Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1169: Endocrine disorders

The first one hundred and sixty-seven chapter endocrine disorders

Cao Ziyi is a character that allows any man and woman to be self-defeating. Zhao Tiezhu has a lot of time on Cao Ziyi, and there is a feeling that it is seen everywhere, and it does not have the upper hand everywhere!

Zhao Tiezhu is a man, and he is a man who is somewhat masculine. He does not object. He also likes girls to tease him occasionally, or occasionally prevails. However, what kind of woman you are, in the end, is to be It is a natural law and a necessity for a man to press under his body. However, when confronting Cao Ziyi, Zhao Tiezhu never thought that he could put such a goddess under his body. Simply put, Zhao Tiezhu likes it. Cao Ziyi and Cao Ziyi also love Zhao Tiezhu. However, Zhao Tiezhu’s opinion on Cao Ziyi is more of a feeling of high mountains. To put it more simply, Cao Ziyi is too close to the fireworks. This kind of character can only be seen from afar. .

In fact, if Cao Ziyi had to carefully consider it, she was actually the same person as Ling Xue. Ling Xue is not close to her, and Cao Ziyi is a temperamental person who dares not to be close. Just think about it, Zhao Tiezhu can and Su Yanni, Lucy. Linda, red rhyme played on the bed, said something yellow, a little joke, but in Cao Ziyi? Zhao Tiezhu once thought that if he really went to bed with Cao Ziyi someday, what should he say between the two? Hello there? Nice to go to bed with you today? Or do we have to work together to make progress together today?

In such an exaggerated era, the acquaintance of the acquaintances has already been drowned in the torrent of history. Men and women are together, and more fun and passion are played.

Su Yanni is a different character from Cao Ziyi. Her character is very hot, love and hate are distinct, anger is anger, happiness is happy, like is like! Although sometimes there is a little bit of the Queen's style, but more often it is the performance of Zhao Tiezhu's dependence. Zhao Tiezhu likes this feeling very much, and he likes to be with such a woman who can talk in bed. This is why Zhao Tiezhu only said that Su Yanni is his girlfriend, but Cao Ziyi is only the big house of Zhao’s house, even Not a girlfriend of Zhao Tiezhu.

This kind of thing is very tangled, but if it is simple to say, it is okay, that is, Cao Ziyi is a sister-like person, and everything will care about you, and Su Yanni is more like a girlfriend, she You don't have the ability to protect you, but she can let you throw away all the masks in the world, making you easy and comfortable.

When Cao Ziyi was appointed as the parent room of Zhao, Zhao Tiezhu did not have any opinions. The limitations of his own thoughts were big after all, and he was not a versatile person. If he inherited the Zhao family one day, then Zhao The family naturally needs to have a female power to support the entire Zhao family.

This person, not Cao Ziyi is none other than! Whether it is Su Yanni, Li Linger, Lucy, or even Linda Red Rhyme, in the overall control, there is no comparable to Cao Ziyi, plus Cao Ziyi’s gentleness, Zhao Tiezhu can be sure, if Cao Ziyi made a big house, then Su Yanni and these people and Linda Hongyun between these people, at least not to an endless state.

Zhao Tiezhu feels that he is not a saint, a woman and a woman, sometimes even a saint is helpless, so Zhao Tiezhu needs such a person to coordinate all women's affairs, and Cao Ziyi is the best choice.

If Cao Ziyi is a big house, then the candidates for the second room must be very particular about it! In the big family, this kind of two-bedroom and three-bedroom things can hardly be decided by Zhao Tiezhu. So, if Su Yanni can take care of Zhao Tiezhu’s children today, the second room will basically not run! Of course, if Zhao Tiezhu has to use a tough attitude to make Su Yanni become a second house, I believe that Zhao Lao will not have any opinions, but now that there is a simpler method, why is Zhao Tiezhu not happy?

Therefore, according to the conscience, Zhao Tiezhu still hopes that Su Yanni can bear the children. If it is a boy, it would be better. Of course, it is not that Zhao Tiezhu is patriarchal, but in a big family like Zhao, the man is always better than The strength of women comes, at least, if it is a man, the inheritance rights obtained in the future will be far greater than women! This inheritance right is not Zhao Tiezhu, not even Zhao Lao can, this is a rule that the family has continued for hundreds of years!

Zhao Tiezhu’s head in the big room, two rooms, three rooms and four rooms was big, and finally it was Su Yanni’s turn to check.

The doctor is a long, wretched middle-aged man. A middle-aged man has a badge in front of him, which reads the doctor: An Zhi.

"Come on, tell me what to see, what are the symptoms?" Anzhi's wretched eyes looked at Su Yanni and said.

"I just want to vomit, then that is a lot late," Su Yanni said.

"Well! This... Come on, I will give you a check." Anzhi picked up the stethoscope and put it on Su Yanni's chest. The wretched look in the eyes almost leaked out.

At this moment, a cold flash, and An Zhi shook, looked up and looked at the man with a smile on his face, holding the stethoscope, hesitated, hesitated.

"This, let's take the pulse." An Zhi swallowed, didn't know why, he felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to suddenly drop countless, and his own hair was erected.

Su Yanni placed her hand on the table, and Anzhi extended her index finger and **** on the pulse of Su Yanni, and then closed her eyes slightly.

"Listen to your pulse, um, if I didn't guess wrong..." Anzhi said, opening his eyes and looking at Zhao Tiezhu and Su Yanni, who looked forward to it, whispered, "You are an endocrine disorder."

"Ah?" Su Yanni and Zhao Tiezhu exclaimed at the same time.

"This...may not be your lack of sleep recently, and the result is a disorder of estrogen in your body, which will make your physiological cycle disorder, so there will be this kind of pregnancy-like performance!" Anzhi said while taking The pen writes and draws on the prescription sheet. "As long as you pay attention to rest and adjustment, it will be good soon!"

"But...but why do I want to vomit?" Su Yanni asked unwillingly.

"This may be related to what you eat in the morning. What did you eat in the morning?" asked An Zhi.

"I... I drank porridge and ate a sweet potato." Su Yanni said tangled.

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