Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1246: Bargain

The first two hundred and forty-six chapters of bargaining

In fact, this is a red rhyme misunderstanding Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu really does not know much about business, but now it is right, not the right thing, Zhao Tiezhu has been very arrogant in the matter of people, especially the foxes and tigers... Of course, according to What Hong Yun said is to use his power to apply to him.

Zhao Tiezhu, this fox fake tiger Wei is still very good, at least several people will be given to the town, although they still tend to believe that Zhao Tiezhu is the boss can not open the human sentiment, but how much is still a little taboo to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Since this position is also set by the red rhyme sister, then I have to do something, we will start this evening after the promotion, right?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Yeah!" The people around nodded.

"Then what I need to be clear now is your specific function!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile on his face. "You come first, want to be big brother."

"This, you don't want to call me a big brother. You can call me spring." The face of the night is a bit weird, dissatisfied, not much dissatisfaction, but seeing such a new person actually gave orders to himself, this total I don't think it's the same thing. He wants to hesitate for a moment, saying, "What I mainly do is propaganda planning. That is to say, this event is responsible for the promotion. It is me, such as contacting guests, social celebrities, advertising for this event. I have come to me! There are some process settings for this event, and I need help."

"Oh, is that dusty?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I am responsible for the construction of the on-site props and the hiring of models. I am doing it." The dusty eyes smiled. "Even if they eat the lunch box, I will arrange it."

"I am simple. I am responsible for the lighting on the spot and some temporary arrangements. Basically, the preparatory work in the early stage has little to do with me." Xiaotian said.

"I am responsible for the customer. To put it simply, I have to be responsible for conducting some customer needs investigations and then summarizing them to our employer, that is, this gv company." Xiaodi said calmly.

"Well, then I understand it!!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded seriously. "If this is the case, then... what should I do?"

Zhao Tiezhu’s words were not only the four men present, but even the red rhyme was instantly stunned. Then he smiled and said, “What you have to do is to command them and coordinate and coordinate. If there is something you feel unsatisfied or not good enough, you can let them follow your thoughts. Of course, not everything needs you to do it yourself. You just need to stand in the leader's position. It's okay to look at this thing. However, I suggest that you can learn the logistical support knowledge first, because the purchase of goods is actually a very deep study, and the model is hired. Mode!"

"Tender model?" Zhao Tiezhu's eyes glowed, then looked at the dust, said, "If this is the case, I will listen to the words of Hong Yunjie, let's go shopping together!"

I said with a smile, "Well, yes, but before that, I have to ask. We are going to hold this promotion meeting. Where are you going to do it? That is, you have ideas for the venue. What? After I have an idea, I can purchase the corresponding items according to some requirements of the venue!"

"This...the venue." Zhao Tiezhu hesitated and said, "Where have you been doing this kind of activity in the past?"

“Before it was held in some convention centers, this time you are the conductor, you can do it.” Dust said.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "That is the Golden Dragon International Convention and Exhibition Center in the city center!"

"This... this exhibition center is the best, our funds are limited, can we take it down?" asked a little doubt.

"I have to try it out, do you say yes?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "If we can hold our promotion meeting at such a top-level convention center, the effect will be extraordinary."

"That's it, this is up to you! It's best to be sure tonight, or not enough time!" said dusty.

Zhao Tiezhu stood up and said to everyone. "Since the time is tight, then we all have to go their own. It’s dusty. You go with me to the Golden Dragon Convention and Exhibition Center. Let’s go and talk to them. Would you like to let them go cheaper? Let's do a promotion."


A group of people nodded, and immediately got up and left the busy, and the red rhyme was curious to pull Zhao Tiezhu aside and said, "Do you really want to go to the Golden Dragon Convention and Exhibition Center?"

"Yes, isn't it?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Since it is Zhao Tiezhu, I am going to do the best!"

"But, don't forget, the funds you can use now are very few. The budget that the company has made for this promotion is 120,000. As far as I know, Jinlong Convention and Exhibition Center rents once. More than 100,000! There are still 20,000 left, what can you do?"

"You don't have to worry about this!" Zhao Tiezhu said mysteriously, "The mountain people have their own ideas."

"But I have to remind you that you are not allowed to use your own current relationship. I know that with your background and connections, it is okay to take the convention center without spending a penny, but you must remember now. You are a young man in his twenties who has no money and no power. No violation of the rules of the game."

"I know this." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "I will try hard. Anyway, I am also a newcomer. Even if I fail, I am not afraid of people laughing, right?"

"That is also, I wish you success!" Red Rhyme gave a wink to Zhao Tiezhu. "If it is successful, there are rewards."

"Oh, okay! You remember this sentence!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded with a smile and turned and left the meeting room with dust.

Going downstairs, Zhao Tiezhu drove his yellow qq and went straight to the Jinlong Convention and Exhibition Center, which is actually not very far away.

This Jinlong Convention and Exhibition Center is a landmark building of fj. It doesn't know how many acres, and there are many areas in it. What Zhao Tiezhu has to do this time is not to get the entire exhibition center, unless you use Zhao Tiezhu's network. Otherwise, it can't be done at all! The purpose of Zhao Tiezhu is one of the exhibition halls.

There are a lot of exhibition halls in this exhibition center, about sixty or seventy. Zhao Tiezhu wandered around with dust. Finally, I saw a very good exhibition hall, covering an area of ​​more than 200 square meters. However, the price is very high, and the asking price is directly at 130,000.

Zhao Tiezhu picked up his eyebrows and said to himself, "It seems that the buddies have to start bargaining!"

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