Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1291: Will you be pregnant?

Will the first thousand two hundred and ninety-one chapters be pregnant?

"Damn **** damn!!" Ling Xue, the whole person hid in the female bathroom, cursing his mouth, his face was flushed, although there was a lot of hate in his eyes, but it was difficult to cover the stock. The man’s bones are soft and soft.

Ling Xue has called Hong Yun and asked her to send clothes to herself. Because Ling Xue is soaked, it is impossible to appear in front of the company colleagues. Ling Xue can be sure, as long as she appears like this, tomorrow Immediately on the headlines of some gossip entertainment weekly.

Not long after, the red rhyme appeared in the female bathroom, and then gently knocked on the door of one of the single rooms.

The door was opened, Ling Xue looked at the probe and looked around. After confirming that no one was there, he took the clothes in the hands of Hong Yun and then closed the door.

When the door was opened again, Ling Xue had already changed the clothes.

At this time, Ling Xue's hair is still wet, but the body does not have the kind of wet and transparent look. A simple white shirt completely covers the color of Ling Xue's underwear horse. Of course, the purple underwear before Ling Xue has been wet, so Ling Xue has also changed a underwear, but everyone has no perspective, naturally can not see what color.

"How did you do this?" Red Yun asked curiously.

"Hey, it’s not that the faucet outside is broken." Ling Xue sighed helplessly. "I sprayed all of my water, and I was depressed."

"How do I see your face red and red? Can the water spray make you blush?" Red Yun stared at Ling Xue's face and asked.

"Nervous." Ling Xue casually found a reason, she can not say that the sisters were actually with Zhao Tiezhu, and then Zhao Dizhu gave a good look. If this is said, Ling Xue can be sure that he is either crazy or drunk.

"This is also nervous? This is not like your style." Although the rhyme is curious, but did not ask, people must have their own privacy.

Leaving the bathroom, Ling Xue's look really restored to normal, but from time to time in my mind can recall the slight exhalation of Zhao Tiezhu in his ear, the warm warmth with the same itching feeling from time to time to pluck his own The ear, the feeling, is what Ling Xue has never experienced.

Ling Xue is already a woman in her twenties, and a woman in her twenties is already familiar. Even if she looks like she is still unfamiliar, the inside is juicy and tender. A woman is familiar, not only psychological, but also physically mature.

Ling Xue was a bit skeptical.

"I... will you be pregnant?" Ling Xue sat behind the desk and thought about it seriously.

I have to say that the cold and proud intelligent iceberg beauty will also have a lack of physiological knowledge.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu, the chief culprit of all this, has already jumped to the flower shop in Lucy. For what he did just now, Zhao Tiezhu did not have any guilty conscience. Anyway, he was only forced to do so. He did not even touch her even if he had even touched it. If this had to be guilty, Zhao Tiezhu could have been in church every day. I regret it.

The purpose of Zhao Tiezhu’s coming today is not to look at Lucy, but to see someone! A man who had to wait for the woman who had caught it before!

Zhao Tiezhu did not think that the man turned out to be Tan Ke!

Yes, yes, it was once played with Zhao Tiezhu, and then was beaten by Zhao Tiezhu with a strong sixth sense.

Tan Kelai Lucy’s flower shop did not fight like the last time he met Zhao Tiezhu, and it seems that Tank also knows that the owner of this flower shop is like Zhao Tiezhu’s. Once he comes directly, he wants to find Zhao Tiezhu and let Lucy called Zhao Tiezhu.

Lucy didn't know the details of this person. It was natural to call Zhao Tiezhu, and Zhao Tiezhu rushed over after receiving the call.

"Why, do you still want to fight?" Zhao Tiezhu held his arms around his chest and stood in front of Tan Ke, laughing and said.

"No, no, your sixth sense is too strong. I am playing with you. There is no chance of winning!" Tanke shook his head and said, "Today, I am mainly looking for you to talk about something."

"What?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Maybe you still don't know, the land where your flower shop is located is actually uploaded by my ancestors!" Tank said. "When it was in the Republic of China, it was my family's land, but it was later. After liberation, our family was stopped as a local landlord, and this happened to the outsiders."

"These have nothing to do with me. I just want to ask, what do you want to do with me?" Zhao Tiezhu never had much patience with his enemies. You Tank shouted and killed me last time, I am now Being able to sit down with you and talking about it is very much a face for you. If you want to change it to something that is almost a little, the buddy has already killed him.

"I want to buy this land!" said Tank.

"Oh? How much do you plan to pay?" Zhao Tiezhu asked quietly. Seeing that Lucy was anxious and wanted to interject, Zhao Tiezhu used his eyes to stop Lucy's speech.

"Price is yours, money is not a problem," Tank said. "And I can guarantee that as long as you sell this land to me, I will not do it for you again!"

"Oh? Do you have the ability to do it with me now?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Although I don't have to beat you, but I can tear down this place." Tank grinned. "Trust my strength!"

"You are threatening me!" Zhao Tiezhu’s face sank suddenly. "The most fearful thing in my life is the threat of others. If you want to take a house, you can try it. I will let you know. To demolish such a thing, besides the government, other people must dare to do it, and they must die."

"Oh? So confident?" Tank stood up and stared at Zhao Tiezhu, laughing.

"Of course, in the fj this place, do not have confidence, how to do it? You are right!" Zhao Tiezhu shrugged, a look of indifferent.

Tank also wanted to say something, just to see the outside of the flower shop, several men in black clothes wandering around the flower shop from time to time, these men's necks are all without a word of blood.

"Oh? I am planning to be a group?" Tan Ke smiled on the face.

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