Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1179: Have a cold

The first one hundred and seventy-nine chapters caught a cold

"I have already arrived here. I took the plane and took the bus, then took the motorcycle, and then walked to the end. I finally got here. The environment here is not bad. The village knows that I am coming. I have already prepared a small clinic for me. I have lived here since, everything is fine, people are very enthusiastic, if you have time, you can come to see me."

Zhao Tiezhu parked the car on the side of the road, carefully read the text message from beginning to end, and then returned two words: "take care."

When I ordered a cigarette, Zhao Tiezhu leaned back in the car. At this time, the night was getting thicker. The pedestrians and cars on the road were slowly decreasing. Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes were blurred and looked at the rising smoke. There was no speech for a long time. Without any action, just stand there and smoke quietly.

"Well, I will take care of myself. You have to take care of yourself. Ok, I have to start working tomorrow. I will cheer! Iron pillar, you are also cheering."

Lu Xiaoman’s text message was sent again, but Zhao Tiezhu had already exhausted a whole set of cigarettes.

After throwing away the cigarette butt, Zhao Tiezhu picked up the mobile phone and deleted the two text messages of Lu Xiaoman. Then he put the phone back in his pocket, got on the bus and went to the house.

After returning home, Zhao Tiezhu simply asked Su Yanni and others to go to bed and went to sleep.

Since Zhao Tiezhu has returned to China, he has never been like this. Zhao Tiezhu also feels strange. He does not have much contact with Lu Xiaoman, but it is very unforgettable for this woman who has his own obsession. It is precisely because Lu Xiaoman has his own obsession, so Zhao Tiezhu will not treat Lu Xiaoman like other women. As the saying goes, when he started, he was wrong, and he could not change it all his life.

If there are not a few lies in the prison, Zhao Tiezhu, then Zhao Tiezhu can pursue Lu Xiaoman without any obstacles, just like other women, but because of the few lies in the prison, let Zhao Tiezhu’s heart He always had a guilty conscience about Lu Xiaoman, and it was precisely because of this embarrassment that Zhao Tiezhu could not face Lu Xiaoman and face Lu Xiaoman’s feelings.

Zhao Tiezhu is not a fool. He has been in love for so long. He naturally understands Lu Xiaoman’s feelings for himself. However, Zhao Tiezhu has never been able to accept the feelings of Lu Xiaoman. The biggest reason lies in the above.

Zhao Tiezhu feels that he has deceived others. Now he is good at Baba and others. This is not a human being.

I just didn't expect that Lu Xiaoman would go away like this, and it was so simple to go, and Zhao Tiezhu did not see her last side.

Zhao Tiezhu chose to delete the text message, which is also an understanding of this thing that can be said to be awkward. He only hopes that Lu Xiaoman can have fun over there, can realize his original ideal, and help more needs help. People. And his Zhao Tizhu, from then on, will become a passenger in Lu Xiaoman's life.

Passing away, just looking back at the rivers and lakes.

This night, Zhao Tiezhu did not sleep well. He had a lot of dreams of seven hundred and eighty-eight. There were women in the dream, there were enemies, and there were their own parents and Zhao Lao. Then there will always be countless things happening in front of you, you are very tired, tired and tired.

Open your eyes fiercely.

The sun is shining on it.

Zhao Tiezhu feels that his head is very heavy, just like being used to lead. The whole person has a feeling of being groggy.

With the experience of Zhao Tiezhu walking the rivers and lakes for many years, Zhao Tiezhu quickly came to a conclusion.

I have a cold!

The surprise in Zhao Tiezhu’s heart is far beyond the discomfort caused by the cold.

Imagine that a warrior who is enough to enter the top 100 in the world will have a cold. It is like the Super Saiyan will be ridiculous. It is a very unbelievable thing. Zhao Tiezhu’s body is already better than ordinary people. How many times, and the genes have evolved enough to make most people envy and hate, not to mention the cold virus, Zhao Tiezhu has been very resistant to some powerful viruses such as gonorrhea syphilis. To put it simply, the current Zhao Tiezhu, like a gourd doll, is basically not the ultimate virus of HIV. There is no way to break Zhao Tiezhu’s immune defense.

But this is the case, Zhao Tiezhu is today, is a resolutely cold, and still a bad cold!

Yesterday, I didn’t have a hair dryer or a bad stomach. Why did I catch a cold today? Zhao Tiezhu is puzzling! His doubts are even bigger than when he was out of heart!

Zhao Tiezhu tried to take a deep breath and found that the nose was blocked, and the nose was like the water of a slut. It was going to be uncontrollable.

Zhao Tiezhu took the facial tissue on the side, wiped the nose, and then sat on the bed a little bit, not knowing what to do.

I haven’t caught a cold for a long time, so Zhao Tiezhu was at a loss.


The door was ringing.

Su Yanni’s voice came from outside.

"I haven't got up yet, I have to go to work."

"Well, you go." Zhao Tiezhu called directly on the bed.

After staying in bed for a while, Zhao Tiezhu got up and walked outside the room. At this time, there was no one in the villa. Zhao Tiezhu went downstairs and found a pack of cold granules. He didn’t soak the water and directly tore the bag and pour it into his mouth. And then take a glass of water to drink it, even if it is ok.

"Ah, oh." Zhao Tiezhu sneezed and his nose flew out of his nostrils. Zhao Tiezhu was quite disgusted and picked up the facial tissue and wiped the nose.

A cold wind came out, Zhao Tiezhu stunned and felt that this winter, suddenly suddenly became so cold?

After hurriedly going upstairs and returning to his bed, Zhao Tiezhu took the laptop with a boring look and put it in front of him.

Zhao Tiezhu opened qq music, just clicked on a few songs, and then randomly looked at the webpage, on the horizon, on Youku, on, and saw a book called "My Beauty Lao Shi", Zhao Tiezhu just clicked Go in.

"Hey, I haven't read the novel for a long time." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the chapter chapter, but the nose was flowing, and Zhao Tiezhu wiped his nose and read the novel. It really felt that this was a rare quiet in recent months.

After wiping the nose, Zhao Tiezhu put the paper on the computer desk. After reading the Bailai chapter, a pile of kneaded paper that was kneaded into a group appeared decisively on the table.

"This book is really good, that is, the author's long stunned, especially the name, the white Aries of the night, dare to have the same name as the king of the killer, hey, look at your wretched uncle, it is really white. The name of the white sheep in the night!" Zhao Tiezhu said from his own.

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