitting the ground came from the side.

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