Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1268: The promotion will begin

The first two hundred and sixty-six chapters will start

"I heard that you recently worked in the company of Hongyunjie?" Linda sat at the table, holding a bowl of rice in one hand and holding chopsticks in the other, and staring at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Yeah, what happened?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Linda's words and asked, and asked.

"There is nothing, the girls in the company are pretty, right?" Linda said, biting the chopsticks.

"Fortunately, very young, expensive in youth!" Zhao Tiezhu said, looked at Linda's eyes and then asked, "Why, are you jealous?"

"Go, how can I eat the vinegar of those little girls!" Linda said proudly. "I am very confident about myself!"

"What do you ask?" Zhao Tiezhu is a bit puzzling.

"I want to say, I am on a holiday, it is really boring. Is there any spare space on your side? Let me arrange for me to experience it? Otherwise, you can’t stay with me all the time, I will Every day, I stay at home and watch the astronomical dramas. When you look at my waist, I will grow my flesh!" Linda picked up her clothes a little and pointed at her waist.

Zhao Tiezhu grabbed his hand and grabbed it at Linda's waist, then smiled and said, "There is not much meat, I look quite normal!"

"You are not a woman, you will not understand!" Linda sighed with a sad sigh. "I have already gained two pounds from the beginning of the holiday! Two pounds! How much meat is it!"

"You, you, I will help you to see it, or you will have a really painful milk pain." Zhao Tiezhu thought about giving Linda a job in his own industry, or else this one is not in the early 20s. I don’t like nightclubs. I don’t really like women who go shopping. After the holiday, I really can’t find anything to do. Women are not afraid of being busy. The most fearful thing is boring. Because it’s boring, it’s easy to give you an unexpected whole point. The thing is coming out.

"Really? Can I have a manager to be a pawn? I have been a manager since I was a child. I think the manager has a special style!" Linda asked Zhao Zhaozhu’s arm in surprise and asked.

"Manager? I am only a small assistant now, you are a manager. You are a manager of the roadside cabbage, a few cents a pound?" Zhao Tiezhu glanced at Linda and said, "I will give you Arrange a clerk."

"That's also good, don't be too boring and don't work too busy." Linda said with a smile. "The most important thing is that you can often see you."

Zhao Tiezhu saw it, but then he understood it. What is boring? Nothing to do. It is actually virtual. Linda wants it most. She can still see herself often. It’s really rare for this girl to see it often. I have made such a roundabout tactic.

Zhao Tiezhu eagerly reached out and touched Linda’s face and said, “I will spend more time with you.”

"Uh huh!" Linda nodded, and said emotionally, "Iron column, I just ate, the oil stuck to my face."

"I am going, I said how slippery and greasy!" Zhao Tiezhu was busy wiping off the oil in his hand, causing Linda to laugh again and again.

Linda’s business, Zhao Tiezhu, naturally thinks about it. As for which industry Linda has arranged for his own business, there is no need to say more. Zhao Tiezhu is now working at the Giants branch, and Linda wants to see Zhao Tiezhu often. Naturally, Linda was arranged there, and Linda and Red Rhyme had a good relationship. There was a red rhyme covering Linda. I wouldn’t be bullied if I wanted Linda.

However, before the official business, you always need to do some personal matters first. For example, after eating enough, in order to prevent the increase of weight, it is natural to do a little after-dinner exercise.

After Zhao Tiezhu and Linda finished the exercise, it was already one and a half. Zhao Tiezhu called a red rhyme. He briefly talked about the idea that Linda wants to enter the company. Red rhyme is naturally not. Disagree, she and Linda are united fronts. In order to be able to fight against the beautiful women in the villa in the future, it is natural to take care of Linda. When Zhao Tiezhu is going to work at two o'clock in the afternoon, Red Rhyme will already have Linda’s Work has been implemented.

Manager secretary, that is to say, the secretary of her rhyme!

Hongyun is only a department manager. It is reasonable to say that he is not qualified to have a secretary. However, since people are willing to pay wages, it is not easy for others to say anything. Very simple, Linda has entered the giant company.

"This year, it’s really a good thing to have a relationship!" Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion to Linda. "When are you going to find red rhyme? Anyway, you can call in advance. In the afternoon, you better not go, wait for tomorrow." Go, so that Hongyun just introduces you at the morning meeting, when you point your identity a little bit, naturally there will be no open eyes, people will harass you, so I can safely put you Inside the company!"

"Hey? You are not worried about the teacher?" Linda leaned in the arms of Zhao Tiezhu, and painted a circle in the chest of Zhao Tiezhu from time to time, saying, "The teacher is wholehearted to you!"

"I know that I know, well, don't get tired. You can see me naturally when you go to work tomorrow. I have to do my job in the afternoon. I have a promotion meeting tomorrow night. When are you going? You? I will leave you a place to go."

"Of course, go!" Linda said. "Your presentation, how can I not go!"

"That's good!" Zhao Tiezhu went to the door and said, "Let's take care of yourself. After that, we are a company colleague. You don't want to be a teacher!"

"Hey, one day is a teacher, life is a father!" Linda said with a wrinkled nose.

"It is indeed a "day" for the teacher!" Zhao Tiezhu smirked, and escaped the sandals thrown by Linda to win the door.

After Zhao Tiezhu went to the company to play the card in the afternoon, he did not stay in the company, but went directly to the Jinlong Convention and Exhibition Center!

In the exhibition hall where the lease was made, the arrangement of the stage and the scene had already begun. After the play of killing the chicken and the monkey in the morning, Xiaotian and Xiaodi had some restless thoughts before, and now they have completely settled down. And next to this venue, Zhao Tiezhu also saw dust, in addition to dust, Zhao Tiezhu actually saw the manager!

That's right, it's tossing up a dusty manager who almost wipes out the dust one night.

The manager stood beside the dust, his body and dust were side by side, his face was very serious, but Zhao Tiezhu could see a glimpse of spring from her serious eyes, and then look at the dust, then Zhang face, how to say it, there is a kind of emotion that can’t be said, or that is crying without tears. When I saw Zhao Tiezhu, it was as if the dust had met the savior, and I would welcome it.

"Oh, haha, I forgot that I still have something!" Zhao Tiezhu slammed his head and turned directly. He did not look at the dust. He left the Jinlong Convention and Exhibition Center and left only a sad and dusty place.

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