Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1337: Negative example

The first three hundred and thirty-three chapters of the reverse textbook

Today is destined to be the tragedy of this small triad organization in the XXX Street in the west of the city. When they are not clear, they have already faced the catastrophe.

Zhao Tiezhu is too lazy to play pigs and eat tigers. For such a small dress, it is plainly reducing his identity, so Zhao Tiezhu said in an opening, "I am Zhao Tiezhu."

Nowadays, the name of Zhao Tiezhu is even more popular than many stars in fj. Of course, this mainly refers to the underground world. What is Zhao Tiezhu on the bright side is a cat or a dog, or many people do not know.

I thought that after I said my name, these people could be stunned by the wind. I didn’t expect this group of people to laugh directly.

"My grass, if you are Zhao Tiezhu, then I am still alone." The man who came in with Zhao Tiezhu at the earliest time could not stand up with a smile.

"That is, Zhao Tiezhu, who is that, is that the helper of the Blood Soul Hall, is it that you can pretend that a young man who is so thin and thin?" The woman with the same role as the old man can't laugh at the same time. "Today's business If you don't give us an account, don't say we are a big bully!"

"I have said that I am Zhao Tiezhu. I am really Zhao Tiezhu." Zhao Tiezhu looked helplessly at the people who could not smile around. He said, "Do you not believe it?"

"When are you a fool?"

"That is, don't look at what you look like. I pretend that Zhao Tiezhu is still coming than you."

Zhao Tiezhu is helpless. After all, he is not a movie star. He can be a bright and bright TV. I didn’t expect to let this group of people say that they are pretending. Looking at the music that can’t live there, Zhao Tiezhu feels that he can’t stand it anymore. For a man, if anyone dares to doubt you, then the fist is given to the face.

There is no need to write more about it. Zhao Tiezhu’s three or two punches will look around the outsiders and look at the evil spirits. They also engaged a lot of good women’s gangsters to dry up, and then punched the screaming woman quietly. Then, I just stood in the hall and said, "I told you that I am Zhao Tiezhu. I want to change to be someone else. Who has such a good skill?"

"You are finished!" A man squatted on the floor, raising his head with difficulty, his teeth had already flew off a few, and his head was broken.

"Nothing, you will finish the egg after a while." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Just then, a noisy voice came from outside the door, and a group of strong men came in from the door.

Headed by a flat-headed man wearing a big gold chain, this person is not tall, but particularly strong, the whole body muscles tightly hold up the clothes, the face is full of flesh, at first glance is the bad guy.

"How is this done!" The big gold chain frowned and looked at the man on the ground, and then saw Zhao Tiezhu standing in the middle of the lobby.

The big gold chain changed his face and shouted, "Iron... Iron pillar boss!"

"At last I met someone who knew me." Zhao Tiezhu’s vanity has been greatly satisfied. Whoever doesn’t like to go to the streets this year, others are screaming, “Ah, isn’t that xxx?” This is the so-called Stars are the same. Many people like to be stars. One is rich. The other is famous. Think about it. When you go to the street, you are full of people looking for you to sign. How much vanity is satisfied.

"Iron ... iron pillar boss, what is the wind blowing you!" Dajin chain did not go to see the younger brother lying on the ground, but went directly to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Haha, do you know me?" Zhao Tiezhu's face was full of smug smiles.

"I know that when I saw Xiao’s birthday, I saw you once. I didn’t expect that after a while, you became the helper of the Blood Soul Hall. Oh, I thought you were definitely not in the pool. This is the storm, the real thing is the dragon!" The big gold chain holds.

"Hahaha, don't hold me, I am here to ask you for trouble." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Looking for trouble with me? I don't know where I have sinned the big pillars of the big gold?" asked the man named Dajin doubtingly.

"I didn't offend me, but I gave my sister a class at night. You used it as a negative textbook. If you still respect me, I will talk to you first, and wait for the people in the city to come. You have to run, now you still have time to run, don't blink with me, you will let you stay here again, even though you have always had your own rules in this city, but who made my sister have an internship? Right, you have to blame you for doing more wicked things. This is a matter of forcing people to sell meat, but it is necessary to break the grandchildren."

"Zhao Tiezhu, I am asking myself not to offend you, and we are always on the west side of this city. It is always in the same direction as your downtown. I know that you can't look at me too. I am also happy." Peaceful prince, this time you are going to take our city west to open the knife and say, don't say any negative textbook, when my big gold's brain is kicked?" Dajin's face is all black, "You Zhao Tiezhu is now Niubi, but I am not afraid of you in Dajin!"

"Hey, I am looking at you very pleasing to the eye, let you run the road first, you don't even listen." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head helplessly and shook his head and said, "What are you going to do?"

"What should I do? Today I will let you the helper of the biggest gang of fj stay in my big gold gang!"

This unknown little gang has finally got a name, and he is very happy.

I saw that Dajin greeted his younger brother, and several people who followed him quickly surrounded Zhao Tiezhu in the middle, and that Dajin, but found a pistol from his arms.

This is a kind of earthen pistol, the power is not strong, but there is no problem in penetrating people within ten meters.

"Hey." Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly, "I really don't want to abuse the food, there is no sense of accomplishment."

"Up!" Da Jin gave a command, and a few young people around Zhao Tiezhu rushed up. Zhao Tiezhu naturally took them in three or two punches, and then the big gold fired a shot at Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu easily escaped. I punched this big gold that looked very embarrassed.

"I said, don't look for abuse yourself. If you run early, you may have to go out of the market now. Just find a place to re-start. After 18 years, it is a hero. Why bother? You see, When the police come, you have to go in, hehe." Zhao Tiezhu said as he walked to the door, not long after, the siren sounded.

Director Wang will appear in front of Zhao Tiezhu with his elite soldiers.

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