Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1202: The meaning of drunkenness is not alcohol?

The meaning of the first thousand two hundred and two chapters of drunkenness is not wine?

After communicating with Wang Cai for a while, the other women returned to the villa, each carrying a large bag.

"It's really exhausting me." Li Linger put the things on his hands to the ground and sat directly on the carpeted floor. Su Yanni and Lucy Sun Jiaying, they put everything in place, and then the whole person was soft on the sofa.

"Is there any need to be tired like this." Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"You don't know how many places we went!" Su Yanni said, "These small accessories can be hard to buy, and it is basically impossible to buy a place. It's not like you, just walk into one." The hypermarket can basically buy it. I and Lucy, it’s all walking down the street. It’s all the way to attract the butterflies, and the men who are engaged in chasing and blocking are not saying that we have lost money, that is, that said my shoes. With the belt open, I thought about my shoes and no shoelaces. I stopped and looked down. There was a person who claimed to be the second generation of the rich second generation to come up and ask me for a phone number."

"Have you given it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Give it, why don't you give it?" Su Yanni said with a smirk. "However, what I gave them was your call."

Zhao Tiezhu was at a glance, and at this moment, the phone suddenly rang.

It is a strange number.


The phone was silent for a long time and said, "Today I saw a girl slipping on the road. Is she calling this phone?"

Zhao Tiezhu decisively smashed the phone and then looked at Su Yanni with a look of bitterness. "Okay, count you!"

"Hey? Is it difficult for me to give my phone to them?" Su Yanni asked.

"This is not necessary." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Right, you have to give me a gift, bought it?"

"Buy!" Su Yanni took out a few small bags from the big bag and said, "This is what I gave you. This is Lucy for you. This is Linger. This is Jiaying!"

"Wuxi, can you show me?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a hand.

"No!" Su Yanni and other sisters shook their heads decisively. "It's all to be delivered on a peaceful night. Now you can't see it, but the iron pillar, you gave us a gift, bought it?"

"Also bought!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Let's show us! We don't mind no surprises," Su Yanni said.

"Cut, when are you a fool?" Zhao Tiezhu dug his nose and said, "You don't show me, I want to show it to you?"

"Small ghosts, are men and women different? If you don't look at it, you won't see it. If you can't wait for a day, you will know tomorrow! Yes, iron pillar, we are hungry. Can you do something for us to eat? Su Yanni suddenly looked at Zhao Tiezhu with her big eyes, her eyes full of lovely eyes.

"This... isn't it what I will do tomorrow? You have to do it today." Zhao Tiezhu said with a sigh of relief.

"If you don't do it, then we can only hungry. Oh, I was going to dress up these things in the afternoon. Then you don't have to be so busy tomorrow. You can accompany us to climb the mountain. Oh, but you are hungry." , no strength." Su Yanni said helplessly.

"Come, what do you want to eat, say!" Zhao Tiezhu did not succumb to the temperament.

A lunch is very lively, Zhao Tiezhu just made something simple, because if you want to make a big meal today, if you make a big meal tomorrow, it will be easy to have no sense of freshness. This is not what Zhao Tiezhu hopes, Zhao Tizhu There are grievances on the mouth, and you have to suffer and suffer, but when you say something, I still hope that everyone will eat what he has done, and Zhao Tiezhu has already prepared a very rich recipe for the Christmas dinner tomorrow. Some of the piles of ingredients brought back from Zhao Tiezhu can see some clues.

In the afternoon, Zhao Tiezhu was originally planning to accompany a beautiful woman to decorate the villa in the villa, but Secretary Wang called and said that Lin Yubin, spoke!

In a hurry to the police station, Zhao Tiezhu met Wang in the door of the interrogation room.

"Oh, I finally asked it out." Director Wang said with emotion. "The director gave me a death order last night. Let me release it at the latest this morning. I have pushed the pressure from the sky to the present. It’s finally a mission!”

"What did he say?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"In fact, there is nothing big, that is, who has received a little money, but this is always a breakthrough, so I will tell you about it." Director Wang said.

Zhao Tiezhu frowned and asked, "Just these? Didn't touch Li Gang or Li Danhe?"

"This is not, Lin Yubin is not a fool. He also knows that as long as he drags his time, Li Danhe will save him sooner or later, so according to my estimation, his opening should be just a disease policy. Because of Li Danhe, we I can't make a big sentence on him, I can only play it small. Otherwise, I used to **** him up." Director Wang said with regret.

"Nothing, I have already started to force people on the Internet." Zhao Tiezhu said.

At this time, Li Danhe was looking at the secretary standing in front of him in a cold face.

"You mean, the police station is still not letting people?" Li Danhe said coldly.

"Well, I said yesterday that there is video evidence, so I have to detain for a while," the secretary said.

"The bastard." Li Danhe suddenly took a hard shot of the table, and then said, "How did Lin Lude do it?"

This Lin Lude is the new director of the fj police station.

"I heard that Wang Deshui is not allowed to let go," the secretary said.

The hard-hitting Wang Director finally had his own name, and he did not run for so long.

“Wang Deshui?” Li Danhe frowned and said, “Is this Wang Deshui not supported by Zhao Tiezhu?”


"Zhao Tiezhu?" Li Danhe's brow wrinkles are even tighter. "Help me check if Lin Yubin has recently committed anything, or where he has offended Zhao Tiezhu."


Li Danhe is not a fool. He can be a secretary of the listing committee. His political IQ is much higher than that of many ordinary people. Therefore, Li Danhe knows at once that the eight achievements of this matter are that Zhao Tiezhu is working hard, and Zhao Tiezhu has no reason to go for no reason. For the driver of a city party secretary, there are only two possibilities. One is that Lin Yubin has offended Zhao Tiezhu, and he has to offend the deep one. The other one is that Zhao Tiezhu’s meaning is not in the wine. Take Lin Yubin, it is likely to be for some people, for example... yourself!

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