Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1302: camping

The first thousand three hundred and two chapters camping

"Actually, Ling Xue is still a very good person." Hong Yun said with a smile.

"I know that it is cold and arrogant." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "In fact, I am really looking forward to it."

“What are you looking forward to?” asked Hong Yun.

"I look forward to seeing which man can really surrender Ling Xue and then eat it." Zhao Tiezhu said, went to his car.

Hong Yun reached out and took Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Last time you didn't threaten to put people under your body?"

"My woman is enough. There is no need to add such a goddess. It is too cold. No one can accept it. When the harem is not harmonious, it is really a sin." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"I really expect you to surrender Ling Xue, and, I can see it, Ling Xue is a little different for you, and for other men?" Red Yun sat in the co-pilot, gently swaying the jade feet The whole body leaned against the chair, and the whole person looked very lazy.

Zhao Tiezhu started the car and said, "Do you like the three people playing together?" Zhao Tiezhu gently touched the rhythm of the red rhyme, then stepped on the gas pedal, and the car quickly ran out.

"Slow down." Red rhyme said, twisting his body and making the whole person more comfortable. "Because I am very contact with Ling Xue, I know that Ling Xue is actually a lack of love, or A woman who says that she lacks security. And you, in my opinion, is still a man with a role to play. Instead of letting Ling Xue go to other men to harm, it is better to be cheaper than you, are you saying?"

"Really, it makes sense to say this!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled smugly. "As a good man in the new era, I am still very popular!"

"Let's go, but what dinner do you have at night?" Red rhyme shifted the subject.

"You will know when you go."

A6 fast forward, the moon has risen to midair at this time, in the wz city of zj province, Wang million said to the evil spirits in front of him, "You bring a few good hands to fj this time, the purpose is very simple I want you to kill the iron hand."

"Understand." The evil nodded, and smiled strangely and said, "However, you are dead with Zhao Tiezhu."

"I will be afraid of him?" Wang said indifferently. "Since he interrupted Junxi's hand, I directly killed his people. It is fair to report it."

"Cheng, I have a few individuals in the past." The evil spirits played a dagger on the hand, the light shone, and the cold light.

"Well, remember, one strike and leave, now Zhao Tiezhu, is not Zhao Tiezhu that you knew before." Wang Million said.

"Oh, I am not in the past." The screaming disdain, Wang million did not say anything, but waved his hand, and the evil spirits will hide behind the dagger and turn away from Wang Mian. The office, while the moon of fj was covered by a dark cloud, the cold wind occasionally blew through, revealing a chill of infiltration.

This evening's fj Blood Soul Hall headquarters is full of lights, so lively, in the highest level of the lobby, has been put down dozens of tables, filled with many elites of the Blood Soul Hall.

Zhao Tiezhu walked into the hall with the red rhyme, and the elites of the blood soul halls stood up and said hello. This is to make the red rhyme that has not touched the gangster curious. Many people here look at the evil spirits, and they should be placed in peacetime. Red Rhyme really dare not look at these people who are rapists, but this evening she appeared as a female partner of Zhao Tiezhu in front of everyone. These wicked people on weekdays are now one by one. Looking at her happily, this made Hong Yun enjoy a strange feeling of being respected for the first time.

"You are mixed with the underworld, it is really strict!" Red rhyme whispered to Zhao Tiezhu, the whole person is head-high, with a trace of pride on his face.

"Of course, the most important thing about the underworld is honor." Zhao Tiezhu nodded to the people around him and walked with the red rhyme to the main position.

For the female partners around Zhao Tiezhu often change things, Du Gu Huangtian and others said that nothing is surprising, and they also know this red rhyme, so naturally there is no more to say, Zhao Tiezhu as the final finale, after he arrived, The banquet also officially began.

There is nothing to say about the banquet. It is nothing more than eating, drinking, and then celebrating the iron hand and other people triumphantly returning. Anyway, after eating and drinking, it is already more than twelve o'clock in the evening. Basically, they are all drunk, and those are thoroughly The drunken gang members were placed in the rooms of the Blood Soul Hall headquarters. Zhao Tiezhu and the iron hand were separated, and the red rhyme went home. Because the girls were at home, Zhao Tiezhu was not in the red. The rhyme stayed more, but it was Ge Ge who saw Zhao Tiezhu seem quite disappointing.

"Uncle Iron Pillar, I will be at our house at night. This cold day, my mother can sleep alone, but cold." Gege said with a smirk.

"If you are afraid of cold, I can sleep with you." Zhao Tiezhu generally ignores the drama of underage girls.

"Then you come." Gege threw a wink at Zhao Tiezhu. Although he was young, he also had a lot of rhyme charm in it. Especially when she saw her facial features like the red rhyme, Zhao Tiezhu’s mind could not help but show the scene of the mother and the daughter, and then felt that this was his mother’s evil.

Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu did not entangle with the mother and daughter again, but returned directly to his villa, waiting to return to the villa, Zhao Tiezhu saw a group of women around, do not know what to discuss, close to hear, dare This group of women actually went to camp on New Year's Day!

“Is there anything wrong? Camping? This cold weather, you let us go camping?” Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lucy, the initiator of the proposal, and asked in surprise.

"How? Can't you? I heard that you have a five-female peak in the winter when there is a smoggy scenery, and the sunrise is very good. We have some equipment to go camping on the mountain, and the next day to welcome the New Year's sunrise. Don't you think it's good?" Lucy asked.

"But...but the five female peaks are far away from this, and the altitude is also high. This weather has gone, it is easy to catch a cold, and there is still a point, the development there is not complete, there is a certain danger!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"It's okay, isn't there you, Iron Pillar, we believe that as long as you are there, God is a cloud!" Lucy said firmly.

"Then we have to go to buy camping equipment, how much trouble!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"We have all bought, tents or something, basically all of the purchases have been bought, just wait for tomorrow!" Su Yanni said excitedly, "I also showed camp at the university, this has not been camping for a long time. And you can still see the sun!"

"Well..." Zhao Tiezhu thought about not camping, although it was cold, and it was a bit dangerous, but since everyone is so motivated, Zhao Tiezhu is not a bad opponent.

So, the collective action on camping was settled.

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