Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1185: Warm

The first thousand one hundred and eighty-five chapters

"The Westward Journey is the pinnacle of Zhou Xing." Linda said after a moment of silence.

"At this time, there is only one big Westward Journey. Of course, I am referring to the first two, the third one, ignoring it." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"I think our topic is too esoteric, let's talk about other things." Linda decisively knocked out the words.

"It's really too esoteric." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and stopped his own words, then said, "Tomorrow's exam, should be no problem?"

"No problem! Iron column children's shoes, you have to trust your teacher, as a teacher, if you can't even pass a simple driver's license exam, what qualifications do you have to be your teacher? Right!"

"Right right, now time is not too late, do we want to go back?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"No, I have to go to eat a bunch of incense." Linda is like a child, holding Zhao Tiezhu's hand and shaking and saying, "People like to eat chuanchuanxiang, accompany people to eat, okay?"

"The stuff is not hygienic, let's buy some and go back and do it ourselves?" Zhao Tiezhu suggested.

"Don't do it, don't eat it, don't get sick, go!" Linda made a decision directly in one sentence, then took Zhao Tiezhu and found a string of incense shop and sat in it.

When Linda entered this, she suddenly shocked a group of men and women who were looking for food at night. It is hard to imagine that Linda is such a beautiful woman that most people will be self-defeating, and she will come to this one for only two or three dollars. Two people have a place where they can't spend 30 yuan. According to the understanding of ordinary people, such a woman's time is either at the nightclub, or under a certain privilege, or with a handsome guy. Sheets, how could it be like this, and a man who is so timid and thin is eating in such a place where he is not on the table?

Linda is very generous, let Zhao Tiezhu sit down first, then take a small basket and go to get a lot of things.

"Linda, have you eaten so much?" Zhao Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"When you are tired of shopping, eat more, and work hard at night." Linda suddenly let the people around me look at Zhao Tiezhu with a thousand eyes.

Rao is the strength of Zhao Tiezhu's approach to the list of gods. In the eyes of countless people, it is also rare to be a little cringe.

"Come, iron column children's shoes, this is the waist, this is very supplementary, what to eat, you know." Linda's eyes on Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu wants to say that the buddy's kidney is already iron Kidney, you can't get out of bed. It's a matter of minutes. At noon today, you can be so bullish. It's just a flash or a small universe. If you come back at night, your buddies will make you want to die.

But these words cannot be said by Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu believes that as long as he speaks these words, there will be countless men who have personally destroyed their own people for love and justice. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu’s unusual choice is very rare. Silence.

Linda put a bunch of things, such as her waist, into the big pot to cook, and then asked for a few bottles of beer. It was planned to have a drink with Zhao Tiezhu here!

Zhao Tiezhu has not been afraid of drinking. Therefore, when Linda asked for drinking with Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu was obliged to open a bottle and bottle. This made people around me feel uncomfortable. This person is really a beast. It seems that the night is I drunk the people and then went back to ooxx. Some people are already thinking about whether to follow Zhao Tiezhu, and then when Zhao Tiezhu wants to perform a beast, then come to a hero to save the beauty, then hold the beauty, then he will come to a beast, then a love that is full of enthusiasm drama…

Zhao Tiezhu and Linda, a man and a woman, just sit next to the small soup pot, and then drink beer while eating something, no image at all, no matter who, can not think of, a fj university teacher's flower, a The gangster who has the right to fj the whole fj will actually do something like this ordinary person in such a place.

Perhaps, Zhao Tiezhu and Linda’s subconscious mind have always regarded themselves as ordinary people.

After killing half a box of beer with Linda, Linda was a little drunk, and Zhao Tiezhu naturally settled, then returned to the car with Linda, and then drove Linda back home.

"Iron column, you said to accompany me at night, you can't lie to me!" Linda looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a sly eyes and said.

"I won't lie to you, you are lying on the bed first, I will call you." Zhao Tiezhu said, put the quilt on Linda's body, and then walked out of Linda's room.

Zhao Tiezhu’s phone call, the first one, was to Su Yanni. After all, Su Yanni is his true girlfriend, and she did not return home this night, so she had to talk to her girlfriend.

At the end of the phone, Su Yanni did not ask too much about why Zhao Tiezhu did not go back to sleep. He just asked Zhao Tiezhu to be careful, because he had caught a cold before, and then let Zhao Tiezhu go back earlier, otherwise the villa would not be opened again.

Zhao Tiezhu said that he must go back as soon as possible, and then he will bring back delicious food and drink. Su Yanni said that your thoughts are very high, so first of all, she will sleep with Li Linger at night. Zhao Tiezhu said that you must keep your body as jade. If the Linger in the middle of the night is going to be out of your intentions, you must hold the Linger and wait for me to go back. Su Yanni hangs up with a smile.

The second call, Zhao Tiezhu is called to the iron hand.

The iron hand with Zhao Tiezhu a total of 20 elite men, through the land, has entered the territory of zj province, is now resting near wz, waiting for a chance to give Wang million to come. Zhao Tiezhu simply told me to let the iron hand and other people pay attention to safety, and then did not go to ask more, mixed black, how can it be no danger? Everyone pays attention to it, there is no need to waste so much tongue.

The third call, Zhao Tiezhu is to call the Solitary Emperor, nothing more than let the Solitary Emperor arrange the manpower to support the iron hand at any time, and there are still some things in the 7788, anyway, whether it is black or white, everyday things, There are many, even if Zhao Tiezhu is fully decentralized, but many things still need Zhao Tiezhu to make a decision.

After Zhao Tiezhu had dealt with the things that had been piled up for a day today, Zhao Tiezhu also turned off the mobile phone and then entered Linda’s room.

At this time, Linda had slept and breathed smoothly, as if she were a baby.

Zhao Tiezhu carefully took off his coat, then gently picked up the quilt and lay in. Linda moved a bit, then she hugged Zhao Tiezhu, and didn't even wake up.

Zhao Tiezhu closed his eyes and enjoyed a rare warmth.

One night, it’s gone.

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