Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1244: Promotion meeting

The first two hundred and four hundred and fourty-four chapter promotion meeting

"Then I will simply tell you about it." Red Yun said, "That is a domestic luxury product promotion conference, the name of this luxury goods, called gv, amount, you don't say people's cottage lv Now, this year, there are cottages everywhere. If you don’t have a cottage, you can’t buy it.”

"I understand that there is no cottage, how to force it? Long live the cottage." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said.

"You, this person, will not say something good? What is the use of no cottage, how to force, people's cottage is to force it?" Red rhyme said dissatisfied.

"That's really, if you buy a cottage and don't force it, then you might as well buy other authentic ones, such as love crazy 4, love crazy 4 is very loaded, you buy a 299 still packaged love Mad 4, don't tell me that you want to use a smart machine, 299 smart machine, can you go there? Not all because of that and love crazy 4 like everyone to buy? This year, you said The cottage is not for the sake of force, it is like the online doorsteps such as the **** of the skirt is not for hype, it is fooling our IQ." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"You see it thoroughly, but don't fight, listen to me." Red rhyme said, "This gv is a big business, at least in our fj, it is very big, so this time. Gv's luxury promotion conference, I also took a lot of effort to win, I hope you can take it seriously, don't mess up, then you can hurt my sister's heart."

Zhao Tiezhu’s face is serious.

"How? Retired?" Red rhyme asked with a smile.

"No!" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head. "Just I think, I should call you aunt."

"Zhao Tiezhu, are you looking for death?" Red Yun’s face was black and charcoal.

"Haha, make a joke, I will take it seriously, but, Rhyme, you have to tell me, what is the process of this promotion?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This is smooth, it is the same thing, rent a venue, then run a platform, and then invite some celebrities to participate. If there are costumes or jewelry, you have to recruit models to come to the show, these are things we need to consider. And the money that his gv company gave us is fixed, so we have to save the cost while ensuring the quality, so that our profits will be even bigger! And, how to sell ourselves in such a conference, That also needs to be brainstorming."

"This is simple, then what do I need to do first?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This, iron pillar, isn't this something you want to think?" Red Yun said, "you said it, it depends on your own."

"That's okay, but you follow me, can you? I have to be really outrageous or jokes, and you can help me remedy, right?" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"That can be, but, iron pillar, you are really humble!" Red rhyme praised.

"In business, I am a new person, naturally modest. If the newcomer is still arrogant, then it can only die one word, needless to say twice." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"That, then I will take you to see this team first!" Hongyun stood up and said, "The mall is like a battlefield. A good team can guarantee you a better survival on this battlefield. People can never succeed!"

"This I know, this is the same as we go to the streets with a knife to hack people. One person and the other group of people do, it must be dead can not die!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Don't mention this, you have to remember now, you are my assistant, you have no car, no house, no money, no power, you are four youths!" Red Yun learned.

"Know it, Red!" Zhao Tiezhu stood up and looked at the red rhyme seriously.

The rhyme of the red rhyme swayed a smile, Zhao Tiezhu was a strong mess in the underworld, but today it is possible to educate Zhao Tiezhu as a big sister, which makes the red rhyme have a rare pleasure.

"Let's go, go with me... Oh, what are you doing!"

After more than half an hour passed, the two ended the war between men and women, and then walked out of the office of Hongyun after wearing neat clothes.

"Wait a little to give me a face, you are my assistant, don't give me shame!" Red rhyme shouted.

"Know!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded.

When I came to the office with the red rhyme, I heard the red rhyme. "Want spring, dust, small heaven, small land, come over."

When the voice just fell, several men stood up from their office positions, then looked at the red rhyme and said, "Boss, anecdote?"

"Go to the conference room." Red rhyme said, turned and walked to a small conference room, Zhao Tiezhu followed, and the four men also packed up their hands and walked into the conference room.

In the conference room, red rhyme sat on the main position, and Zhao Tiezhu was sitting next to the red rhyme. Now, regardless of where Zhao Tiezhu goes, he basically sits in the main position. This is the first time when he is following the class. Zhao Tiezhu is quite novel.

"You are all sitting." Red rhyme signaled everyone to sit down, this said, "Today, I will introduce you to a new colleague, this person is my assistant! Zhao Tiezhu."

After Zhao Tiezhu and other rhyme words were finished, he stood up and nodded to the crowd. He said, "My name is Zhao Tiezhu. I am very glad to meet everyone. I am very honored to work with you. I am very happy. Xiao Zhao is a newcomer. I hope everyone. I can give more guidance and more support."

"You also introduce yourself, spring, you come first!" Red rhyme refers to a man dressed in a very trendy, said.

"Hello, my name is Spring Night, I am responsible for propaganda planning!" The man stood up and nodded to Zhao Tiezhu with a smile.

"Hello, my name is dusty, it is responsible for logistics." Another very handsome man stood up and smiled and nodded to Zhao Tiezhu.

"My name is Xiaotian, I am responsible for on-site regulation!"

"My name is Xiaodi, I am responsible for the customer."

"This is the team of our promotion meeting. Although there are not many people, they are the leaders of all professions!" Red Yun said to Zhao Tiezhu, then turned to the four people and said, "This promotion will be I have no power to participate in the iron pillar!"

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