Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1250: sell

The first two hundred and fifty-five chapters are sold out

"I am going, now there are no other people in the eyes of the woman except the handsome guy?" Zhao Tiezhu helpless, the sisters she had encountered before, such as Su Yanni Lucy, which one is not the country? But in the eyes of others, this is a man with connotation and connotation. The outside is just a general woman. Why is it different from those top beauty? Looking at the appearance and not looking inside, Zhao Tiezhu is very despised by such people! Of course, Zhao Tiezhu also definitely does not admit that he sees his sister. In fact, he only looks at the appearance, inside? Is that a **** horse?

"This, we intend to rent your showroom, mainly to make a promotion!" Zhao Tiezhu simply said his idea of ​​the promotion meeting, and then said, "This promotion, we will face the entire upper fj society, to At that time, all the high-ranking ladies will come to your convention center. It is a promotion to your convention center. You think, since it is promotion, you have to pay a price. Why don’t you give us a 6? At the time, we will incorporate some promotional materials about your exhibition center in the design of the venue, so if you are on TV, you can also promote your Golden Dragon Convention and Exhibition Center."

"This thing..." The manager frowned. To be honest, this win-win thing is that she is very happy to do it, but a 40% discount is equivalent to making less than fifty or sixty thousand! Five or sixty thousand, what is that concept? Qq can buy two! You can find a scorpion in the bathing center for half a year!

"Of course, we can talk about the specific matters. I intend to let our logistics supervisor Mr. Dust discuss with you privately about this promotion. What do you think?"

When I heard the three words in private, the manager’s eyes were clearly bright, and then said, “This... then talk privately. I have time now. It’s better to go out and find a coffee shop and talk while drinking coffee. How to ?"

"This is very good, very good!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded with a smile. "I just need something to go first, there is dust, you have to discuss it with the manager! Do you know? What do you ask, you have to Try to be satisfied!"

I looked at Zhao Tiezhu with dust. Because there were outsiders present here, I didn’t say anything. I just looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a bit of a face, as if Zhao Tiezhu wanted to sell him into the kiln.

"That's so fixed, this, is it dusty? You go outside and wait for me, I will go out later, Xiao Li, you go back to work." The manager gave Xiao Li a blank face with a few words. When I left, I looked at Zhao Tiezhu more sadly. I hope that Zhao Tiezhu can let the dust leave a number for her. Zhao Tiezhu is naturally obliged to leave the dusty number to Xiao Li, and then walk out of the exhibition with dust. center.

"This, iron pillar, you are not pitting me!" Outside the exhibition center, there was a dusty look at Zhao Tiezhu, and said, "The woman, looking at it is forty years old, you... you actually let me Selling the hue to please her?"

"It's dusty, you have to know that shopping malls, such as the battlefield, are the battlefields. If you are against the enemy, you have to do everything! Since people have seen you, they are willing to talk to you at the coffee shop. This is your chance. If you can give this old lady a good wait, maybe she is happy, I will rent the venue to us for free! When I save 130,000, I can give you 60,000, you see how!" Zhao Tiezhu Said.

"But...the woman is more than forty, I am only thirty! I am not eating the tender grass? And, the woman is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, I am afraid I can’t stand it!" Dust worried.

"You don't understand this? Seriously, this is a woman of more than forty. That is the most understanding of the style. When it is time to decide what to make you cool, I believe in a word, a woman, must be mature. The taste is good, it is like a peach. The more mature, the more water, do you know? If someone doesn't look at me, do you think you can go on? I have long been obliged, now this is the organization for you. The test is also your chance. As long as you do well, it is no problem to buy at least a down payment!" Zhao Tiezhu patted the dusty shoulders, and finally said with a strong heart, "The road to revolution is very long. The road is long and the road is long, we will all go up and down, well, the woman is coming, I am going, the dress is really windy, arrogant, dusty, I will call you at night, right, you said we have to Contact those tender models, right? Call me, like this kind of hard work that requires errands, I can do it!"

Looking at Zhao Tiezhu, who was speechless and sorrowful, then looked at Zhao Tiezhu and copied the phone number of the brokerage company’s agent on his phone. He finally understood the meaning of the mall as a battlefield. On the battlefield, you don’t have to Always guard against teammates to give you a shot behind?

As for whether to go to the coffee shop to talk about things, or to find a hotel to talk about life, this is not what Zhao Tiezhu can participate in. Anyway, people have their own lives and riches. Since they have chosen this line, they have to do this for the time. Devotional thoughts.

Zhao Tiezhu felt that he was very ideologically aware. For example, now that the dust was taken away by the manager, Zhao Tiezhu got through the call of the tender agent.

"Hey, hello!" The phone is a bit of a sharp male voice. The owner of this voice is either mean or scary.

"Hello, I am a giant company!" Zhao Tiezhu simply reported his purpose, and then said, "I am new, dusty, let me contact you, we need a few people to give us this show Is there someone on your side?"

"There are some! How much do you want me!" The voice on the other end of the phone was very warm.

"This is about twenty." After Zhao Tiezhu indulged in a moment, he said, "Because I am new, can I see the quality of your model?"

"Of course, yes, no problem, our company is on the 250th No. 38, are you still here?"

"I am going now, right, haven't you asked your surname?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Don't be surnamed Zhou, friends in the circle call me Zhou Datou, are you?"

"My surname is Zhao, called Zhao Tiezhu, then I am now, and I will call you again."

"Okay! Waiting for you to come!"

Zhao Tiezhu hung up the phone, while fantasizing those tender models, while driving happily, he went to No. 250 and No. 38.

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