Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1181: The teacher is back

The first one hundred and eighty-one chapter teacher came back.

Spring is boundless, not much to say, do not mix words.

When Lucy and Li Linger came back with cold medicine, Zhao Tiezhu and Su Yanni had already sweated each other, and Zhao Tiezhu obviously felt that his body was better. After eating lunch, Zhao Tiezhu was basically alive and kicking.

After the dragon and the tiger, Zhao Tiezhu received a phone call that made him very happy.

"I am back, Tiezhu classmates."

Linda’s voice was unusually enchanting at the end of the phone, but it made people feel refreshed.

When receiving the call, Zhao Tiezhu was in the office of the Blood Soul Hall, put down the phone, Zhao Tiezhu went down the building at a speed of 100 meters, then drove straight to the airport.

Fj Airport, the airport that didn't know how many times it appeared in the novel, once again appeared in front of everyone.

A pretty woman is standing at the exit of the airport, a woman's hand is holding a suitcase, a long hair fluttering with the wind from time to time, the body is a simple t-shirt and windbreaker, the lower body is a tight jeans, neck Surrounded by a scarf, the whole person looked very smart and feminine.

As long as the man passed by this woman, all look back at the woman, the woman's face with a faint smile, people have a very intimate feeling, a red frame hanging on the high nose Glasses, add a feminine and **** to this woman.

This is a woman who can let all beings fall for no matter where they are placed.

At this moment, a woman's face suddenly appeared a smile that made people sink into it. It was as if the wife who had been away from home for a long time had seen a husband who had not met for a long time. The woman's face swayed something called happiness.

"came back!"

A young man appeared next to the woman, then reached out to hold the woman around the boy for a moment.

"Well, come back!" The woman's face was full of smiles, tiptoe, and kissed gently on the young man's lips, then suddenly burst into laughter. "Wow, hahaha, iron column classmate, teacher, me." I want to die, you pull."

In the meantime, there were countless sounds of broken heart around the heart. All the good things in the original, after this woman did not have any graceful laughter, it was completely broken in an instant.

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head with a smile, Linda, always the Linda.

"You don't tell me earlier, I told the airport that I have been waiting for a long time?" Zhao Tiezhu pinched Linda's nose and said.

"I haven't waited for a long time, I just arrived." Linda said with a smile. "Come on, let me go back, hungry, you have to do something for me."

"Well." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and glared over Linda's waist. One hand took the baggage from Linda's hand and the two went out of the airport.

Linda home.

"Call, or the home is comfortable." Linda lying on the sofa comfortably, there is no such thing as a teacher.

Zhao Tiezhu put the baggage, and then took out a lot of ingredients like a trick.

"Where are you coming from?" Linda sat up and asked curiously.

"Of course, people are prepared." Zhao Tiezhu explained, while holding the ingredients into the kitchen, not long after, the kitchen that had been deserted for a long time, and lively.

Linda stood up and strolled around her house, and then said with amazement, "Hey, iron column children's shoes, my house, how is it so clean?"

"I often let people clean up." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I can't let you come back, you have to work hard and do housework?"

"You don't realize this low consciousness." Linda picked up an apple on the table and bit it on her mouth. Then she went into the kitchen and walked over to Zhao Tiezhu. She raised her hand on Zhao Tiezhu's shoulder and took the apple down. "Too honestly told the teacher, did you secretly bring a female classmate to live here?"

“What do you think?” Zhao Tiezhu asked as he handled the ingredients.

"I don't think it should." Linda took another bite of the apple and said, "Hey, it's still cool at home, going to school outside, really wants to die, every day."

"I miss you too." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "You are not there, you can't satisfy my dream of being a teacher since childhood."

"You... your dream is really evil." Linda smiled and took a photo on Zhao Tiezhu's **** and said, "I won't let you press today."

"That's with you, anyway, you are squatting and there is nothing for me." Zhao Tiezhu fired the gas stove and began to cook.

"Hey? Cattle x is it? Today, the teacher, I intend to suppress you, first declare, only allow me to press you, you are not allowed to press me!" Linda said seriously and seriously.

"As you like it, anyway, you are not easy to come back. I am a student. If you are not good enough to serve you, it is not a good student, isn't it?"

"Right right! Good students have to listen to the teacher, you are doing here, I am going to take a bath and wash the fragrance." Linda said, eating the apple while leaving the kitchen.

After Zhao Tiezhu finished the meal, Linda had changed her home clothes and appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu. The hair had not been completely dried because it had just been washed, but the grass was blowing. It’s gone, and then it’s on the head, quite a lazy feeling.

"Eat." Zhao Tiezhu handed the chopsticks to Linda.

"Eat together." Linda said.

"Okay." Although Zhao Tiezhu was not hungry, he also took a pair of chopsticks and ate with Linda.

Linda seems to be really hungry. After eating 2 bowls of rice, she put down the chopsticks and patted her stomach and said that she was full.

"Is it full? That's good." Zhao Tiezhu stood up, cleaned up the dishes, and went into the kitchen, intending to wash the dishes.

Linda's face followed Zhao Tiezhu and went into the kitchen with amazement. "Is it so embarrassing today? Why should you wash the bowl?"

"Haha, this is not why you haven't come back for a long time, miss you." Zhao Tiezhu touched his nose and said.

Linda’s nose wrinkled and her tears suddenly flowed out.

"Iron column..." Linda took a little crying and walked over to Zhao Tiezhu. She rubbed her hands over Zhao Tiezhu's waist and put her head tightly on Zhao Tiezhu's chest. She said, "Teacher... the teacher misses you too."

"Want to think about it, crying and crying? Do you have anything to do with me that I am sorry for?" Zhao Tiezhu joked.

"I'm sick, a good atmosphere, I will be told by you." Linda looked up and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Teacher I... I miss you too much."

"I am the same." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and forced Linda in his arms. "In the future, I will not let you leave me for so long."

"Well, I won't let you leave me!"

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