Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1220: Strength of evidence

The strength of the first two hundred and twenty-two chapters

"What is it? Since you can't kill it, then I will change it for you to kill. What surprises?" The old ghost looked at Zhao Tiezhu, a rare and strange look.

Zhao Tiezhu is so idling that he is spit out. You said that he was chased for three years. I thought that you and the white sheep of the night have already reached the end of life. I didn’t expect that I couldn’t kill you. Changed, dare not be so arrogant!

"Then change it." Zhao Tiezhu finally understood why the black dog said that the old ghost was weird.

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet. When I think about it someday, I will tell you again." After a long time of careful screaming, the old ghost did not think of something, and said such a sentence.

"This... what about my dagger?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"I will help you repair it first, but it is estimated to be quite long. When I fix it, you can come over and take it. When I see if anyone has offended me, I want to kill him." Gu Zi said.

"Then you don't worry about repenting after I took your dagger?" Zhao Tiezhu couldn't help but ask.

"Are you worried that I will run away with your dagger wreck?" the old ghost asked.

"Not afraid!" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head.

"Why are I afraid?" The old ghost looked at you with an idiotic expression. This made Zhao Tiezhu look at itchy teeth. If it wasn’t for you to fix my dagger, I must... I must... Forbearance!

After Zhao Tiezhu succeeded in becoming a ninja turtle in the old ghost, he left with a green face and Cao Ziyi.

"Is it true that those who are arrogant will be a little different?" Zhao Tiezhu sat in the car and said to Cao Ziyi.

"Being a top person in a certain industry must be someone with some obsession in mind. If there is no obsession, he will not be able to stick to the end, and people who generally have obsessiveness will have a little thought and people around. Surprising." Cao Ziyi explained.

"Sure enough, everyone who can stand on the peak is all abnormal." Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion.

"Do you mean that you are also abnormal?" Cao Ziyi asked with a chuckle.

"I am not a pervert, I am a super metamorphosis." Zhao Tiezhu proudly said.

With Cao Ziyi still not returning home, Zhao Tiezhu received a strange phone call. When he answered it, he realized that it was actually the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission.

Zhao Tiezhu immediately hit a spirit, since the provincial discipline inspection commission shot, it can be said that Zhang Yihuang shot!

"Comrade Zhao Tiezhu, the leader said that we have something to ask you to ask, when do you have time, let's talk about it! I introduce myself, I am the section chief of the Discipline Inspection Commission, my name is Liu Mou. ""

"Come out now, I have time, I will tell you what I know." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"That would be a trouble for Comrades!"

After the two met a place, Zhao Tiezhu also took Cao Ziyi together.

When I arrived at the appointed teahouse, Zhao Tiezhu walked in and saw a middle-aged thin man standing up and waving to himself. Zhao Tiezhu went over.

"Hello, hello, I am Liu Mou!" Liu Mou seems to know Zhao Tiezhu.

"Hello!" Zhao Tiezhu reached out and Liu Mou shook a bit, then said, "Liu Kechang looks very young."

"Oh, old, it’s almost forty." Liu Mou said modestly, "Let's talk about business today, so let's finish the business first, then have time, then talk about private affairs, okay?"

"Good!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded. For such public and private people, Zhao Tiezhu still feels a little bit good.

After an hour or so, Zhao Tiezhu said there, and Liu Mou was holding a small book in it.

After an hour, Zhao Tiezhu finally finished talking about what he knew and guessed, and then Liu Mou did not stop. After a few words, he left.

"The people of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission are really cautious." Zhao Tiezhu said to Cao Ziyi after Liu Mou left.

"Of course, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is a very special department, and people there must be cautious." Cao Ziyi said.

"Right, come with me to get something." Zhao Tiezhu patted his hand and said, "The thing that Lin Yubin hides, I guess more than that tape."

"Do you know where?" Cao Ziyi asked.

"Of course I know, let's go!" Zhao Tiezhu drove again with Cao Ziyi to the second-floor building that he had been with Lin Yubin.

Walking into the yard with a light car, Zhao Tiezhu walked to the door and directly punched the door lock, then pushed the door and went inside.

Zhao Tiezhu walked up in this room according to the number of steps Lin Yubin walked and heard in the direction he had heard before.

After a few more mistakes, Zhao Tiezhu finally found the right place, tapping the ground and making a slightly different voice. Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "Things are hidden here."

"Cut out and see." Cao Ziyi laughed.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and did not use any tools. He directly hit a punch. There was a punch in the ground, and then several hits. A depression appeared slowly on the ground.

After Zhao Tiezhu opened the stones that had been crushed by himself, an ink-colored box appeared below, and the box was taken out. Zhao Tiezhu ripped off a small lock on the box and then opened the box.

Inside is a stack of more than ten pages of documents, in addition to the so-called credentials that Zhao Tiezhu wrote to Lin Yubin today.

Zhao Tiezhu took the documents and looked at them. His face was a joy. In this document, Lin Yubin’s income and expenditure were recorded in detail, and Lin Yubin’s final net income was transferred to Li Danhe. Of course, it was not direct. Transfer money, but use the real estate, the car, these equivalents instead, anyway, it is actually Li Danhe some evidence of corruption!

Do these bad guys like to leave such things for people to check? Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Everyone knows to leave a path for themselves. Lin Yubin, as the driver of Li Danhe, knows too many things, and he is not allowed to be destroyed by humanity one day. Naturally, he has to leave something for himself. These are the handles of Li Danhe. These things are, Li Danhe will not be how he is. Of course, if Lin Yubin himself took these things out, it would not threaten Li Danhe." Cao Ziyi said.


"The strength of the evidence depends on the person who uses him. If it is the secretary of the provincial party committee, then you can take it directly without any evidence. The next time, the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, I can ask you to go to the Discipline Inspection Commission. Tea, and Lin Yubin, even if it is holding more evidence, no one uses it, it is useless." Cao Ziyi explained.

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