The first three hundred and sixty-four chapters

Not long after Zhao Tiezhu went upstairs, the phone at the front desk of this small hotel rang.

"Is there anyone with a fj accent that lives with you?" asked the phone.

"No, today, two people, one man and one woman, are jl people, the man is Zhao Baorong, the woman does not know." Aunt said.

"Zhao Baorong? If you use a pseudonym, it is impossible to use Zhao." The phone whispered, and immediately said, "Help me see more. If someone with a fj accent stays, be sure to inform me as soon as possible. ""

"I know I know." Aunt said, he hung up the phone and muttered. "What is this?"

Zhao Tiezhu returned to the room in Room 308, gently closed the door, and then took off the small beard under his nose, and then said, "Zi Yi, you should rest first."

"What about you?" asked Cao Ziyi.

"I want to go out and step on it." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Whether it is Wang million or Wang Junxi, there must be a lot of bodyguards around, not to mention someone with a gun, and there should be a master to follow, I will step on it first to see if I can use the smallest Loss completes this time."

"Don't worry." Cao Ziyi said with a smile. "When you go out later, you will have time. Otherwise, if you just come here, you will not be suspicious?"

"Suspicious? No." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Cao Ziyi with doubt.

"You don't think that a man and a woman, a woman's beautiful figure is good, and then live in a room, the man did not do anything and hurried out, this thing looks very strange?" Cao Ziyi asked the face normal.

Zhao Tiezhu stunned and smiled awkwardly. "This is, it is my heart."

"Actually, the person there should still be there, and it won't be because you go early or go late." Cao Ziyi stretched out the hand of Zhao Tiezhu and said, "I know that you are revengeful, but, you think, now Are you still the perfect time for you?"

"Perfect? ​​When is my perfect?" Zhao Tiezhu puzzled.

"Everything is well-founded, Taishan collapses in front of the color and does not change. At this time, you are the most perfect. What I like the most is what you look like when you are not arrogant or unhappy." Cao Ziyi said.

"Hey." Zhao Tiezhu sighed and sat next to Cao Ziyi and said, "Actually, I am very confused now."

"I know." Cao Ziyi said, "Although your performance looks good, but it is not the best you, you look like it is calm, but I can feel that your heart is suppressed. The more you suppress, the more nervous your heart is, and the more you come, the more your heart is, the more slowly you destroy, the martial arts, and the most important thing is to keep one at all times. Normally. In this way, if our state of mind is complete, we can be 100%, even more than 100% of our level."

"Well, I know." Zhao Tiezhu put his body flat and lay on the bed and said, "I don't do anything now, and I don't want anything."

"Well, I will press you on the body." Cao Ziyi said, turned directly to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You turn over."

"According to the body?" Zhao Tiezhu turned over in confusion, and then felt a body sitting across his body.

Cao Ziyi's body seems to have no weight. The light fluttering sits across the waist of Zhao Tiezhu, and then a pair of jade hands are placed on the shoulders of Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu feels that his shoulder is fierce and does not have a huge force to clamp. This force is very powerful. It is strong enough to Zhao Tiezu’s muscle instinct to resist, but the power to be hardened is instantaneous. The slight warmth of the hands and hands of the hands was resolved.

"What is this kung fu!" Zhao Tiezhu is surprised, this is the first time he has encountered the ability to use hardening!

"Oh, this is anger." Cao Ziyi said with a smile. "After every person who has cultivated the heart, there will be a gas of his own, and the gas is divided into internal gas and external gas. The external gas is mainly hard qigong. Class, of course, there are a lot of internal strengths, but it is also outside the scope of external gas, and the internal gas is a stream of air contained in the human meridians. Simply put, this airflow is everywhere, but Nowhere to be."

"Then how would you?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"The mood is enough, you can naturally feel this gas. In fact, every time you come out, you have this gas, but in the latter growth, this gas slowly dissipates, and when you are Before this gas dissipates, the heart is perfected, and the gas will be noticed by you, and then used. This gas, if you want to use the point of fantasy, can be called innate, but no Fantasy novels are so sinister, but the effect of this qi is still very big. For example, at this moment, this gas communicates with the internal gas that you have not found in your body. I can control your body almost, of course, not to say that you It has become my embarrassment, but I can use this internal gas to make your body unable to resist my reflex nerves. Naturally, you can't use your abilities, you know?" Cao Ziyi explained. .

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, but it seems to be very powerful." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and felt that Cao Ziyi’s hand was big, but it was not uncomfortable. There was a whole person. The feeling of going to sleep.

From knowing the news of the death of the iron hand to the present, Zhao Tiezhu has been tight all the time, even sleeping, in the dream, Zhao Tiezhu is also tight with the nerves, and it is this tension that makes Zhao Tiezhu easy to be Cao Ziyi looked out.

The strength of Cao Ziyi's hand is very large. It should be placed on ordinary people. It has been a problem with the woods, but Zhao Tiezhu's talents are different. It is very suitable here to put him on him.

Cao Ziyi didn't know where to learn from Zhao Tiezhu's shoulders, and then according to a certain rhythm, one hand slowly moved down to Zhao Tiezhu's cervical vertebrae, then followed Zhao Tiezhu's neck and went to Zhao Tiezhu's waist. Zhao Tiezhu’s hair is slightly shy, and the sound is very creepy, but Zhao Tiezhu’s whole person is comfortable and almost screams.

Cao Ziyi’s massage lasted for about half an hour. Zhao Tiezhu’s muscles were completely relaxed after a half-hour massage by Cao Ziyi, and Zhao Tiezhu’s snoring sounded slowly.

Cao Ziyi quietly removed from Zhao Tiezhu's body and pulled a quilt over Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu, a top expert, didn't feel anything.

Cao Ziyi looked at Zhao Tiezhu, who had already entered the dreamland. He smiled slightly and walked over to sit down and take out his mobile phone. He didn't know what he was doing.

(This article is urban entertainment, "qi" exists in real life, not an ability. Many people who practice hard qigong use the gas in the body, so this is not a so-called ability, we must understand!)

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