Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1222: Woman's tactics

The first two hundred and twenty-two chapter women's tactics

Just as the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection can make a knife for almost all department-level cadres, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection can almost cut down the knives of all department-level cadres, and this Li Ziqi, at this time, is a deputy-level policeman, naturally subject to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Jurisdiction.

As Li Ziqi’s son, Li Gang’s son still knows about the officialdom. In the officialdom, you don’t have to be afraid of the anti-corruption bureau, and you don’t have to worry about the National Security Bureau. The only thing that should be afraid is the discipline inspection commission. This is a special arrest. The organization of cadres, no matter who they are, or even provincial leaders, can also be managed by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, which makes almost all officials awed in the face of such an organization.

Li Ziqi was also taken away by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. At this time, Zhao Tiezhu was sitting in a small box in a leisure hall with Lin Si. Cao Ziyi had already been sent back home by Zhao Tiezhu.

"Thank you," Zhao Tiezhu said to Lin Si. "This time your father will help me, I will remember it."

"That should be." Lin Si said slightly, "My father is the director of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and he is a deputy-level cadre. It is not like playing."

Zhao Tiezhu looked at this woman with obvious political IQ. He wanted to say that if you got the news from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, would you rush to catch Li Gang’s son, Li Danhe’s nephew? Unless he is teasing, or else this can almost threaten his political life, how can he do it? However, after all, people still said that they helped themselves, and Zhao Tiezhu specifically invited Lin Si to come out and thank him.

"Oh, there is a good father, it is so good!" Zhao Tiezhu took Lin Si so much.

Lin Si snorted and said, "All that I have now is not my father's, but I am fighting for it!"

"Yes, yes, I did not say that it depends on your father." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "It is all you fight for, yes."

"Of course, you laughed and laughed, did you doubt my words?" Lin Si asked dissatisfied.

"No." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head firmly.

"Right, the year-end is coming. We will comment on the best host after the holiday on January 2nd. You told me, you... Did you help Lin Lei?"

"Yes!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded with a smile. "The best host this year is her."

"Cut, are you so sure?" Lin Si said slyly. "I haven't spoken yet."

"You have been taking it for so many years, do you mind such a year?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Of course, I am going to take a decade or so, the honor is not fine, how many!" Lin Si said, "Iron, you see me, this is all for you, you should not be busy with Lin Lei, good or not?"

"No, no, I have promised her, naturally I have to do it. How do you say it, help me today, I will tell you the truth, this Lin Lei, it must be on, you stopped this year, It’s useless. I want to let Zhao Tizhu go, who can get it, I want to know you, and I know my identity. This year, Lin Lei is on her mind. It’s also a wish for her, and she has a higher platform, so next year. Let her compete with you!"

"You..." Lin Si glared at Zhao Tiezhu, and wanted to give this man who didn't know the confession to Siberia, but thought of the gangster, Lin Si also broke the thought, but pity He said, "Isn't Lin Lei going to bed with you? I... I can't go shopping with you to make you look long, can you?"

"Do you have brain damage?" Zhao Tiezhu heard Lin Si’s words and was too lazy to explain.

"Why are you yelling at me!" Lin Si glared at Zhao Tiezhu. "I hated people from a young age and yelled at me!"

"It seems that you have been brain-scarred, or have a certain historical origin!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded seriously and said, "First of all, Lin Lei did not go to bed with me, whether you believe it or not, I believe it." Then, you are actually just famous in fj. To be long-faced, I can pull out Sun Jiaying and go shopping at any time. This is more than the long face of your second-rate host. I can't guarantee that I can go to American Times magazine tomorrow. Finally, I don’t really like to go shopping with women."

"You..." Lin Si still wanted to smash Zhao Tiezhu, but it was a sudden turn of the eyeball, and then sat down with pitiful face to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You... can you not be so fierce to others?"

"Hey? I am going to change the tactics?" Zhao Tiezhu wrote with a look at the woman next to him. The chest wrapped in the blue shirt is not big, but it is too small. There is an faint between the button and the button. From now on, let Zhao Tiezhu see the little red underwear inside through the arch.

Fire red, this is a good color.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled secretly.

"What changes tactics, people, people just want you to help others!" Lin Si sighed, holding a hand in the hand of Zhao Tiezhu, whispered, "People... but I hope that the iron brother can help Help others."

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly got a goose bump, but his body was soft, and a thought in his head flashed.

"How can I help you?" Zhao Tiezhu stretched out his hand and stared at Lin Si's waist. There was no such curve as Su Yan Ni Linda at the waist, but the meat was not too greasy and comfortable.

Lin Si’s body trembled and looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a wink, and said, “This... as long as you don’t help Lin Lei, that’s the biggest help for others.”

"Haha, there is a saying that is said, women are short-sighted creatures, and this sentence is really correct."

This is the power of the name!

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