Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1345: Bureau flower? chrysanthemum?

The first thousand three hundred and forty-five chapters of the bureau? chrysanthemum?

Zhao Tiezhu is confident that now, even if he meets Qinglong, he will not be so fast and so thoroughly as it is today. These middle-aged and old people, that mouth is awkward, Zhao Tiezhu just said a word, it was instantly The drip was drowned, and Zhao Tiezhu felt that he was a young man with a car and a house. How could he be so guilty of being asked by these people?

Just as Zhao Tiezhu almost doubted his life, Su Yanni, like the savior, appeared decisively, and then Zhao Tiezhu was saved from the heat. This allowed Zhao Tiezhu to use Su Yanni as a bodhisattva to save lives in almost a moment.

"Yan Ni, I have never felt that you are so beautiful and glorious as you are today!" Zhao Tiezhu walked beside Su Yanni and said seriously.

"Hey, have you seen how much I am rushing?" Su Yanni said, "If you look at those people, you can't wait to let me marry their sons, what are you, and you look at those men, It’s really good.”

"No, no, they are just good, they are simply the most intelligent and handsome man in the world!" Zhao Tiezhu wiped the sweat on his forehead and said.

"Do you feel that it is a thing that is very proud and proud to appear in front of others as my boyfriend?" Su Yanni asked.

"I am proud! Even if I have soaked the princess in Saudi Arabia, I am not so proud of it now." Zhao Tiezhu said, "You are simply a bodhisattva than Bodhisattva, and a role more than Athena!"

"Hey, then when are you going to take me over the door?" Su Yanni asked.

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu’s sweat on his forehead suddenly came out again. "It’s all right, we are still young, isn’t it? I’m only twenty-six years old, you’re just about the same age, why bother to give it so early? Put yourself in the shackles of marriage, are you right? We should do more meaningful things with young people. For example, now, coming out to find the street, can help those who need help, how good. !"

"Then you tell me about it, what year are you going to marry me?" Su Yanni asked with a smirk.

"This... I am going to find a time to surprise you, so I can't tell you this specific time!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a turn of his eyes, "Yan Ni, this is working, don't talk about personal matters, Let's separate the public and private, you say yes?"

"Hey, it's cheaper for you!" Su Yanni snorted and swayed the baton in her hand to the next community.

The situation of the next community is similar to this one. As the film police of these areas, Su Yanni’s popularity is quite high. Even the small advertisements posted on the wall have photos of Su Yanni. Of course, this is definitely not The advertisement for treating infertility is the advertisement of the infertility, but the advertisement posted by the police station is similar to the difficulty of finding the police. The handsome male policeman and a beautiful female policeman in the advertisement look at the ceremony in front, the policewoman is Su Yanni.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to advertise!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Su Yanni's photo and praised it.

"That is, I spent as a police officer in the fj city police bureau to do the film police!" Su Yanni said.

"Chrysanthemum...Chrysanthemum?" Zhao Tiezhu looked down and looked directly at Su Yanni's ass.

"You!! What do you think, it is the bureau flower, not the chrysanthemum! You are a metamorphosis!" Su Yanni phoenix eyes glared at Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "Yes, yes, chrysanthemum, I know it is chrysanthemum, Everyone loves chrysanthemums."

"You! I ignore you, you have to say something so wretched!" Su Yanni snorted and quickly accelerated her pace.

Zhao Tiezhu’s smile followed him and said, “Yan Ni, you are a chrysanthemum or a chrysanthemum. I didn’t say that you are not. You can’t be too small. Even if I’m talking about chrysanthemums, then It’s just a kind of ornamental flower. It’s the so-called benevolent seeing the wise and seeing the wisdom, and the things that people with their brains and minds see are also embarrassing!”

"You are so embarrassed, you are even from the beginning to the end of the nose hair!" Su Yanni said.

"Not necessarily embarrassing, some hair may not be embarrassing, this point you know better than me!" Zhao Tiezhu continued to ridicule, Su Yanni face red and black, no longer take care of Zhao Tiezhu.

"Well, pull a joke." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and walked a few steps, grabbed Su Yanni's hand, Su Yanni struggled without a struggle, and no longer struggled.

"Well, I promise not to laugh at you again is a chrysanthemum!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Really no longer laugh?" Su Yanni looked at Zhao Tiezhu with suspicion.

"I definitely don't laugh, it's true, I want to laugh at your chrysanthemum, then let me two chrysanthemums!" Zhao Tiezhu swears.

"You're really gross."

“Generally speaking, the world is third.”

After Su Yanni had been stunned, the two had already arrived in the depths of the second community. After Su Yanni turned around between several houses, she stopped in a somewhat shady place.

"How?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Follow me." Su Yanni said, walked into the corridor.

This corridor is a bit wet, and the community here has actually had a certain degree of scenery, which makes this corridor look more gloomy.

"Sun grandmother." Su Yanni gently knocked on the door.

"Do you know the people inside?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Well, Grandma is living alone here, and the children at home are not there, so if I come here, I will come over to see Grandma's grandmother." Su Yanni said with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and did not speak.

In a short while, this somewhat rusty iron gate was opened from the inside, and a woman with a camel looking at the very old state appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

"Oh, Yan Ni, you are coming again." The old woman's face was kindly smiling.

"Well, Grandma, look at you." Su Yanni said, walked into the room and said, "Have you had lunch?"

"Eat eaten, eat noodles, I have a lot here, do you want to eat?" Grandma asked with a smile, walking a little embarrassed.

"No grandmother, I am coming here today, just bring your son's money to you." Su Yanni said, took a few hundred dollar bills from her pocket and handed it to her grandmother, saying, "Your son. Let me tell you that if you spend money, you have to spend, don't save, they have a good time outside."

“Hey, thank you, thank you.” Sun’s mother took out the wrinkled hand and took the money and said, “I’m sorry to let you bring money every time.”

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