Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1198: Good woman

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-eight chapters good woman

"That is a must, like our mixed society, unlocking the gods and horses, are all must learn." Zhao Tiezhu backhand closed the door, said with a smile.

"Hey? What mixed society, how do I remember, this unlock, but the technology of stealing children?" Linda turned her head and looked at Zhao Tiezhu funny.

"Haha, I am stealing children. My favorite thing is to steal flowers." Zhao Tiezhu smirked and walked to Linda's side to sit down, then slammed through Linda's shoulder and said, "Steal your little." White flowers, that is not to mention more sense of accomplishment."

"Hey? People are just a yellow flower niece, you can't harm others." Linda said poorly to Zhao Tiezhu.

"I won't harm you." Zhao Tiezhu's smile on his face is even worse. "I will pity you well."

"How to pity?"

"How do you pity, how can I pity!" Zhao Tiezhu circumvented Linda's back with one hand and placed it directly on Linda's chest, kneading from time to time.

"Is it so pitiful?" Linda looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a wink.

"Otherwise?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Come on, the other hand." Linda said as she grabbed Zhao Tiezhu's other hand and placed it on the chest on the other side of her side. She said, "With both approaches, this is enough."

Feeling the softness and fullness of his hand, Zhao Tiezhu simply hugged Linda, letting him sit across his lap, and then his hands were moving in the old place.

"Uh huh." Linda snorted comfortably, twirling the hair on her chest, then put her hands down and grabbed it on the hem. "It's not comfortable with the clothes."

As she spoke, Linda smashed her clothes.

Milky white underwear appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

"Hey? I remember you were not in this color when you went out in the morning!" Zhao Tiezhu put his hand behind Linda, opened the button on the underwear, and then removed the two straps from Linda's shoulder. It’s down.

"Can't people change?" Linda wrapped her hands around Zhao Tiezhu's neck and smiled at Zhao Tiezhu. I counted, "The people just changed, and you got rid of them!"

"Haha, white is not good-looking, no fun, so wearing is also cumbersome." Zhao Tiezhu said, put his hand on Linda's chest, and then said, "This is much better, isn't it?"

"You are so bad! How can you do this to the teacher?" Linda said with a slight trembling.

"Haha, why can't you do this to the teacher?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled evilly and suddenly increased his strength.

"Oh!" Linda exclaimed, and immediately hugged Zhao Tiezhu's head, and his body trembled even more.

"I don't know how to make a fuss in this hand. The people in Jianghu who say that they love to tease women are me." Zhao Tiezhu said with amazement.

"Hey, people are not women, people are pure little girls!" Linda said dissatisfied.

"That's it, let's get into the house." Zhao Tiezhu stretched out his hand under Linda's ass, and then he raised Linda, and Linda, like a koala, hugged his arms around Zhao Tiezhu's neck. The legs are looped across the waist of Zhao Tiezhu.

"Well in the house." Linda whispered.

"Of course, it is a matter of pureness." Zhao Tiezhu walked into Linda's bedroom and hit the door with his foot. He touched it and the door was closed.

Start omitting 10,000 words here. The specific plot is my own imagination.

When I came out of Linda's room, Zhao Tiezhu and Linda were both neatly dressed, and they couldn't see that the two had just ended a long-lasting war between men and women.

"Let's go." Zhao Tiezhu took Linda's hand out of Linda's house, and Linda said with a happy face. "Iron, you really want to buy it for me? Oh, actually, you don't have to pull it. I have money."

"Do you have money? You can dare to say that it is money for ten or two hundred thousand?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "I just said when we were in bed. Who can't hold it first, whoever loses, wins. The person can make a request. Just now you lost, and the loss is very thorough. The person who wins me naturally has to ask for it. You can't help it."

"But...but what is the request!" Linda said. "You won, then you have to buy a car for me? How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"Now you haven't met it? Haha, God, a car, good is a hundred thousand, not enough to buy a house in Beijing, wait until the 4s shop, which one you look at I said, I promise not to blink." Zhao Tiezhu said with pride and pride.

"Oh, really? Iron column, I have always liked Lamborghini, Maserati, Aston Martin, and Lotus, and Rolls-Royce Phantom, as well as Bugatti Veyron!" Linda eyes Looking at Zhao Tiezhu, "Do you buy them for me?"

Zhao Tiezhu’s mouth twitched twice and said, “This...Do you know the price of Bugatti Veyron?”

"Know, I sold a car last time, it seems like 45 million." Linda said, "Isn't you talking about it, Tiezhu classmates, no matter which one you look at, you promise not to blink."

"This... girls are not good at driving the car." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Cut, you still have a big head, now you are stunned? Haha, I don't really like those cars." Linda looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a contemptuous smile and said with a smile, "You can buy one for me, Don't be too expensive, I think Polaris is really good."

"That doesn't drop." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head. "I feel that with your temperament, it is best to match Audi tt. I like this car very much, especially white, awesome! In general, I like it. Audi's car, why don't we go to see Audi?"

"Then I want Audi four-wheel drive." Linda smiled.

"Audi double drill, my partner?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a black line.

"Yeah, it's cheap and beautiful, it's ok, it's environmentally friendly and energy-efficient!" Linda said.

"I will buy a battery car for you again, let's go, don't talk nonsense." Zhao Tiezhu took Linda directly down the stairs and sat on his own yellow qq.

"Iron column, really don't need such a good car." Linda said.

"Again, do you believe that your buddy will not let you go to bed at night?" Zhao Tiezhu threatened.

"Okay." Linda pouted at Zhao Tiezhu, but her face was a coverless happiness.

No woman does not want her man to buy things for himself, but only knows how to control his own desires, but some women do not understand.

And a woman who knows how to control her desires for her own man is worthy of any man to cherish and love. Linda is such a woman.

Zhao Tiezhu reached out and touched Linda’s face and smiled. “Don’t give your man money, money, count things.”

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