Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1324: The best thing to do is to blame!

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-four chapters are the best for blaming anything!

"Our transaction is complete." Yamamoto said, he went outside the cave. "Go, it should be a few minutes later."

"Yeah." Li Xu Sun Lei did not talk much, and went straight outside the cave.

Five minutes later, the former Shimen, bursting into a roar, and then collapsed fiercely, and behind the Shimen, it turned out to be a bottomless pool, with Shimen even with the slate together. Into the pool.

"Ha ha ha, this time, we can finally deduct the equation on the domino!" Li Xu stood at the mouth of the cave, excitedly said.

"Well, but I am very curious, now Zhao Tiezhu, where is it." Sun Lei frowned.

"Maybe wandering around in the cave, if you can die in the cave, it is the best pull." Li Xu's mood is very good, continue to say, "Well, things are the first thing, the things that are taken are taken. I want to go out from here, and there will be a period later."

After finishing the conversation, Li Xu left directly, and Sun Lei and Qian Buangguang looked at each other for a moment. They nodded with the Yamamoto at 57. After the individual, they left, and several people were nothing but together. Cooperation, Sun Lei and Qian Pulluang provided the key, and Li Xu provided the drawings. This Yamamoto 57 provided the brain. Now that the cooperation is completed, there is no need to pay more.

"Michiko, go back." Yamamoto said with a smile.

"Ok"! Michiko nodded with no expression.

Just then, a thin figure appeared in front of Yamamoto's fifty-seventh.

"Don't rush to go." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and looked at Yamamoto's fifty-seventh and said, "Since it is here, why not stay for a while."

"How come you are here!" Yamamoto's fifty-seven face changed dramatically, and he couldn't think of Zhao Tiezhu's appearance here.

"Michiko, kill him!" Yamamoto said fifty-seven.

It’s just the beautiful Tom next to me, but standing still, not moving.

"Michiko, kill him." Zhao Tiezhu said faintly.

"Yes, my master." Michiko nodded and then moved.

A Japanese knives suddenly came out from the neck of Yamamoto's fifty-seven. Yamamoto's fifty-seven body struggled, and the eyeballs turned up, softened on the ground, without any vitality.

"Hey." Zhao Tiezhu went to the body of Yamamoto's fifty-seventh, and squatted down, confirming that Yamamoto had died after he had died. He said to Michiko, "Go back and know how?"

"Know!" said Michiko. "I said that I was robbed by unidentified people on the way back. Yamamoto was dead."

"Well, it’s good." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "You don't have to say that Sun Lei or Li Xu. The person you know will naturally know. Of course, in order to increase the credibility of things, you need to be wronged."

"I know!" Michiko nodded and suddenly raised his hand, facing his chest.


A blood spurted out, and the whole person of Michiko succumbed.

"In the future, I will give you and give you a satisfactory result for the family." Zhao Tiezhu nodded with a smile.

Michiko’s face showed a hint of joy and said. "Thank you for your master."

"Well, with the body of Yamamoto's fifty-seven, let's go, I still have something to do." Zhao Tiezhu took the book of Yamamoto's fifty-seventh, and then directly tore the pieces, sprinkled into the air, a gust of wind Come, the debris was blown to where I don't know.

This record is enough to change the history of the book, so it dissipated in the wind.

Michiko left with the body of Yamamoto. Of course, Michiko has already done some treatment on Yamamoto’s body. At least it will not be seen as her hand. As for the knife, I don’t know where it was buried by Michiko. went.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the clear photo on his mobile phone, and he couldn’t help himself. This is Sun Lei’s goal. He not only changed o to q, but also seemed to be the only professor who can solve these equations. To kill, this is even if Sun Lei found that they were wrong, it is impossible to ask Yamamoto 57 to modify them, which is equivalent to completely obliterating the success of Sun Lei Li Xu.

Zhao Tiezhu’s heart is not to mention how proud it is.

Wearing a small trousers, the mobile phone was placed in the crotch, and Zhao Tiezhu returned to the previous pool. This time, he unexpectedly got a so-called formula, Zhao Tiezhu felt that it was worth it, and then handed it over to his parents. Isn't it possible for his own parents to derive the so-called x-factor y factor from the dominoes they collect? When I used it all the time, wouldn’t I be able to wear it as a superman?

When I thought of it, Zhao Tiezhu’s mouth was almost closed.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Tiezhu jumped into the puddle and then swam back to the earliest trapped place according to his previous memories.

This time is much faster than the last time, because the last time I was looking for it, this time I went straight to my destination.

About two minutes later, Zhao Tiezhu returned to the hole in the previous hole, and when he came out of the water, he heard the surprise of Li Linger.

"Iron column brother!!"

"Call!" Zhao Tiezhu climbed ashore and said, "If you find the exit, you can go."

"Yeah!" Li Linger stood up with joy, and when he stood up, he found out that he didn't seem to wear much clothes!

"Ah!" Li Linger screamed, his clothes were hung next to him, but he was wearing only underwear and underwear!

Zhao Tiezhu did not pay attention to this at first. Li Linger called, and Zhao Tiezhu noticed that Li Linger did not wear much clothes, and then noticed that he did not seem to wear much clothes.

This is almost a personal honesty!

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu groaned and touched his head and said, "Don't bake the clothes, let's go into the water, or wait for the clothes to get wet again."

"Yeah." Li Linger cringed and said, "Iron column brother, this, where is the exit?"

"I will take you on a tour." Zhao Tiezhu packed his clothes with Li Linger's clothes and tied them to his back. He said, "I am pulling you, you can follow me."

"Yeah!" Li Linger nodded.

Zhao Tiezhu went to the water's edge and jumped off the water first. Then Li Linger jumped along. Zhao Tiezhu stretched out Li Linger's hand and said, "It takes about three minutes, you can take more breath!"

Li Linger nodded blushingly. Although she was often noisy with Zhao Tiezhu, she was often taken advantage of, but it was the first time that Li Linger was naked.

"Ready?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

Li Linger nodded. Zhao Tiezhu will sink himself into the water, then take Li Linger and go to the exit.

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