Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1354: tears

The first thousand three hundred and fifty-four chapters tears

"Young people, it is not a good habit to talk big words." Wang Million’s voice also suddenly became cold.

Zhao Tiezhu did not speak again, but pressed the phone, and then turned to the person behind him and said, "After waiting for the iron hand and the scorpion to be buried, I am going to see zj, you, who will go with me."



Almost no hesitation, everyone took it.

"Don't go too much, just go to a few." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Just kill, there is heaven, you go with me."

"We have to go too!" Fan Jianhong blinked and cried. "I have been killed by the iron hand brother. If we can't do our best, we can still be a brother."

"Fan Jian, don't call." The eight fingers said with red eyes. "If we all go, who manages the blood soul hall? The daily affairs of the blood soul hall are all made by the iron hand. Now the iron hand is gone, we are There are more things to do, and you go to zj, what can you do for you?"

"I!!" Fan Jian's eyes filled with tears, "I **** wants to kill Wang Junxi personally! Iron column, promise me, promise me?"

"Fan Jian, you are staying here, help you, you still need to watch." Zhao Tiezhu directly extended his finger to annihilate the Mars on the cigarette butt, the temperature up to the front seems to be impure in general . Zhao Tiezhu took the cigarette in his hand, walked to the body of the iron hand, and clamped it on the ear of the iron hand, then said, "Iron hand, if I didn't let you out, maybe there would be no night. This kind of thing is, I am sorry for you... Hey, if there is a next life, I hope that we can be brothers again in our next life."

A tear slowly slipped over Zhao Tiezhu's cheek, and then left Zhao Tiezhu's face and fell to the ground.

"Your hatred, we will help you report, you wait, Wang million, his family up and down, will be buried for you, you are waiting underneath." Zhao Tiezhu's hand can not control the trembling, Zhao Tiezhu will harden the hand However, it is useless at all, and Zhao Tiezhu’s body is also shaking slightly.

"I am alive, your child is still alive, your blood can finally be continued. I remember you told me that if your child was born, you have to let me give your child a name, I Think, Niu Yinlong, the name is good, what do you think? Iron hand, can you hear what I said? You should hear it, you just promised to go to the Pearl River Delta with me, you can certainly hear it. Niu Yinlong, this is the name of your son. You listen to it below. I, Zhao Tiezhu, will not let anyone in this world hurt your son. I swear by my surname, your son will become this. The most distinguished group of people in the world!"

"Iron column." Solitary God walked behind Zhao Tiezhu and gently patted Zhao Tiezhu's shoulder. "People can't resurrect."

"I know, I know." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "Can the mother say that the iron hand is dead? Who can say that the iron hand is dead, I will let him die!"

Zhao Tiezhu turned his head fiercely, his eyes full of temper. "Remember, Huang Tian, ​​the iron hand is not dead, he is just waiting for us below!"

When the heart of the Solitary Emperor saw Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes, the whole trembled, what a bloodthirsty look! In the blink of an eye, there is a feeling that it may be killed at any time!

"I'm sorry, Huang Tian." Zhao Tiezhu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, saying, "The mood is a little excited. Let's go, let the iron hand stay alone, we don't quarrel with him."

"Yeah." Solitary Emperor nodded and reached out to Zhao Tiezhu's shoulder and walked out of the morgue.

Outside the morgue.

"You all go back, eight fingers, you bring Fan Jian to find a place with good feng shui, tomorrow the iron hand will be buried, this thing is sloppy." Solitary God said.

"Know!" Fan Jian wiped the tears in his eyes and said, "I must find the best place for the iron hand brother to fj Feng Shui!"

"Oh, Heaven, the iron hand is gone now, the people in the gang are definitely not stable, and you will work hard at night, to stabilize the hearts of the people below." Solitary Heaven continued.

"Well, we know!"

"And you, quit, and the foreign affairs are handed over to you. Let's give orders to those who are responsible for foreign affairs in the gang. Since the iron hand is gone, we have to let him enjoy the scenery. Let's go, do you know?" Duo Huangtian looked at the killing and said.

"Well, I know." Nod and nodded. "I will inform you."

"Well, everyone is going to disperse. Remember to bring their own cronies. We don't want to lose another brother. Do you know?" Duo Huangtian looked at a group of people and said.


After a group of people dispersed, Du Guhuang Tian stunned Zhao Tiezhu, who was a little lost, and said, "Okay, things are arranged. Go back, go to sleep, sleep, let the iron hand winds go tomorrow, this It is also the last thought of our brothers."

"I want to spend time with the iron hand." Zhao Tiezhu sat in a chair and said, "More will accompany him. Go back."

"Hey." Solitary Emperor sat down next to Zhao Tiezhu, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and took one on his own. He also handed one to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Don't you not smoke?" Zhao Tiezhu took the cigarette and slammed it on his mouth.

"Smoking makes people's blood vessels thinner, and then makes your thinking slower." Du Gu Huangtian said, "I don't smoke because I want to keep a clear head. Tonight, it doesn't matter if I am awake."

Zhao Tiezhu took out the lighter, first gave it to the Solitary Emperor, and then gave it to himself.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Tiezhu leaned his head and put his head on the back wall, watching the rising smoke, no words.

"It's all my fault." Zhao Tiezhu said calmly after a long silence.

"No one is wrong." Du Gu Huangtian said, "As long as you can avenge the iron hand, you can, isn't it."

"Yeah." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and looked at the ceiling quietly. He said, "When the iron hand is buried, I will go."

" must protect yourself." Duo Huangtian hesitated and said, "Wang million can stand in the zj province for so long, there must be a reason. In fact, I do not recommend that you go too early, because Wang million There, there must have been preparedness, and it’s better to attack it than to be bright."

"Nothing." Zhao Tiezhu slightly opened his mouth, let the ash fall to his chest, and did not touch it. "Who stopped me, I killed who. This time, whoever, I don't listen, who moves My brother, I will let him pay the price."

"Hey, let's follow you." Solitary God sighed and didn't speak for a long time.

The two just sat there until dawn.

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