Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1166: complex

The first one hundred and sixty-six chapters are complicated

It’s already morning in the gang’s business. Zhao Tiezhu sat in his office and licked his temple. This time, as it is said, it’s not big, it’s not too small, this time. It exposes many shortcomings and shortcomings of Blood Soul Hall, but these shortcomings and shortcomings cannot be allowed to exist. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu and a group of people have been discussing for a long time, which makes a comparison between some problems in the Blood Soul Hall. Comprehensive analysis and progress, I believe that in the near future, under the leadership of the country and the country, Blood Soul Hall will inevitably move toward a more brilliant tomorrow.

As for Xiao Tianhu, Zhao Tiezhu looked at the information on his hand. According to the news from the intelligence, Xiao Tianhu had left fj after the defeat. Now he is heading towards zj, where Wang Mian’s territory is!

Like Zhao Tiezhu in fj, Wang Million is in zj, that is also a godfather character who speaks one thing. Even if it is the leader of the provincial party committee, he has to talk with Wang Mianping, and the foundation of Wang Million is also very strong. Because of this incident, Zhao Tiezhu has inspected some of Wang Ming’s unknown bottoms, such as the relationship between Wang Million and the capital city of Beijing.

As for why the evil spirits appeared in Xiao Tianhu's side, this made Zhao Tiezhu feel very confused, because the time he had seen the evil spirits before, it can be judged that the evil spirits belong to the characters in the Forbidden City in Beijing, and such a character It will be followed by Xiao Tianhu. It is certain that Xiao Tianhu must be related to some people in the Forbidden City. If you contact the relationship between Xiao Tianhu and Wang Million, you can simply draw such a conclusion. Wang Wan , the money family, and some people in the capital, must be the first line! And Xiao Tianhu was chased by Li Longba, then it can be concluded that Li Jia, definitely with Wang million, Qian Jia and those in the capital, are not all the way!

After arriving at such a conclusion, Zhao Tiezhu immediately called his second grandfather, Zhao Lao. After Zhao Lao listened to Zhao Tiezhu’s words, he silenced for a long time and said, “We have always thought that Qian Sun and Li Zhou are united together. Come, some things are not as simple as we think. The relationship between the money family and the Li family does not seem to be good. The two families and the peace, it seems that most of them are illusions, or Li Long. He still doesn't know that Xiao Tianhu was rescued by the money family or Wang Wan's people. This can't be said. At the level of Li Longba, these things simply can't stop him!"

"Second grandfather, do you think, can you use the contradiction between Qian and Li to do some articles?" Zhao Tiezhu whispered.

"Haha, of course, since they have problems in their own internal affairs, we have to make good use of it, then we can't say it!" Zhao Lao said with a smile.

"Well, I just said this, the specific operation, or you come by Grandpa, I am here to wait for my aunt to come back, and then go to Beijing to see you!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Well, come in early, I also want to see Ziyi's female doll, haha, I haven't seen her for a long time!" Zhao Laoxiao said with a loud voice, "I still think about playing with her and playing another game." ”

"Oh? Grandpa, you and Ziyi have played chess?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Let's go!"

"Who loses who wins?"

"Let's talk about it today. I want to practice in the morning. You kid, you have to take care of yourself recently. Xiao Tianhu's business is not urgent. Come slowly. You didn't directly let people kill him. This is right, this person. Putting it in the king's house, that is, directly following the face fan of Li Longba, Imagine thinking that Li Longba was chasing the people's homes so loudly, now the money family and the Wang family actually saved people. The face of Li Longba, where are you going? Haha!" Zhao Lao smiled and hung up the phone.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the phone and shrugged helplessly.

Just then, the door of Zhao Tiezhu’s office was pushed from the outside.

"I don't know if I want to knock on the door?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a frown, although it was quite approachable at ordinary times, when the majesty, Zhao Tiezhu never smiled, if he gave the face below, it would not give his face.

"Hey? Such a big fan?" Su Yanni’s voice came in from the door.

Zhao Tiezhu was surprised to see Su Yanni, who was standing at the door, and stood up and said, "How come you?"

"Hey, can't you look at you?" Su Yanni walked in with a food box. "Just and Lucy went out to have breakfast, think about what you might not have eaten, so give you something." Said, Su Yanni put the food box on the office desk of Zhao Tiezhu.

"Or you still feel bad about me!" Zhao Tiezhu reached out and squeezed Su Yanni's face. "I have been busy for one night, and I am really tired."

"If you are tired, hurry and eat. After a break, take a nap." Su Yanni looked at Zhao Tiezhu with distress. "I know the danger you encountered in the past few days!"

"Fortunately, you have to know, buddy, I am the protagonist, the general protagonist is not easy to fart!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Cut, if you are the protagonist, then I am not the heroine? Let's eat hot!" Su Yanni opened the food box and said.

The scent of a porridge floated out of the food box, and Zhao Tiezhu shrugged his nose and shouted, "It's so sweet!"

"That is, I don't see who bought the porridge!" Su Yanni smiled proudly.

"Yan Ni, let me eat?" Zhao Tiezhu looked forward to Su Yanni and said, "I have fed you many times. You feed me once, it is a treat for me, can you?"

"This...the boss is not small, but also people to feed it?" Su Yanni looked at Zhao Tiezhu grotesquely, but his eyes were full of smiles.

"Of course, people are not big, people are still small, people are still not weaned." Zhao Tiezhu said with a tweak.

"No weaning? Then you can't eat porridge. I am going to find milk for you." Su Yanni said with a smile, while still trying to close the food box.

Zhao Tiezhu’s wry smile, “I don’t want milk.”

"What do you want?"

"I want you..."

"Ah!?" Su Yanni snorted, and then reacted, and her face was red. " can't play me!"

"I don't tease you." Zhao Tiezhu moved his body forward and walked over to Su Yanni, so he stood face to face with Su Yanni. "Yan Ni, this morning, it is best for morning exercises."

"This... this is in the office!" Su Yanni's hands on the chest of Zhao Tiezhu, whispered softly.

"Nothing, no one will come to quarrel with us." Zhao Tiezhu reached out and gave Su Yanni in his arms, then said, "Come, close your eyes."

"What are you doing?"

"Let you kiss."

"...squatting, you can do it, ah! Why do you touch my ass! Hey!" Su Yanni just wanted to remove Zhao Tiezhu’s wolf claws from her own buttocks. Zhao Tiezhu was already in a big **** mouth. Su Yanni.

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