Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1207: Attack prelude

The first thousand two hundred and seven chapters attack prelude

"It seems that we are destined to have two women together at night." Red rhyme looked helplessly at Linda.

"It's okay, we can have a good time." Linda said with a smile, but that smile is still a little lost. Everyone wants to spend Christmas with someone they like.

"Come here, come in and cook." Red rhyme greeted Linda into the kitchen, and Gege had already gone to her room with her blossoms, and she didn't know what the two girls were doing.

Zhao Tiezhu returned home, the women in the villa have not yet returned, Zhao Tiezhu thinks that these women are estimated to wait until everything is done before they will go home, so there is no need to help.

Zhao Tiezhu went into the kitchen and began to prepare for the evening meal.

In the city of WZ in the province of Zj, a bus slowly drove into the wz station, and several ordinary men dressed up from the car, headed by a bright-headed bald head.

"Well, let's find a place to live next." The iron hand said to the seven or eight men who followed him.

A lot of people didn't talk much, and they went straight to find a very ordinary hotel and lived in it.

This time, Zhao Tiezhu arranged for the people who came to the WM Wang million site, a total of ten less than that, but these ten less than the people, but the thoroughness of the blood soul hall elite, although no more than the anti-killing The heavenly boss, but it is also the kind of character that is said to be in one place. This group of people, although few people, is destined to bring a big storm to the calm wz, but now, the storm is brewing. At the time when such a festive atmosphere is strong, the iron hand and others are full of chilling anger.

The line of sight turns back to fj.

"I don't know if there is any space in the iron column." Chen Lingshan hesitantly took the mobile phone and looked at the name of Zhao Tiezhu on the mobile phone. He did not press it for a long time. After a long time, he put down his mobile phone and sighed and said, "He certainly has no time. So many confidantes are accompanying him, forget it, I will go back and find it."

Almost at about the same time, Lin Lei, Lin Si, and even Su Shi are considering such a holiday. Should I call Zhao Tiezhu to see if I can have a meal together, but this is only an idea. However, for Zhao Tiezhu's private life, these women are still quite familiar with each other, so these people, like Chen Lingshan, can only help but look at the name of Zhao Tiezhu on the mobile phone, but they did not press it.

The hour hand slowly walked, Zhao Tiezhu was busy in the kitchen, not long after, the same tasteful dishes appeared on the table, and after about four dishes, a group of women huddled from the outside Back in the villa.

Every time I see so many women appearing at the same time, Zhao Tiezhu will have a different sense of satisfaction, which is like seeing that he has a lot of glass **** when he was a child. The satisfaction is nothing that can be replaced by anything else.

"Wow! Iron pillar, you do so much!" Su Yanni cried in surprise.

Zhao Tiezhu’s Dessert’s head from the kitchen said, “You wait, you can eat again in ten minutes, and you go to wash your hands.”

"Well." A group of women snorted and ran into the bathroom, while Cao Ziyi went to the kitchen and said to Zhao Tiezhu, "Would you like to help?"

"No, you have a rest at night, I can come!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"That's good, come on!" Cao Ziyi smiled and turned to Zhao Tiezhu and left the kitchen.

About half an hour later, on the dining table outside the kitchen, Su Yanni and other women have been sitting together. There are eight kinds of vegetables on the table. Then, with the sound of a bang, Zhao Tiezhu is from the oven. Take out a huge roast turkey.

"Wow, iron pillar, do you even have this thing?" Su Yanni said with amazement.

"That is, in this world, there is no me." Zhao Tiezhu said proudly, "Come here, let you go, I will put him on the table."

After the roast turkey was placed on the table, the overflowing aroma had already opened the index finger. Lucy couldn’t help but take a deep breath and said, “Iron column, this is similar to my roast chicken. !It’s really fragrant.”

"Since it is fragrant, I will eat more later." Zhao Tiezhu clap his hands and take off his apron. Then he stood in front of his seat and coughed. He said, "This, since everyone is here, Then I will make a simple speech!"

"Eat." Li Linger suddenly said.

Zhao Tiezhu stunned and saw a group of women suddenly took the knife and fork and slashed to the roast turkey.

"I will go, will not wait for me to finish the words!" Zhao Tiezhu hurriedly stopped, but the power of the food was too great, so many girls did not care about the image.

In the end, Zhao Tiezhu could only helplessly give up, and swallowed his hard-working speech that had been prepared for a long time.

" are bullying." Zhao Tiezhu said wronged.

A meal for those beautiful women did not have any image at all, and had been fighting for more than an hour, and everything on the table was cleaned up by a group of women.

“Hey.” Su Yanni didn’t have a full-fledged beauty, she patted her belly and said, “When it’s over, I have to lose weight again.”

"Me too." Lucy sighed with relief. The whole body leaned back on the back of the chair and looked up. "It's full."

"I... I am too full, hold on." Li Linger sat upright in the chair, his face was sweating, and Sun Jiaying was better. After all, she had limited time to come to the villa, so she just sat quietly. In the position, the face is a satisfying smile.

"Okay, clean it up." Zhao Tiezhu stood up with his toothpick. "Since I am cooking, washing dishes, I will hand it over to you."

"Everyone guesses the boxing." Su Yanni said with difficulty. "This is fair."

Zhao Tiezhu decisively refused to agree, but there were so many girls, Zhao Tiezhu struggled and succumbed.


Zhao Tiezhu looked at the large bowl of chopsticks in the sink, and wanted to cry without tears. This guessed the fist, and he lost himself alone. This is not to be fair, but to use his powerful sixth sense to cheat. I didn't expect that I was soft for a moment. I even laid the game directly in the first round. All the girls were cloth, and Zhao Tiezhu was a stone, and she was decisively reminded.

After washing the bowl, Zhao Tiezhu walked out of the kitchen and saw that a group of women had been sitting next to the Christmas tree, and then in front of these women, there were some packed things of seven or eight.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes lit up and said, “Is this a gift? Good, wait for me.”

As he spoke, Zhao Tiezhu went upstairs.

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