Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1175: Wenshokai

The 1st 175th Chamber of Commerce

In the city of wz in zj province.

Wz is a magical city. Numerous rich people have been born here. People from all over the country and even the whole world give this place a unique name for businessmen. This is not only a high degree of affirmation of Wenzhou, but also a faint, unrepeatable worship.

Many people say that Jews are good at doing business, and many people in wz are called Jews in the East. In a group of warm businessmen, Wang Million is undoubtedly the one standing at the top.

Wang Million, not the so-called rich second generation, nor the second generation of red, was born in a small village near wz, there is no such thing as a promising person in the village. Wang Miao was only a mischievous boy who liked to play. There are also a few years old who can be Tang poetry, a few years old can write Song lyrics, and even less chess and painting, Wang million, some are just a more flexible brain and more perseverance than others.

In the 1990s, Wang Million made the first fortune by means of electrical appliances such as mobile TV. In the late 1990s, it was made by steel overnight. In the early 2000s, when the steel market was the hottest, Wang Bai Wan quietly pulled out and invested in the real estate industry, which was not so optimistic at the time. When everyone was waiting to see jokes, the real estate industry began to develop at an unimaginable speed until 2011. At the peak, Wang Million’s company has also developed from a single real estate to a more comprehensive level. Until now, Wang’s total assets have ranked among the top three in the country, ranking the entire zj province. First, even the richest man of fj, in front of Wang million, belongs to the poor middle peasant. This is enough to see the wealth of the king.

At the same time as the rise of Wang Wan, it was accompanied by the **** brilliance of the gangsters. In order to grab the business, Wang million did not know how many people were lost in the Ming Dynasty, but later, the house The development of demolition real estate, etc., is step by step on the bodies of others.

Wang million has control over three large-scale security companies. There are countless security guards in the company. Of course, like Zhao Tiezhu’s Blood Soul Hall, Wang’s preservation company is basically a serious business, and occasionally a guest. The bad guys, and behind these security companies, Wang Million is the owner of a large business alliance that can be ranked in the world, the Chamber of Commerce, in short, is a coalition of many Wenzhou partnerships. In this year, the result of eating a single food can only be eaten by others. Even if it is as strong as a million, it knows that people are more powerful. Therefore, under the leadership of Wang Million, the Wenshang Association was successfully established five years ago. Now, the members of the Wenshang Association have reached 108 people, commonly known as 108, the worst person in the world, pulling out is a ten-digit net worth!

Such an alliance, although looking at a serious chamber of commerce, is the so-called non-profit, the 108 people, almost monopolize all the industries of the entire zj province, of course, there are competitors in these 108 people, so These 108 people are not a complete whole. If you really let these 108 people twist into a rope, you don’t need Zhao Tiezhu’s shot, and the country will directly destroy such an organization that can affect the socialist economy.

At this time, at the highest level of the headquarters of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce, a large room covering at least 150 square meters, a middle-aged man was looking at a man with a dark face in front of him with a smile, said, "Tianhu, This time, I blame me!"

"Mr. Wang, don't you dare to say that!" Xiao Tianhu's face brought a slightly flattering look. "This time, we are too hasty. If you come step by step, Zhao Tiezhu will definitely not win so easily."

"That is, from knowing that Zhao Tiezhu had an accident, to entering fj, a total of more than a day, our actions are indeed too fast, although there is a surprising victory, but it also leaves a lot of flaws and loopholes, especially It’s the iron hand and the Fan Jian side. We don’t have time to investigate it carefully. This makes people play a big drama!” The middle-aged man, Wang Million, sits on a black sofa and looks at Xiao Tianhu. And continue to say, "You are staying on my side now. As for Zhao Tiezhu's business, let's wait for the opportunity! Jing Wei, send the Tigers down."

"Yes!" Jing Wei, who stood next to Xiao Tianhu, said to Xiao Tianhu, "Tianhu brother, let's go."

“Yeah!” Xiao Tianhu nodded and left Wang’s office behind Jing Jing’s office.

Wang Million screamed and said to the evil spirit standing beside him. "I knew that on the way back, I will let you do this Xiao Tianhu."

"You didn't say it." The evil spirit shrugged.

Wang said, "Oh, I am ignorant. This is good. Li Longba knows that Xiao Tianhu is here. We are not giving you face. Although there is money, my pressure is great. If Xiao Tianhu died before, it would be a hundred, and we can push it all out. Now it’s good, live, look at the trouble, die, and it won’t help, it’s really tiring.”

"Wait awkward, anyway, no hurry." The evil spirit sat on the desk of Wang Yuan’s application and said, "If the people in the Forbidden City let me come, I really don't want to come. I look at Zhao Tiezhu. In fact, it is very pleasing to the eye, hehe."

"Oh, the position is different, it is useless to be pleasing to the eye, isn't it?" Wang million smiled and picked up the phone and beat it out.

"Jun Xi, how about talking to General Kun Shan?"

"I have already talked about it. After I go back this time, our deal with General Kunshan will also begin. However, Dad, we are not short of money. Why do you have to do so many drugs? This stuff, really It’s really bad for people."

"Haha, as long as you can make money, it is a good thing, and, I don't necessarily take those things to harm our own people." Wang million said with a smile.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

“The sellers in Japan and South Korea have already found it. When we send these things directly to the past, the agency fee alone will allow us to make a lot of money, and this is what we do for the country. Contribute. Haha." Wang million laughed and said.

Sight transfer fj.

When Zhao Tiezhu left the headquarters of Xueshentang, it was already more than five o'clock in the afternoon. At night, there was a dinner of Director Wang. Zhao Tiezhu had to go there. Of course, this director Wang is the former director of the king, the fj. Director of the police station in the district.

The current director of Wang has become the deputy director of the fj city bureau, and Li Gang was transferred to the authority of the Cultural Relics Bureau. Although the level has not changed, the power has been one day, and Zhao Tiezhu went to the king this time. The Secretary's dinner is not only to congratulate Secretary Wang, the most important thing is to communicate with Secretary Wang, how to let this Li Gang completely downfall.

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