Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1349: Battle in the wild

The first thousand three hundred and forty-nine chapters of the battle in the wild

The support of the police station soon arrived. The so-called abnormal **** was taken away by the separated cars, and Zhao Tiezhu and Su Yanni basically ended the patrol tour today.

“How do you feel?” Su Yanni, while riding a motorcycle, asked Zhao Tiezhu behind her.

"This, I feel fine." Zhao Tiezhu tightly squinted at Su Yanni's waist and said, "It is a little scared to be carried by you."

"What are you afraid of?" Su Yanni’s voice suddenly increased, and the motorcycle trembled a bit, so that it didn’t fall.

"I am not afraid of it, you are driving attentively." Zhao Tiezhu’s sweat was suddenly erected, but in order to prevent Su Yanni from continuing to do some unsafe movements, Zhao Tiezhu did not say a decisive sentence.

It was already eight o'clock when I returned to the police station. Zhao Tiezhu changed his clothes, only to find out that he and Su Yanni had not eaten yet.

"Go eat a meal together." Zhao Tiezhu invited.

"Don't go home to eat?" Su Yanni has changed into the usual clothes, and took off the seductive police uniform.

"No, in the evening, let's eat both, and have an atmosphere." Zhao Tiezhu said with a wretched smile. "When we finish eating, let's play outside for a while and then go back."

Zhao Tiezhu specially added a tone on the word playing. Su Yanni is not a fool who doesn’t understand anything. Naturally, she hears the meaning of Zhao Tiezhu’s words. However, the relationship between the two people is very close. This kind of place has to be despised by Su Yanni. Speaking of the words, Su Yanni now feels that there is such a sense of excitement inside.

So, ah, everything is gradual, even if the woman is pure, as long as you are willing to educate, then sooner or later it will become a slut.

Zhao Tiezhu and Su Yanni picked up a very western restaurant. Although Zhao Tiezhu didn't have much interest in this thing, Zhao Tiezhu was not a fool. Since he and his girlfriend, there is no sentiment, but what is the food stall. Class, that is a waste of such moonlight.

After enjoying a good meal of Western food in the western restaurant, Zhao Tiezhu also took Su Yanni to watch a movie. It was the very hot "The girl we made together that year", but after the mainland, the film was deleted. After reducing a lot of things, Zhao Tiezhu was a bit lacking in interest, but Su Yanni was very spirited and watched the whole film very seriously.

It’s already more than eleven o'clock in the evening from the cinema. At this time, it is the high moon and the wind is suitable for doing things that men and men like to do.

Zhao Tiezhu really did not live up to everyone's expectations, with Su Yanni came to a small uninhabited small park.

This park is very close to the cinema, and there are no tickets. Many men and men come here to enjoy the scenery, and I don’t know why. The vegetation here is very lush, basically hiding in the depths. Can't see the kind of people.

“Is it really necessary to be in this kind of place?” Su Yanni did not really have a photo with Zhao Tiezhu in such a place. Although they sometimes played more passionately at home, they were limited to the living room when no one was there. Said to be the kitchen, Happi, in such a place where all four are empty, Su Yanni always feels a burst of fever.

"This, the safety of this place is unquestionable." Zhao Tiezhu unfolded his powerful sixth sense, and any wind and grass around him was sensed by him. In the range that Zhao Tiezhu can sense, there is no one, so there is no one, so Zhao Tiezhu will be assured of being bold in this place.

"No, if someone suddenly passes, what should I do?" Su Yanni is a policeman after all, and she is still a little shy about doing this kind of thing.

"Nothing, I am here, no matter who comes, it is useless." Zhao Tiezhu proudly said, "And there are so many trees in this place, there is no wind, it will not be cold, it is the best choice for the field."

"Hey, this... anyway, I am with you." Su Yanni lowered her head and expressed her willingness. Zhao Tiezhu naturally began to move up with joy, what was it first, what was it, and then what, because of the crab, I won't say anything about what is here.

Anyway, if Zhao Tiezhu has to say something, it is just an ordinary person. Ordinary people’s seven emotions and six desires are also there. The field war horse can improve the irritating things. Zhao Tiezhu occasionally likes to do it. Today, I’m doing it with my own real girlfriend. It is really more stimulating and more stimulating.

Su Yanni did not do it in such a place. At first, there was something wrong with it. Under the impact of Zhao Tiezhu, the voice was deliberately suppressed by her, but the more so nervous, the more the body contracted, the more contracted. The pleasure is stronger, which also led to Su Yanni basically unable to suppress her voice, and the body's reaction also made Su Yanni countless times.

It was only an hour or so, Su Yanni actually climbed to the peak of five times, which she never experienced before!

After more than an hour, Su Yanni was basically the same as the koala bear. She was held in her arms by Zhao Tiezhu. Then she recognized Zhao Tiezhu’s movements. Zhao Tiezhu’s hand was shrunk in Su Yanni’s clothes, and she did not know Squatting on something, Su Yanni's shirt did not take off, because although there is no wind here, but it is also January, it is cold in the cold, it is easy to catch off when it is undressed, Zhao Tiezhu's hand is placed in the clothes, it is also warm.

"Call, I didn't expect it to be completely different in such a place!" Su Yanni leaned slightly on Zhao Tiezhu's body. At this time, she was dressed neatly, and the two were walking towards the gate of the park.

Zhao Tiezhu put down the phone and said, "I will take you to other places in the future, always staying at home, no more fun, yes!"

"Do you mean that I have no fun with me?" Su Yanni raised her eyebrows and asked.

"I have no fun with you, will I be so hard?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Oh, but, iron pillar, your physical strength is really good." Su Yanni said earnestly, "I can't do it, you are still very aggressive. Wait a minute, you have to carry me home."

"No, I let the iron hand arrange the car to come over." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "My physical strength, the average person can not match."

"I don't know this. Anyway, I will be overwhelmed by you in this life." Su Yanni shrugged helplessly. "I think that a little white flower of my youth will be ruined in your life."

"It's okay, I am fertilizer enough to make sure you are more beautiful than anyone else!"

Talking here, the car arranged by the iron hand has arrived at the gate of the park.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the people in the driver's seat, and the iron hand actually came over.

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