Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1317: Have a feeling!

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-seven chapters have a feeling!

It was a feeling of crispness and numbness. Li Linger had a goose bump at that moment. As a top scientist in the biological sciences, Li Linger quickly analyzed the source of this feeling. As for what it feels like. Li Linger didn't know, because the older sisters who used to study together had said that it was a feeling, but what they felt, they didn't make it clear.

"Iron brother, I... I feel." Li Linger said. Heaven and earth can prove that she just wants to tell Zhao Tiezhu about her most intuitive feelings, because listening to those sisters who are engaged in scientific research, if a woman feels, she has to talk to a man, and Li Linger naturally feels that she Now that you have the feeling, you have to talk to the iron column brother, so that the iron column brother can also judge whether the medicine has worked.

But this is heard in the ears of Zhao Tiezhu, it is really like thunder!

"Is there a feeling? Is there a feeling? I even told me that this is to hint at something?" Zhao Tiezhu stared at Li Linger's buttocks, then looked at Li Linger's bent body and swallowed, saying, " This, Linger, what is it?"

"It's a crisp, very strange feeling." Li Linger twisted his **** very seriously and said, "It's a very strange feeling, how can it be?"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Li Linger silently. Obviously, this little girl doesn't know what it means to have feelings, and what is certain is that those who say that she has feelings without explaining what it means to have a feeling is definitely a curse. Zhao Tiezhu is thinking, is the buddy explaining to Linger what is called feeling? Or do you say that you can understand the true use of feelings?

"Is it good to have an iron column? I think it is much better now than it was!" Li Linger said.

"This, okay." Zhao Tiezhu stood up, and the ghost made a slap in the face of Li Linger's **** and said, "Well, bring the pants up."

"Ah!" Li Linger didn't think that Zhao Tiezhu had come to her like this, or just took it through the panties. This slamming sound made Li Linger suddenly stunned, but at the moment of slumber, Li Linger However, I felt that the feeling of crispness and numbness suddenly increased.

Then under his own body, it seems that there is something more inexplicable.

Of course, what is specific, Li Linger is not clear about her. Although she is very good at biological sciences, she is still unclear about some of the physiological signs of women. There is not much to say about it here.

After Zhao Tiezhu shot it, he knew that he might have something to do with it. He just didn’t expect Li Linger to have a different reaction after he called it. Zhao Tiezhu also said, “Well, you can go back to sleep, tomorrow. Enough."

"Yeah!" Li Linger felt the strange feeling under her body. She twirled the small waist and walked back to the tent, while Zhao Tiezhu looked at her hand and frowned at the doubt. "Hey, how...somewhat wet." of."

After returning to the tent, Zhao Tiezhu did not say anything about the previous incident, and Li Linger had already returned to his sleeping bag. He did not express his gratitude to Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu continued to sleep.

Waiting around four o'clock, Zhao Tiezhu automatically woke up, and then screamed, "Girls, all get up and pick up!"

“Ah!” Su Yanni’s dissatisfied snoring, screaming out of her sleeping bag and saying, “Let’s sleep again, is it not?”

"Unless you don't want to watch the sunrise, I don't care if I pull it." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"That's okay." Su Yanni struggled from the sleeping bag and stood up, and other girls also got out of bed, but Li Linger was the last to go out of the sleeping bag, and the expression on her face was a bit weird.

Zhao Tiezhu first went out of the tent and simply cooked something outside. The fire that was ordered last night is still burning, giving people a warm feeling.

After eating Zhao Tiezhu's carefully prepared breakfast, a group of people packed things up, and then each carried their own backpacks, and began to charge the top of the mountain.

At this time, it was more than four o'clock, and all around it was dark. Zhao Tiezhu walked with a flashlight in front, and Cao Ziyi was as good as the past, the other girls were in the middle, and several people talked from time to time. bored.

About five o'clock or so, Zhao Tiezhu finally came to the top with amazement. This peak has also undergone some development, and it is safer to add a protective net around it.

The height of this peak is the highest among all the nearby peaks. Looking at it, almost everyone has a feeling of small mountains. In the distance is a thick layer of clouds. In the clouds, the faintness can be faint. I saw a trace of white fish.

"Ready, the sun is coming out, there is a camera to take the camera quickly, and there is a mobile phone to quickly send a microblogging." Zhao Tiezhu shouted.

Su Yanni and a group of sisters have picked up the camera. I have to say that there is really no money for this group of girls. The hand is either a SLR or a love mad 4s. Anyway, it is Zhao Tiezhu’s seemingly extravagant and wasteful money. .

Slowly, the white belly of the east began to bring a trace of gold. In the expectation of Zhao Tiezhu and a group of women, the sun seemed to be a dancer who was still alive, and his face revealed his small face.

Only this small point brought the whole sky a touch of gold, as if the world was plated with gold.

It was only a few minutes in the past, but it seemed to be a thousand years in the past. The sun slowly and calmly exposed his entire body in the east, and Zhao Tiezhu felt that his face was swept by a heat wave.

As the saying goes, the sun brings warmth to all things. Zhao Tiezhu is fully aware of this time. Before the sun had come up, the cold wind on the top of the mountain was a bit cold, but now the sun has come out. That shines on the face, and people are warm and warm at once.

A group of girls fully played the woman's emotional talent, where she felt emotionally, and took a cell phone camera to shoot, and Zhao Tiezhu looked at the women to prevent them from excited about something, Cao Ziyi Standing on a raised stone, looking at the sun in the distance, the whole person exudes a quiet atmosphere.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Cao Ziyi a little bit ecstatic. At this time, Cao Ziyi, the fairy of the fairy, once again made Zhao Tiezhu think she was a little far away.

Suddenly, Cao Ziyi turned to look at Zhao Tiezhu and jumped directly from the stone. He walked over to Zhao Tiezhu and pulled Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and said, “Go, I will take you to see.”

Zhao Tiezhu glanced, then smiled, a Cao Ziyi.

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