Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1213: Serve people

The first one hundred and twenty-three chapters are to serve people with morality.

This interrogation room may not be the room where Lin Yubin first came in, because Lin Yubin has been investigated, and Li Danhe has been silent on this matter, so Lin Yubin is now in a very normal trial. In the head of the room, the hand was handcuffed, sitting on a chair, the whole person was very decadent.

Lin Yubin felt very strange. Why did he get caught in the past few days? His master did not come to save himself. He could get a little care before, but since yesterday, he has been replaced by such a bird. The embarrassing interrogation room, and then the hand was handcuffed to the chair.

The bright table lamp in front of him makes Lin Yubin very uncomfortable. This kind of light shines on your face. You don't want to sleep at all. This is much stronger than other means of extorting a confession by torture! Lin Yubin has not slept for a few days, and the whole person's spirit is highly tight, because he also knows that since his master has not come to save himself, then you can be sure that this matter is not simple!

At the thought of this, someone would operate behind the scenes. Lin Yubin felt that there was a chill when he didn’t come. He didn’t know whether the person’s goal was him or his master. If it’s just him, then the time is enough, his master will naturally fish. He goes out, and if the target is directly his master, then Lin Yubin is probably just a pedal to attack Li Danhe, and after the pedal loses its role, it is often being stepped on to the end. At that time, Li Danhe Regardless of his care, Lin Yubin, he may not turn over forever.

Just then, the door to the interrogation room was opened.

The director Wang, whom he had seen before, came in from the outside. Wang’s side was followed by a small, thin policeman. It was just the policeman, how to see how he felt familiar.

"Lin Yubin, are you still confessing?" Wang asked the Lin Yubin, and asked.

"Is it confession? What do I mean? Don't you make a personal one? I can't lose money. You have been shutting me for so long. Don't you know the consequences?" Lin Yubin threatened.

"The consequences are known to us, but for the sake of human justice, I don't care who you are, and you think about it, have you committed such a thing?" asked the Secretary Wang.

"On that little thing, what do you think is still there?" Lin Yubin said, because he has been locked in the head, so he does not understand anything outside, naturally he does not know that he hit people and crush people. It has already been exposed, and the traffic police brigade captain who said that he felt that nothing was wrong with the last time he had been forced to investigate the case against the pressure of public opinion.

This is the result of being restricted by personal freedom. Because you are restricted by personal freedom, your information channel will be completely cut off, and you will be blind, you don’t know, outside. In the end, how is it that you are **** enough to support the end, or to provide what you know for the leniency!

Lin Yubin has a little research on these things, so he knows that dragging time at this time should be considered the best method.

"Do you really know that you have nothing to do?" The thin little policeman suddenly stared at Lin Yubin.

"You..." Lin Yubin first had a doubt, and then widened his eyes and said, "You are the last person who beat me!"

"Take your sister!" Zhao Tiezhu went straight to the face of Lin Yubin and directly smashed Lin Yubin’s teeth. "You kindly think about me, I don’t want to talk about killing you." Is it still his mother driving after drinking! I am grass, the traffic police brigade captain eats, what? So let you out."

"Why are you beating people! You are tortured by confessions!" Lin Yubin stared at Zhao Tiezhu. He really didn't understand why Zhao Tiezhu appeared here, and he was wearing police uniforms. Could it be that this person is a policeman?

Zhao Tiezhu is not a policeman naturally. His police uniform was given to him by Wang, in order to wait for a better interrogation of Lin Yubin.

"Why am I hitting you? Where did I hit you? You saw which hand I hit you, you said!" Zhao Tiezhu extended his hands and said to Lin Yubin.

"You... you use your feet!" Lin Yubin flew a tooth because of the beggar, and his mouth was a bit unclear.

"Cut, will I be a violent person? Wang Bureau, do you say that I am a violent person?"

"No, how come!" Secretary Wang said seriously. "Our police stations can be civilized."

"Right right, civilized law enforcement, and there is such a sigh, to serve people with morality, yes, I am this person, most like to serve people with morality, Lin Yubin, last time I saw you hit the people and crushed the dead. You can't get rid of this relationship, do you say it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"What crushes the dead, how can I not know!" Lin Yubin denied.

"Grass." Zhao Tiezhu was on the other side of Lin Yubin's body, and directly led Lin Yubin with a chair and turned to the ground.

With a bang, Lin Yubin made a cry.

"I saw it with my own eyes, you dare to play tricks with me, tell you, this thing, now the outside has been exposed, I believe that after a long time, you have to go through the judicial process, according to the current laws and regulations, drink Driving and hitting people, this is a sin, deliberately crushing people, it is another sin, a few crimes and punishment, it is estimated that you have to shoot." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"You... you scold me." Lin Yubin said with a gasp.

"I didn't want you, this is written in law. If you don't believe, you can ask the king." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Really, under the sin of punishment, you have to shoot, because you have formed a deliberate murder, and you have to be shot," said Wang.

"You, are you a fool when I am?" Lin Yubin looked at the two with disdain. "Evidence, you give me evidence."

"Do you want the evidence?" Zhao Tiezhu reached out and helped Lin Yubin with the chair, and then said, "I will give you evidence."

Lin Yubin is waiting for Zhao Tiezhu to show himself some evidence, but suddenly saw a palm fly over, screaming twice, Lin Yubin's face was directly stunned by Zhao Tiezhu's face and two slaps.

"" Lin Yubin glared at Zhao Tiezhu, but he did not dare to say a word.

"I am what I am, tell you, I am this person, that is, I can't see this kind of wicked thing." Zhao Tiezhu backhand gave Lin Yubin a slap in the face.

"You are not...not to be convinced by virtue!" Lin Yubin was fascinated by Zhao Tiezhu’s slap in the face, and said with difficulty.

"Yeah, I am not using my virtue to let you serve?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Come, tell the buddy, you are not satisfied."

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