Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1357: Send, iron brother!

The first thousand three hundred and fifty-seven chapters are sent, the iron hand brother!

The hearse slowly travels on the viaduct, above the helicopter flying in the sky, a camera is shooting against the train of hundreds of meters long, and on the TV set of the ordinary fj people’s home, it is broadcast every day. The program was postponed, and the video played on the TV was a video of the iron hand and his wife.

At the junction of fj and zj, there is also a train team on the road, but this train team has not many cars, it is only three cars, but the car is a good car, all of the Mercedes-Benz.

"Even pregnant women are not let go, will it be too much." Yan evil frowned and looked at Wang Junxi, said.

"Oh, is it necessary for his son to come to us to take revenge in the future? You should know more than me," Wang Junxi said on the sofa.

"But, then it is a pregnant woman." 琅 琅 sighed, although he helped the king to do things, but it was because of his boss’s orders, or else when the first time I saw Zhao Tiezhu, it was quite Good feeling. And Wang Junxi’s cruelty that even the pregnant women killed last night made the evil spirits quite unsightly.

"Pregnant women, will have children in the future, have children, grow up, then they can have children. If there is a metamorphosis in any year, it is our invisible hidden danger. The so-called weeds do not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows again. I straightforwardly let the family of three go down to see the king, it can be considered a good thing, or else they have to be separated for many years to see each other, you say yes?" Wang Junxi said.

He did not speak, but opened the TV on the car directly. He wanted to see if there was any report on the side of fj last night.

I found the fj TV station, and the brows of evil spirits suddenly wrinkled.

The picture on the TV is exactly the scene of the iron hand. The long queue of the team, no matter who looks in the eyes, will have a feeling of goose bumps.

"Hey, Zhao Tiezhu really has a face, martial law!" Wang Junxi looked at the TV and said, "But this Zhao Tiezhu, it is also a bit of fj, we have to change in our wz, let alone let a road martial law, I am old Dad is to let the whole city martial law, that is not a problem."

"Oh." 琅 笑 smiled, did not speak, but my heart is extremely contemptuous of this arrogant rich second generation, the city martial law? Really, is your father a member of the Central Standing Committee?

"This time I gave a slap in the face of Zhao Tiezhu, and it was for the face of our Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce. Seeing that Zhao Tiezhu would dare to continue to be arrogant next time, hehe." Wang Junxi said with a cold voice.

The evil spirits just watched the TV quietly. Suddenly, on the TV, a close-up of the Bentley car behind the hearse came. Through the window, the evil spirits could barely see a pair of cold eyes.

The evil wrinkled his brow, but he saw the eyes squinting at the camera and then turned away.

Although it was a simple glance, but the evil spirits felt that the whole person seemed to fall into the hail all at once. From the beginning, it was cold to the head, cold sweat, and suddenly came out.


The evil spirits turned off the TV, took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He wanted to calm down the same emotions in his heart, but the eyes were always in his mind. It was a pair of eyes that were cold and cold without any human emotions. There is a hunch for evil, and soon I will meet the masters of those eyes in the future!

Zhao Tiezhu’s long queue of cars, together with martial law, coupled with some rumors in the society, soon became known as a gangster who died, and slowly, there are those defenders, or Some people who were controlled by the snobbery who were hostile to the Blood Soul Hall ran out, and then attacked Zhao Tiezhu’s behavior, saying that this was a gang’s contempt for the national law, and the two big living people died. The police did not even have any action. This is the most powerful proof of the bureaucratic collusion. Then slowly, more and more people know about this matter. On the Internet, there have been many voices, nothing more than The soul of the Blood Soul Hall is arrogant, and the death of the people can make the whole road martial law, and the death of a gang member can make the relevant departments of the government make some cooperation. This is simply a lawlessness.

After some help from the people, soon, the Blood Soul Hall was pushed to the cusp of the whole public opinion.

However, when this wave reached its peak, it disappeared completely in a flash!

Yes! Completely disappear!

On the Internet, any news about this incident has been blocked, and those who have been swaying in the dark have either been blocked by the Internet or directly taken away by the network supervision department. For a time, one thing that was still in full swing It turned out to be like nothing, and completely disappeared on the network.

"Hey, see who dares to scream." Zhao said the phone on his hand, and said evilly.

When Zhao Tiezhu was in the car, he knew these things, but he didn't mind at all. What about flying? What about abuse of power? What can you do with the pressure? I have the right to fj the whole fj. If I didn’t even say a little about my brother’s departure, then I still have a hairy triad? I am still a world of hair?

Zhao Tiezhu has been in this life for more than 20 years, but he has never been arrogant, but he is arrogant. He has always been only those who are more arrogant than him. Today, for the iron hand, Zhao Tiezhu does not hesitate to recite the nickname pointed out by the thousands of people. Let the iron hand go a little.

Who is flying?

Long Xiao Jiuyi is only because of his brother.

Blood debt still needs blood to pay,

The **** rain will send you!

After about half an hour's journey, the team arrived at the crematorium at the other end of the city. The staff of the crematorium had already waited. After the arrival of the hearse, after the consent of Zhao Tiezhu was sought, the staff of the crematorium would Both the iron hand and his wife’s coffin were taken away.

In the hall of the crematorium, Zhao Tiezhu stood solemnly, and Du Gu Huangtian and others stood side by side behind Zhao Tiezhu, and behind these people, they stood in the blood soul hall elite.

In front of Zhao Tiezhu, there is a piece of glass, the glass is transparent, you can see the cremator inside.

The iron hand and his wife's coffin were placed on the conveyor belt. After the staff inside prepared the work, they looked at the outside. Zhao Tiezhu nodded slightly, and one of the staff pressed the button of the conveyor belt.

The conveyor belt slowly moved forward with the two men's coffins, but in a matter of seconds, the two men's coffins were sent to the crematorium.

Zhao Tiezhu bent over, ninety degrees, shouted, "send, iron brother."

All the people standing behind Zhao Tiezhu, all bent 90 degrees, shouted, "Send, iron brother!"

A thunderstorm broke through the sky, heavy rain, and pouring.

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