Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1234: Tan Ke? tank!

The first two hundred and thirty-four chapters of Tank? tank!

"I am ignorant, but I also know that there is not much change in the location of Li Danhe. There will always be a day when the earth is coming back. Our black people are paying attention to the roots. You are doing it now, but raising the tiger." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"What do you know?" Zhang Yihuang said with a disdainful smile. "Do you think that a provincial party committee member is really so good to win? Not to mention that the provincial committee member standing behind an alternate central committee member, Lu Jinhui Behind the head, unless the Central People came down, or Li Danhe had any mortal handles in my hand, I had a way to get him down. Like now, getting him away is the best result!"

"I don't understand anything about your officialdom anyway." Zhao Tiezhu grinned and stopped talking. Zhang Yihuang waved his hand and said, "Go and roll it. Minger, your industry can operate normally. There may be a long period of stability in the future. Remember to show your people to me. Don't give me all the trouble, and create a chicken fart for me."

"Know it." Zhao Tiezhu said, leaving Zhang Yihuang's study.

Just leaving the provincial party committee, Zhao Tiezhu saw through the rearview mirror that a black car was following him without hesitation.

“Hey?” Zhao Tiezhu looked at the car with a little surprise. Is this what Li Danhe sent? If so, that would be great! ! I am not ignoring the fire!

Zhao Tiezhu originally wanted to drive home, and then followed by a car, Zhao Tiezhu drove to a place where no one was driving.

Zhao Tiezhu’s car was not open, and the car behind it was slow and steady, and the front lights were still on, as if Zhao Tiezhu was not afraid that he was following Zhao Tiezhu.

Tracking is so bright, Zhao Tiezhu began to be cautious, if the sudden suddenly came out with you a heavy machine gun, no, no heavy machine gun, as long as a m60 machine gun, Zhao Tiezhu must have to drink hate. However, in the days of peace in the Shenzhou, if you can get a m60 machine gun, it can only show that your Laozi must be the figure in the Central Political Bureau.

The car slowly drove to the suburbs. In an uninhabited place where almost no lights were seen, Zhao Tiezhu stopped the car slowly, then opened the door and walked off the car, facing the black behind him. car.

The car slowly stopped the car, and then drove the car to the Zhao Tiezhu. Because of the glare, Zhao Tiezhu couldn’t see the inside of the man. He could only see a black outline, which seemed to be very strong. Look like.

"Let's go, isn't it boring to be in the car?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

The car was extinguished, the door of the driver's seat opened, and a person Zhao Zhaozhu had never seen before appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

This is a very strong person, but his robustness makes people look like they don't have a huge feeling. Anyway, looking at it is very powerful.

"Talk about it, who sent you?" Zhao Tiezhu asked his chest with both hands.

"Nobody let me come." This strong man also held his chest with Zhao Tiezhu. The arm held the muscles of his chest strong, bulging, and looked at the b-cup.

“Oh?” Zhao Tiezhu said curiously, “No one sent you?”

"Yeah!" The man nodded and asked, "You are Zhao Tiezhu, is that right?"

"It's me!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded.

"You are an apprentice of a thunderstorm, isn't it?" the man asked.

Zhao Tiezhu’s look is a condensate. Is this person the man that his master said last time that he hated him?

"You are the enemy of my master?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"It seems that the thunderstorm has told you." The sturdy man nodded and said, "My name is Tank. Plum."

"Meihua eight?" Zhao Tiezhu stunned, it is difficult to become this person is the surname Tan Ke, the name is plum eight? It’s just that this plum is eight, listening to how weird.

"It seems that your master didn't tell us about us." The man named Tank said, "I am a plum, your master, a red peach."

"What are these things?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned, "Is your nickname?"

"You don't need to know this." Tank twisted his neck and said, "Since your master told me about it, you must know what I want to do?"

"Do you know, don't you kill me?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "But, do you really think that you killed me?"

"Oh, not necessarily." Tank finished, his body suddenly moved.

This movement, as if the whole time and space have suddenly become stagnant because of his movements.

I am grass! Repair!

Zhao Tiezhu instantly discovered that the man named Tan Ke had just arrived at the same level of self-cultivation as himself, and it seemed that the repair of the heart was not weak!

"Hey!" Tank rushed to Zhao Tiezhu in front of him, and then punched out, Zhao Tiezhu crossed his hands and hardened!

Instant block! but! ! !

Zhao Tiezhu was actually shot by Tan Ke to the volley, flying more than ten meters before falling on the ground. Zhao Tiezhu stepped back and said with amazement, "How strong is your strength?"

"I majored in strength," said Tank, grinning. "Friends on the road, call me a tank. Come, give me another shot!"

"I am grass, I am not interested in men!" Zhao Tiezhu screamed, but also greeted him.


The fists of the two are like missiles and diarrhea. Every time they touch each other, there will be a huge roar. Each punch has a sonic boom, and a sound burst is not exhausted. I didn’t see the two people in the distance seeing the ordinary people who were playing. I must have thought that some people were setting off firecrackers here.


The two separated almost simultaneously.

"Yes, your strength is stronger than your master!" Tank smiled and nodded. "It seems that I can't play with you!"

"What?" Zhao Tiezhu was shocked. He had already used 10% of his strength. This was able to block this Tank’s fist. I didn’t expect this product to say that he was just playing with himself. Ten percent of my strength, but even Kirin has to be hurt!

"It seems like you will harden, isn't it?" Tank asked with a smile.

"Do you know?!" Zhao Tiezhu frowned.

"Of course I know, hardening, strengthening the tightness of the cells, this is not a difficult thing." Tan Ke said with a grin. "Since you will harden, then I will let you see my strength enhancement."

"What? Strength enhancement?" Zhao Tiezhu was inconspicuous, but he saw that Tank suddenly screamed in the sky, and his muscles were inexplicably bulging!

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