Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1351: Cataclysm

The first thousand three hundred and fifty-one chapters of the disaster

"I will be home half an hour later. Well, our sons haven't toss you any more?" asked the iron hand on the phone.

The phone was a gentle female voice. "No, now I am quiet in my stomach. The doctor said that I will be born in a week or so."

"Well, my cattle family finally has to pass on the descendants." The iron hand said excitedly, "I am staying at home, are you hungry?"

"A little bit."

"Well, I will give you some porridge to go back." The iron hand said, hung up the phone, then hit the steering wheel and went to a porridge shop not far away.

This is a 24-hour congee shop, located in the urban area of ​​fj, but not close to the city center. There are many motorcycles parked at the entrance of the congee shop. It is already close to 12 o'clock in the evening, and many of them are in the evening. People are used to coming to this porridge shop to eat some porridge, so the business of the porridge shop is very good.

"Pharaoh, give me two pieces of preserved egg lean porridge, but also two fritters." The iron hand came down from the car and said to the middle-aged man who was frying the dough stick.

"Haha, old cow, come out to buy snacks for your wife?" said the middle-aged man who fried the dough stick. "Your wife should be born soon?"

"Yeah, another week, I will be stunned for another week, haha!" Iron hand grinned, no trace of a gangster, and the middle-aged man's face was very calm, iron The hand and he have known each other for a long time. Of course, he does not know the identity of the iron hand. He only knows the iron hand and the cow. Then he often comes to him to eat porridge. After a few years, the two also have a very close relationship. His surname is Wang. The iron hand called him Lao Wang, the iron hand surnamed the cow, this boss naturally called him the old cow. It’s just that the boss doesn’t know that this person who often comes to eat porridge and buy porridge on weekdays will be one of the top executives of fj’s biggest gang!

Two preserved egg lean porridge was quickly packaged, and the fritters were still fried by the boss, braving the heat.

"Give it." The iron hand took a hundred pieces to Pharaoh and said, "Don't look for it, the money stays here, and I will deduct it when I buy it next time."

"Cheng, if your wife is born, remember to talk to me, I will definitely give you a door when I arrive!" Pharaoh smiled and took a hundred.

"It must be certain." The iron hand said, walking up to his car with the porridge.

At this moment, a black car suddenly came out from the side, strong to the iron hand, the iron hand's reaction is very fast, a flash has escaped the collision of the car.

The car didn't hit the iron hand first, and it stopped. Several young people rushed out of the car. These young people had half a meter long machete on their hands.

These people don’t say anything, they chop to the iron hand with a machete, and the iron hand’s hand is not weak. After a few simple dodge, one foot trips the person closest to himself and then goes to his own car. Run, and the old king saw that the iron hand was slashed, and he was anxious when he arrived. He directly took the oil pan on the stove and poured the hot oil into the young men who chased the iron hand. The young people have been dodging, which also won time for the iron hand to escape!

The iron hand quickly rushed into his car, and then rushed out while driving, the goal of the iron hand is the blood soul hall headquarters!

However, at the moment when the iron hand car rushed out, another car rushed over from the side, and then slammed into the iron hand car, the iron hand throttle was not loose, and the car was directly opened. Sprayed out like lightning.

Even the two people did not block the iron hand, the iron hand finally sighed, just thinking about making a call to make people come out to meet themselves, the phone, but suddenly rang.

"Iron hand, is it?" There was a plain, no emotional voice on the phone.

"Who are you!" Iron hand frowned and asked.

"Who am I, it doesn't matter, you listen, this voice, who is it?"

The heart of the iron hand is a convulsion.

"Husband, save me!"

At the end of the phone, the voice of the iron hand wife came, and the heart of the iron hand sank at once.

"Wife!" the iron hand shouted.

Only his wife’s voice disappeared at once, and then the male voice said, “I am at your house, your wife, it’s beautiful!”

"Who are you! Quickly let go of my wife, otherwise, I will let you die without a place to die." Iron hand cold voice said.

"Who am I, it doesn't matter. What's important is that I know who you are, the iron hand, the high-level of fj Blood Soul Hall, 42 years old, hey, I didn't expect you to be so big, just want to be a slap. I am not Congratulations on you?" The voice on the other end of the phone smiled coldly.

"What do you want!" The iron hand took the phone, but took another phone from a cell in the car.

"You don't think you can call Zhao Tiezhu! As long as Zhao Tiezhu comes out from home, your wife's life will not be guaranteed! Of course, there is a son in your stomach."

"You!! If you dare to move my wife, I will not let you go, I must!!" Iron hand angered.

"You don't call me, I am waiting for you at your house, come on, or come late, my lonely men don't know what to do badly, you know, your wife is so beautiful, Just because I have a soft spot for pregnant women, hahahaha. Give you ten minutes, after ten minutes, you have not appeared in front of me, but I am not sure what will happen!"

"You!!" The iron hand still wants to say something, but the phone is stunned and the phone is pressed.

The iron hand is in a mess!

Obviously, this group of people is coming to him. The iron hand is not afraid of people coming forward, but this group of people is shooting their own wife, and looking at the situation, this group of people is very clear about their investigation, even Even Zhao Tiezhu, this group of people have arranged for people to monitor!

The iron hand frowned, but he hit the steering wheel and went to his home.

Eight minutes later, the iron hand appeared in the downstairs of his home.

The iron hand's house is in a high-end residential area. The iron hand comes out of the elevator and rushes directly toward his home. When he arrives at the door, the iron hand discovers that his home's door is open.

The iron hand touched his body behind him, and a pistol was inserted there. This is almost the only thing that the iron hand can use for self-defense and attack! When the iron hand walked to the door, he pressed it in a hidden place on his body.

After the iron hand walked into his home, the iron hand saw a scene that made him almost crazy. His wife was actually caught by two big men, while the other one was groping on his wife's body.

"Let her let her go!!" The iron hand screamed and rushed up, but a strange figure appeared in front of the iron hand.


Just a simple side hook, the iron hand was directly shot and flew out, fell to the ground, and did not slow down for a long time.

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