Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1294: drawing

First thousand two hundred and ninety-four chapter drawings

The empty space behind the flower shop is not big, it is more than ten square meters. There are some flowers and plants in the back. They are all planted when Li Linger Lucy is bored. Although it is not expensive, it is just some simple flowers and even some Li Linger and Lucy are some of the vegetable gods of the race. Of course, these vegetables are mainly of Lucy. They are said to be pure natural and pollution-free vegetables. They are very delicious. Later, after Zhao Tiezhu asked Li Linger, he realized that When Lucy planted flowers, I made a mistake. This is what happened to these vegetables.

"It's here!" Tank pointed to an open space and said, "According to the news I got, the box is just below."

"Well, let's dig it." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Of course, don't give me any damage to these flowers and plants!"

"I can't afford to lose money," Tank said indifferently.

"These are my women, is it money that can be measured?" Zhao Tiezhu said proudly.

Lucy looked at Zhao Tiezhu with his eyes full of eyes, and a few winks were thrown over. No matter what woman, I hope that my man can miss himself all the time.

The small details of Zhao Tiezhu have always been done in place, which is why Zhao Tiezhu is not handsome, and many girls will like him.

The details determine success or failure, and it is quite right in the matter of picking up girls.

Tanke took a small shovel from Lucy's flower directly from the side, and then dug it down according to the soil that he said there was a good thing buried.

This small shovel is just a shovel for planting flowers and plants. If it is used for deep excavation, it is not enough to use it. However, the strength of this Tanke is too big, and it has been shoveled off a few jins of soil. Then, in less than ten minutes, a pit of at least one cubic meter was dug out by him.

"How deep is this buried?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"I don't know." Tank shrugged and said, "It should be quite deep anyway, at least seven or eight meters."

Zhao Tiezhu just stood by the pit and looked at Tan Ke to dig, and Lucy was curious to look at Zhao Tiezhu, want to ask something, and was afraid to ask what should not be asked.

"You go to the store." Zhao Tiezhu saw Lucy hesitating there, thinking about something still not letting women participate, so I plan to open Lucy first. Lucy nodded obediently and left. The backyard.

After dug for an hour, Tank has dug up a deep pit 10 meters deep. He hasn't dug anything yet. This makes Zhao Tiezhu feel a little doubtful. Will there be no so-called box?

Tanke was very calm, and a shovel and a shovel were dug there, as if it would not be hard.

I dig another half an hour or so. Finally, the shovel card slammed as if it had dug a hard object.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes lit up and it seemed that things were dug up.

I only heard Tank’s big smile in the pit, "I found it!"

"Fast throw it up!" Zhao Tiezhu called.

"Okay!" Tank said, throwing the box directly out, Zhao Tiezhu just caught the box, and Tank’s body had already appeared in front of him.

"I said that you don't have to be so anxious. You are not saying that you don't have your key. Can't I open this box? Is it because I am afraid that I will steal it?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"I am curious." Tan Ke said, "The things inside are said to affect the prosperity of our family!"

"Is your family not quite good at home now?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"That's our family, it's not me!" Tank said with a smile. "Like you and Zhao, isn't it?"

"Really!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and did not speak much, but he carefully looked at the box in his hand.

This is a small box, probably as big as a notebook. The material of the box is very good. It is iron, and the top is still gold. The iron lock is hung in the center of the box. Zhao Tiezhu tries to pull hard. At first, this iron lock did not react. It seems that the ancients used some ancient methods to create locks. Zhao Tiezhu knows that there are still many people who can be different in ancient times. They can do a lot of things that are very magical to people now. For example, to create a lock that can not be cut even if the current cutting machine.

"Open it." Zhao Tiezhu signaled that Tan Ke opened the box, but Tank said, "I said it first, what is inside, how to distribute it!"

"One person is half." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Good!" Tank nodded and said, "That is half of one person."

Under the gaze of Zhao Tiezhu's expectation, Tanke took out a black long handle key from his arms and inserted it into the keyhole of the box.

With a slight twist, the door slammed and the lid of the box bounced off.

Zhao Tiezhu excitedly looked inside and wondered if there would be a Dragon Ball demon fruit **** horse. The result was that Zhao Tiezhu was disappointed. Not to mention the devil fruit of the Dragon Ball, even the gold coins and the horses were all there, only simple. A single yellow paper.

Other than that, there is nothing more.

"What is this?" Zhao Tiezhu's hand quickly extended, although there is not much interest in this stuff, but it is always good to take it first, so that it can effectively prevent Tank from swallowing things. After all, everyone still Shouting and killing, although now cooperation, it is only temporary, Zhao Tiezhu can not be stupid to believe a person who wants to kill himself.

"Tibetan map?" Tank put his body in front of Zhao Tiezhu, and one hand was caught on the treasure map. It was like Zhao Tiezhu believes that he is not like him. He also believes that Zhao Tiezhu, if Zhao Tiezhu wants to swallow this thing alone, it will be a big deal. He tore the paper away, and when it was half of the time, that was not bad.

"I don't know!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at this piece of paper, which was painted with some mountains and waters. It looked like a treasure map, but it may be because of the age, some lines above. God's horse has become very blurred, it is difficult to see where this is.

“Half of one person?” Zhao Tiezhu pointed at the piece of paper and asked.

"That can't be cut?" Tanke frowned and said, "It's better. You give me all this paper?"

At that moment, Tan Ke suddenly shot!

A palm directly hit Zhao Tiezhu's head, if this palm is solid, Zhao Tiezhu must at least take a look at Venus for a while.

However, although Tan Ke is fast, but someone is faster.

When Tank's palm was still flying in the air, Zhao Tiezhu's hand was already on the rib of Tank.

Tanke screamed and jumped to the side, but his hand was still on the piece of paper.

So, tearing, this piece of paper, was torn in half by Tank.

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