Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1282: Sogra Converse

The first thousand two hundred and eighty two chapters Socrates Converse

Thor’s face was irritated, but when he saw Socrata and a few women next to him, he suddenly changed into a smile full of smiles.

Zhao Tiezhu is thinking about whether the goods have seen the Sichuan Opera and learned to change his face. He saw that Thor came to Zhao Tiezhu and others with the black fungus Guo Yan.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Su?" Thor said with a hint of surprise on his face, looking at Socrata.

"It's me, are you?" Sogra didn't know that Thor and Zhao Tiezhu had a bit of private enmity. It was a bit confusing to see people so enthusiastic about themselves.

"Oh, you don't know me, I know you!" Thor said, and the corner of his eye swept Zhao Tiezhu a little, then said, "I am the general manager of China's micro-hard company, my name is Thor. !"

"Oh oh! It's you!" Sogra did not have any impression of this Thor, but people said that he is the general manager of the micro-hard company, which is a top ten in the world. The enterprise, the general manager of such a company, should not be able to go anywhere.

"Oh, I saw you at a cocktail party last time!" Thor said enthusiastically. "That is in Beijing, I am with my boss, you are with your father!"

"Oh! I remembered it and remembered it!" Sogra made a big realization, although he really didn't think about what kind of character this goods are, but since everyone said so clearly, it is natural to cooperate.

"Is it finally thinking of me coming?" Thor's face looked slightly at Zhao Tiezhu with a trace of pride, and then said to Socrata, "Are you also attending this promotion?"

"I just come to play." Sogra does not have a cold on this Thor, because the main things of the micro-hard company and the main things of the Su family are simply irrelevant. If there is no interest, Sogra will not have that mind and people close to it.

"Oh, I am also free to play." This Tol's words seem to be particularly special, just listen to it, "I just didn't expect to see it, but I was disappointed."

"Oh?" Sogra looked at Thor a bit strangely, and then looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"This gv brand, after all, is just a cottage brand that you made in China, and the blind cottage, although it may temporarily get a lot of benefits, but for a long time, its drawbacks are also very large, like some custom clothing, I saw Their designers, I have no interest in their custom clothing." Tolqua said, "I used to work in the company of lv for a year. In lv, I really realized what is fashion and Innovation..."

The people around him watched Thor say over there. From time to time, several ladies turned their eyes to Tol, and Zhao Tiezhu was a funny smile. This is the purpose of Tol’s coming here today, Zhao Tiezhu soon I understand that this goods is nothing more than trying to be close to Socrata, and then to raise their identity, and then contempt to suppress themselves, these things are written in the novels on TV, it seems that this international friend The IQ is not necessarily high.

When Tol finished, many people around him nodded their aerial consent, and Sogra smiled a little and did not say anything.

Thor saw that Sogra was not convinced by his own unique insights. It was a little regrettable, but then he quickly turned the topic and turned to Zhao Tiezhu.

"This friend wants to be the organizer of this evening?" Thor's mouth flicked a little, and it was a smile.

"It's me!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and didn't talk much.

Thor shrugged, and the fat next to the two trembles followed, and said to Socrata, "I said how bad the promotion this evening is, huh, Mr. Su, would you like to come to disappointment at night? ”

Business, Hey, said that this disappointed person, I heard from the article.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded.

"This Mr. Su, but the elite of the media industry, if you want to know why we are disappointed with your promotion, you can ask Mr. Su." Thor said with a smile, in his opinion, this is for Su Gera’s chance to face in front of everyone, at the same time, through the long face of Socrata, also gave Zhao Tiezhu a face, because this promotion meeting is what you do, if it is pointed out by others on the spot, what is the lack of face?

All of Thor’s thoughts are very good, because Thor has confidence, Socrata will certainly follow his own words, why? Very simple, Tol's identity is there, first, Socrata wants to give him face! Then you must pick up his words. Secondly, this is an opportunity for performance. Through Thor’s observation, Socrata is definitely a man who likes to show off the limelight. So when the two are combined, Socrata will inevitably follow his own words. !

If Socrata and Zhao Tiezhu don’t know each other, it’s true that Sogra is really doing what Thor wants. This is a good opportunity for self-interest, but unfortunately, Thor does not know Socrata and Zhao Tiezhu know, I don't know if they are brothers. This caused Thor’s tragedy.

"I think this promotion will be very good!" Socrata saw that the fat man Thor was a little uncomfortable with Zhao Tiezhu. Since he did not deal with his brother, it was not against himself. Naturally, Sogra would have no Speak down to Thor's words.

"Ah?" Thor looked at Sogra with a little surprise.

I only heard Sogra continue, "I think this promotion is very good. It is not only the layout of the scene, but also the promotion of goods, or the performance of stars. It is perfect..."

Socrata spoke for five minutes, and Zhao Tiezhu boasted that he was a little embarrassed before he stopped, and then looked at Thor, who looked like a shi, and said, "Mr. Thor, this is good. A presentation, where did you see that he is not good?"

Thor is not stupid. Naturally, this Socrata is a group with Zhao Tiezhu, but he did not expect that this Socrata would not give himself a face. In the presence of so many people, he directly refuted his own words. I played my face on the fruit of the red fruit!

"Sogra, maybe you don't know, I am a bit of a holiday with the general manager of this micro-hard company." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Of course, that's all the old things. Now I'm good, that's the festival, the nature." Even if you don't care, don't worry about it."

"This can't be done. My brother and I have a holiday, and that is naturally my holiday." Sogra smiled and looked at Thor. He said, "You are here to provoke my brother, want to express your dissatisfaction?" ?"

Thor’s cold sweat came down at once.

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