Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1362: Gold husk

The first three hundred and sixty-two chapters

The next day, the sky was still not bright, and Zhao Tiezhu had already got up.

Su Yanni was still asleep, but Zhao Tiezhu did not bother her, but quietly put on her clothes and pants, and then walked out of her room.

After Zhao Tiezhu left, Su Yanni slowly opened her eyes and looked at the door that was closed by Zhao Tiezhu. The eyes were full of concern. Then he reached out and touched his stomach and said, "Is it, you can safely come back, we are waiting for you."

Zhao Tiezhu went downstairs with a light hand, but Cao Ziyi had already cooked up.

"If you eat, let's go." Cao Ziyi handed the warm milk to Zhao Tiezhu and said.

"Yeah." Zhao Tiezhu nodded, not talking much, but quietly finished eating the milk bread, and then took Cao Ziyi and left the villa.

Outside the villa, several men who seemed to be passers-by nodded slightly to Zhao Tiezhu after seeing Zhao Tiezhu coming out, but there was no meaning of being close.

"Their safety, you can rest assured." Cao Ziyi said with a smile, "Chen Commander also arranged people over there."

"Well, I know." Zhao Tiezhu said, sitting on the Bentley car that had already waited outside.

"I know your bitterness."

In the car, Cao Ziyi gently took Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and said, “But people can’t resurrect, you... control your killing.”

"Well, I know." Zhao Tiezhu clasped Cao Ziyi's hand and said, "Just indulge once. This time."

"The news came from the capital, and Kirin also came. If you can, give me the unicorn." Cao Ziyi said faintly.

"Kirin?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned. "He is not my opponent."

"No, the current Kirin has been much more powerful than that." Cao Ziyi shook his head and said, "However, to what extent, I don't know, just, he hurt you last time, always need to pay. At the cost, are you saying yes?"

"Let's talk about it later." Zhao Tiezhu said, "All those who participated in this iron hand action will die."

"Oh." Cao Ziyi smiled and did not answer.

The car quickly came to the downstairs of the Blood Soul Hall headquarters.

Outside the headquarters of the Blood Soul Hall, the soldiers last night were still there. Zhao Tiezhu ignored them directly and walked into the Blood Spirit Hall headquarters building.

In the hall on the third floor, one hundred blood soul hall elites are ready, each look is grim, and the eyes are filled with cold light.

"Well, there is not much nonsense, there is an army outside, but nothing, wait for me to let people come in from outside, when the direct identity change, go out." Zhao Tiezhu said.

As Zhao Tiezhu said, after about five minutes, several courier cars stopped outside the headquarters of the Blood Soul Hall, and then the couriers who held the parcels appeared in front of the soldiers.

And the brothers who got some instructed last night, they directly ignored these people, and then stood there and did not squint.

However, how long ago, these couriers sent good things out, but the people who came out this time looked like they were a little different from those who went in before, but no one had to care about this, or that sentence, someone instructed, 睁At a glance, this is done for outsiders.

Not long after these express cars have left.

"Golden 蝉 shelling?" Wang million received a call from his men, sneered, said, "Give me the express cars."

Shortly after the departure of the express car, several military vehicles drove slowly. About a hundred or so soldiers jumped from the top of the military vehicle. After the soldiers got out of the car, they went straight to the headquarters of the Blood Soul Hall, and then Those who came to have made a deal.

After waiting for an hour, another group of soldiers appeared, and the same was done.

Three hours later.

"The courier cars have already passed the junction of fj and zj? Well, let the people in the provincial transportation department go out and stop them, and the people in the provincial hall let them go out, I will Do not believe that these people did not bring the guy, hey, Zhao Tiezhu, want to play with me, you are still tender."

Half an hour later.

Wang million received a call from his men.

"What? In those cars, there is no Zhao Tiezhu them?" Wang million changed his face and said. After getting the exact reply from the men, Wang million directly ordered, "What are the new news for those who stare at the headquarters of the Blood Soul Hall? Nothing new news? Just change a few times? Change the class? I grass ,I know!"

Just when Wang Mian was awakened as a dream.

Zhao Tiezhu quit a group of people, but he has already taken off his military uniform. He took the bus to WZ City in zj province in two batches, while Tiandao took another 35 people and went straight to the wz from the sea.

"Hey, I thought he could stare at us?" He snorted and snorted.

Zhao Tiezhu looked out the window. At this time, the car had already entered the territory of zj province. The two buses of Zhao Tiezhu were just ordinary passenger buses, and the helpers of the Blood Soul Hall were sitting on top of ordinary people. There is no evil spirit on everyone's face. Instead, it is a calm expression that ordinary people should have. Some people even talk about the sky.

The driver is a middle-aged man who works as a passenger for many years. Today, he goes to work as usual, but he has to wait for a long time to get full of cars. Today, it is full in a few minutes. This is quite a strange driver. . What makes the driver even more strange is that this whole car has only one woman, and all others are men!

And the only woman, even the beauty of this man who has almost stepped into the 50 has a kind of incitement as if he saw his first love in junior high school.

The driver looked back from time to time, through the rearview mirror, the driver can clearly see the woman.

As if it was the driver's gaze, the woman looked up at the rearview mirror and smiled slightly.

First love! !

The driver seemed to be really in the first love, sweet, and fearful.

"Master, how long will it take to get to wz." Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Come on, it will take another hour or so." The driver took the steering wheel and said, "Young man, what about wz?"

"Go find someone." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Master often runs this line?"

"Running for ten years, haha." The driver said, there is no more talk, but concentrate on driving.

He didn't know that the car people he carried, and the other people who were driving for about half an hour behind him, and the people who are now at sea, will bring a lot of storms to the whole wz. He also I don't know, the wheel of history has once again begun to move forward.

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