Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1266: Ling Xue, who took the butcher knife

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-six chapters take the butcher's Ling Xue

"Do you look down on the cottage?" Zhao Tiezhu squinted at the night and said, "The cottage is also a domestic brand. You can't look down on the cottage, you can't look down on the domestic brand, that is, look down on our motherland!"

"Iron column, then it is not the case, we will talk about things!" said Night Spring. "Now most people still look down on the cottage. Of course, most of the people I am talking about are people who buy genuine products."

"It's okay, as long as the people I invite will not look down on the cottage, it will be fine." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Are you sure you can invite someone?" asked the night.

"Of course, why don't you believe it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"No, no, I don't believe it, but I don't have confidence in gv's brand appeal. I don't believe that he can really let our fj's first-line socialites come to him to hold his field!" Ling Xue, said, "I don't believe that Ling always believes."

Ling Xue did not have any expression, but looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Then let's make a bet, how do you say?" Zhao Tiezhu smirked and looked at the night.

There was a feeling that the wolf was staring at the night. Although Zhao Tiezhu was laughing, he always felt that Zhao Tiezhu’s smile was behind a big mouth, and then he waited for himself to go forward and then gave himself a bite. Swallow it. It’s just that Ling Xue and Hong Yun are both at the moment, not only for not showing up in front of the boss, but also for not showing up in front of the beauty. The night of spring wants to suddenly know where to come from, and said, “Gambling, bet, what?”

"It's very simple." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "As long as I lose, I will give you this position, and then don't take any dividends for this one! Give all my dividends to you!"

"Oh? Really?" said the night when the eyes of the spring were bright.

"of course it's true!"

"That's good! I promised!"

"You don't rush to promise." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "If you lose, what should you do?"

"I? I can't lose!" said Yuchunchun confidently. "If I want to lose, then I will ask all of you to have a meal, a five-star hotel!"

"Okay, no problem!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded. "Then we have a gamble, even if it is established?"

"Well, of course, I have to declare first, if you don't ask for one or two, even if you come, I need you to let at least 90% of the attendance rate on the scene, then the 90% attendance rate. At least 50% of them are first-line socialites and high-ranking people. If not, you will lose!" said Night Spring.

"No problem." Zhao Tiezhu said proudly, "Ling total, red total, this gamble, you can hear it, you can help us to prove it."

"No problem!" Red Yun said with a smile. "However, if you want to win those dividends, you have to ask us to have a good meal!"

"That is of course!" said the night and spring, "In fact, I am happy to lose, so I can use my own money to invite everyone to eat, haha."

It didn't take long for the meeting to be dispersed, because there is still something to do today, so I can't waste too much time here. There is dust and small days to go first. Zhao Tiezhu is sitting in the conference room and looking at Ling. Snow, smiled. "You can see the buddy's ability, is it OK?"

"In front of your boss, don't you think you should be modest and cautious?" Ling Xue asked an eyebrow.

"Cut, big deal, you fired me." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged indifferently.

"Sorry, today I received a call from Mr. Zhao Daniu. He told me to tell you about it on the phone. In this company, I have absolute authority. If I fire you, then Zhao Daniu will take this. Tell your grandfather, and then your grandfather will punish you accordingly." Ling Xue's face finally showed a victorious smile, quite a kind of Zhao Tiezhu you finally made the taste of my hand.

"What?" Zhao Tiezhu stood up in surprise. "You mean, if you want to expel me, I have to be punished by my grandfather?"

"That's what it means." Ling Xue's face is even more smiling. "So, I told you, I have to give me enough respect, otherwise, annoy me, you will not feel good!"

"How to do it!" Zhao Tiezhu picked up the phone and immediately gave a call to Zhao Daniu, but Zhao Dani's answer made Zhao Tiezhu very helpless, because Zhao Daniu said, Zhao Lao is to exercise Zhao Tiezhu, and if Zhao Tiezhu has no fear, then there is nothing. Can exercise, in order to let Zhao Tiezhu have a sense of crisis, Zhao Laite underground command, if Zhao Tiezhu was expelled by Ling Xue, then Zhao Tiezhu will be reclaimed by Zhao Lao, one-third of the fj Zhao family industry!

What is this concept? That is to say, if Zhao Tiezhu was expelled from Ling Xue, Zhao Tiezhu not only lost a dispensable identity, but also lost the industry worth tens of billions! This is simply the weight that life can't bear!

"Without this!" Zhao Tiezhu screamed at the phone.

Zhao Daniu hesitated and said, "In fact, Zhao Lao is training you."

"Exercise me, I am going to train me, don't give me the knife to the enemy!" Zhao Tiezhu called.

"It is this way that you have the effect of exercising. Because this way, your demands on yourself will be more strict, because the butcher knife is in the hands of your enemies, and your enemies will infinitely narrow down your strengths. If your shortcomings are infinitely expanded, if you can succeed in such a situation, then you prove that you are really innocent of Zhao Jiazi's identity!" Zhao Daniu explained.

Zhao Tiezhu has no choice but to hang up the phone. He also understands Zhao Lao’s good intentions and let a person who is not right with him to control himself. This is much better than letting a woman like Cao Ziyi Su Yanni manage herself. At least those women. Zhao Tiezhu can't get his hands, and this Ling Xue, Zhao Tiezhu looks at her smug smile, can be very sure, as long as the opportunity is seized, this woman will wave her knife knife and cut her little jj several rings .

"Well, count you!" Zhao Tiezhu stared at Ling Xue and said, "I am going to do something."

"Don't you forget, what is polite?" Ling Xue was sitting on the chair with his legs crossed, and looked up at Zhao Tiezhu. Although he was carrying his head, Zhao Tiezhu had a feeling of being looked down on him. Let Zhao Tiezhu call it a grievance.

"Ling, I am going to do things." Zhao Tiezhu said, slightly lowering his head.

"Well, this is polite, go!" Ling Xue waved his hand, his face full of a happy smile.

Zhao Tiezhu pinched his fist and then released his hand and turned away from the conference room.

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