Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1270: advice

The first thousand two hundred and seventy chapters of advice

"My grass, Sogra, how come you come back?" Zhao Tiezhu cried in surprise.

"Of course, I came back by plane. Could it be that I was beaten back by a gun?" Sogra whispered on the phone. "I just got off the plane and arranged for me to go eat with people. I don't want to go. How? , do you both come out and have a meal?"

"No problem, where are you? I used to carry you, at night we went to eat food stalls, have to drink! You are not allowed to drink!" Zhao Tiezhu said happily.

"No problem. I am outside the airport now." Sogra said, and then pressed the voice a little, saying, "When it is time, I have to tell you something."

"Okay, I am going to pass." After Zhao Tiezhu hung up the phone, he directly transferred the steering wheel and went to the fj airport.

"Iron brother, is this a friend?" Su Shi asked curiously.

"Sogra is coming." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "He has been back to Beijing for a long time. I also thought about waiting for me to go to Beijing to see him. I didn't expect the goods to run back to fj."

"Oh!" Su Shi nodded, and she looked a little disappointed. In the evening, she couldn't easily find a chance to eat with Zhao Tiezhu. Since she was eating with a woman, she couldn't finish the meal. Right? Have a bit of post-meal activity?

Although he did not say that he had to go to bed to exercise, but as a woman, and as a woman who was only taken in her twenties, Su Shi is in need both psychologically and physically, and Zhao Tiezhu It seems that since I took Su Shi’s body, I have never been close to Su Shi. This makes Su Shi’s grievances, but also has some doubts about the charm of her body. At night, Su Shi specially wears a piece. The dress with a corset has a mesh of black silk outside, so that it can be seduce to Zhao Tiezhu, or let Zhao Tiezhu, the imperial emperor, be lucky.

This is the sadness of being a canary. They can get everything from their men to almost all women, gold and silver, jewellery, and luxury cars, but they don’t get the most basics that many women have. The thing, that is love.

The so-called fish and bear's paw can't have both, and that's what it is.

Zhao Tiezhu did not ask Su Shi’s plan. This is not to say that Zhao Tiezhu’s ignorance is because of Su Shi’s identity. Since he has decided that he only needs to get what he wants, it’s too much love and love to go in, to each other. It’s not good, like this, how good, what do you have to say, what do you have to say, in the women in the villa, Zhao Tiezhu can not find this kind of feeling, this is why Zhao Tiezhu will think about raising gold in the outer The bird is not only because of the ability of the canary, but also because of the evil taste of Zhao Tiezhu’s goods. It is often oppressed in the villa, and it’s always a good thing to go outside. Of course, this man is not referring to the men of Chun Ge Chun Ye, nor the kind of men who are women and women who are not moving, but an authority, a feeling of supreme authority in front of women.

Soon the car arrived at the fj airport.

Su Ge Saobao took a lv suitcase and stood at the exit of the airport. Beside him, he still stood a woman. This woman Zhao Tiezhu knew, isn't this Chen Yao? Or it is Chen Fairy.

Chen Yaozhen is very enchanting, just like her name, a **** and enchanting dress makes the surrounding men all face, and Sogra is wearing a small hat as always, as if the hat is long on his head. .

"Sogra!" Zhao Tiezhu was pleased to scream, Sogra took off the sunglasses on his face, excitedly looked at Zhao Tiezhu, and walked straight with his arms open, Zhao Tiezhu also opened his arms, then the two great men were Such a cold and windy moment was closely hugged together, which made countless **** men unable to see and moved to tears. What a deep friendship.

"I went, I haven't seen you for a long time, and the length is whiter than before!" Zhao Tiezhu let go of his hand and looked at Sogra in front of him.

"Are you not rejuvenated?" Sogra tried to hammer it on Zhao Tiezhu's chest and said, "You have more pectoral muscles than before."

"My abdominal muscles are also stronger than before." Zhao Tiezhu smiled slyly.

"I am grass, do you have to do push-ups?" Sogra smiled wretchedly.

"You have not done less? Chen Yaozhen won?" Zhao Tiezhu whispered.

"That is natural to take down, I told you that she is now in the stomach, but there is a species of our Su family!" Socrata said proudly.

"I am grass, so fast? Then your kid is not going to be awkward? Congratulations!" Zhao Tiezhu said happily.

"It's okay!" Sogra shook her head shyly. "I just found out that it has been nine months. It’s very early. Go, go hungry, find a place to eat."

"No problem!" Zhao Tiezhu said, with Sogra and Chen Yaozhen on his own car, did not introduce Su Shi from beginning to end. Sogra did not ask much.

Zhao Tiezhu took a few people to go to the charcoal grill that he had been to. He was going to go to the food stalls, but because of Chen Yao’s pregnancy, he couldn’t blow it, so Zhao Tiezhu did not go to the food stalls.

This charcoal grilled Zhao Tiezhu is very familiar. After simply calling a few things, a few boxes of beer glasses are held up.

"This day, we are not drunk!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and opened a half-box of beer. "Come, drink first."

"I am grass, are you making up your mind to make me unable to work at night?" Sogra said with a squint.

"Work?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Sogra, and then looked at Chen Yaozhen, saying with a strong heart, "This... since you are pregnant, you have to control!"

"You are so embarrassed, I mean the work of the TV station." Sogra smiled proudly. "After my efforts in the capital, now fj this piece of my Su family's industry is mys!"

"Ah? Really?" Zhao Tiezhu cried in surprise.

"Of course it is true, will the buddy lie to you?" Socrata shrugged proudly. "Now, no one can give me a secret."

"What about your brother?" Zhao Tiezhu asked hesitantly.

"My brother was transferred back to Beijing by my son. Although our family is not a big family, it does not allow people in the family to make such a conspiracy. My brother was caught in the house and thought about it."

"Well, although it is like this, but you can have a long heart." Zhao Tiezhu couldn't help but remind him, "Although I said that you may be a little upset, I still have to tell you that the family is ruthless, not because of the moment. The fortune has forgotten those who wish you to fall down and fall to death."

"I understand this!" Sogra nodded seriously.

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