Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1275: Model Ouyang Ying

The first two hundred and seventy-five chapter model Ouyang Ying

The number of guests attending the promotion meeting is getting more and more. Zhao Tiezhu sees Su Shi’s greetings there very well. He does not plan to stand at the door again, but let the dust have a good skin. People replaced themselves. As for Zhao Tiezhu, is it lazy? Zhao Tiezhu said that this is nonsense!

Zhao Tiezhu has important things to do, it is very important!

what's up? Those tender models have come, and now they are preparing costume props in the dressing room behind the exhibition hall. There are many new products to be promoted to the public in the promotion meeting of gv, such as new clothes, new bags, tide goods, etc. And clothing, naturally need these models to try on one piece, and then go on the show.

Zhao Tiezhu just wanted to explore the background to see if everyone changed their clothes. Sogra called the phone and said that he had entered the exhibition hall and let Zhao Tiezhu take him to play. Zhao Tiezhu thought about this kind of inspection. Whether the clothes of the sisters are good or not, the workload is very huge. It’s the so-called brothers and brothers. Naturally, Socrata is busy doing the work himself, so he has not gone to the background for a while, but instead went to find the Soviet Union. Gera.

Sogra is a person coming over, Chen Yaozhen did not follow, but also want to come, Sogra is also a person who indulges in the flower field, although it is necessary to be defamed, but how could it be bound by a woman? In the evening, Zhao Tiezhu organized the activities, how can Sogra come to play a game.

"Are you sure you have a tender model?" Sogra whispered.

"Of course, I personally went looking for it, although it is all price-priced to sell meat, but it is also a tender model!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a wretched smile, "How can I just look at it, this does not cost money. I invited one person in 2000. If you don't take a look, then you lose money, you know?"

"This is indeed true!" Sogra nodded. "So let's go?"


The two seemed to be two thieves who entered the room. While walking, they looked around if anyone noticed themselves, and then walked to the back of the backstage.

"Sure enough, it's a tender model!" Sogra held her arms in her arms and looked at the tender models who were changing clothes in the background, laughing.

"That is of course." Zhao Tiezhu is also holding his chest with his hands, a serious look, seeing the tender models noticed themselves, Zhao Tiezhu cried, "How are you prepared? Zhou Datou?"

"Ah! Mr. Iron Pillar!" These tender models didn't feel any embarrassment. Now, although they are changing clothes, they can also wear underwear, don't say anything to wear underwear and be ashamed to see people, in many nightclubs, Some girls play high, but they are all wearing underwear, but there is a passionate, direct de-glare! Urban men and women, many have no shame.

"How are you, how are you prepared at night?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"All are ready, Mr. Iron Pillar." The tender voices of the tender models shouted, "Mr. Tiezhu, look at our clothes, look good?"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the tender models that showed his body in front of him and said to Socrata, "I don't see it, it's not bad!"

"It's really good, but it's too dirty, I can't play." Suegra said with a smile.

"Not all of them are the ones you want. Maybe some people only occasionally come out and do some money. You are engaged in entertainment. You should know the most about this?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Really, there are two types of models in the model. One is this kind, one is sold out, the other is the one that cleans itself. This kind of self-cleaning person is quite a lot. I know a few in the world supermodel. There are fixed boyfriends, no lace news, no secret rules, the world is not so dark, some people are willing to sell the body in exchange for higher interests, some people do not have that kind of appeal!" Sogra said.

"That is of course, the world has always had two kinds of people, one is a rich man, the other is a person without money." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"You have worshipped gold, kiss!" Sogra looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said.

"Don't learn Taobao, it makes people sick, oh!" Zhao Tiezhu responded with a smile.

Here, the tenders are changing their clothes. Zhao Tiezhu and Sogra are chatting with the tender model. From time to time, they are called to adjust the angle of the sling. The skirt of the skirt, the height of the chest is sly, positive. It was a joy. Suddenly, Zhao Tiezhu heard a familiar voice that could no longer be familiar.

"Iron brother, how come you!"

Zhao Tiezhu turned his head and saw, I went, Ouyang Ying! ! !

I saw Ouyang Ying is wearing a new spring product that gv will withdraw from this promotion meeting. I looked at myself with a surprise, and Zhao Tiezhu was stunned. How did Ouyang Ying run to make a tender model? The people I saw last time, there is no Ouyang Ying!

"How do you do this?" Zhao Tiezhu pointed to the clothes of Ouyang Ying and said.

"Oh, my friend is sick, I am going to replace her!" Ouyang Ying spit out his tongue and whispered, "Iron brother, don't talk to my thunder brother and my grandfather, otherwise they I must be jealous of me!"

"Your friend? Is that the tender model?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Yeah, yeah, she is Mickey, my high school classmate. We have a very good relationship. She called me today and said that she was not feeling well, could not come, and then let me take a look at her, you know No? I will come here once, I can take a thousand!" Ouyang Ying stood by Zhao Tiezhu and said quietly.

"This... Do you know their salary?" Zhao Tiezhu pointed to the other tender models.

"Know, one thousand." Ouyang Ying said it was self-righteous.

"Well, one thousand... you are a silly girl who has been sold and helped the number of people." Zhao Tiezhu frustrated and touched his head and said, "Do you know that this show, what does it mean?"

"What does it mean? I will help my friends, but also make some extra money, how good, especially if you can wear new clothes and go, how interesting!" Ouyang Ying said from the self.

"Well, it seems that you really don't understand anything." Zhao Tiezhu said, "If you don't understand, then don't understand, but I told you, you play ghosts, if anyone asks you for a phone number, or Say who waits for you to dare to stop you when you are finished, and tell me."

"How can there be such a person? Are you not looking at clothes?" Ouyang Ying asked with a sigh of his head.

"In any case, I told you that someone who talks with you, don't care, you have to dare to make it difficult for you, you come to me. Do you know?" Zhao Tiezhu is really guilty of this brain, Ouyang Ying, really A little crying and laughing.

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