Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1368: Buy guy

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-eight chapters to buy a guy

Zhao Tiezhu and the place where they smacked their faces were chosen in a casual lounge with no special features. In a sparsely ordinary lounge, several people wanted a room for mahjong. After a while, the voice of mahjong rang inside.

Zhao Tiezhu said while signing the card, "How is everything prepared?"

"It's still being done now." The killing said, "This is the site of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce. Many of the controlled knives are controlled by their people. Especially after knowing that we are coming, the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce has stepped up its alert. Basically, I can't buy any good guys."

"No hurry, find it slowly, always find someone who is not under their control." Zhao Tiezhu said. Zhao Tiezhu’s men are not all humanoid weapons like Zhao Tiezhu. They come out to hack people and kill people. They naturally have to bring guys. This kind of thing Zhao Tiezhu is not so dare to think about it. If it is put in fj, it will be a few guns. It’s easy to be like fart, but here is different, the guns in the underground world are basically controlled on several large organizations, and the most widely controlled is the Wenshang Association, because the Wenzhou Chamber has almost grasped the whole fj. Smuggling channels, and many guns need to be smuggled from abroad, which led to the radiation range of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce is very large, it is estimated that Zhao Tiezhu only need to buy a gun, Wang million can know.

Zhao Tiezhu didn't think about taking it with himself, but if he brought it from the side of fj, more than one hundred people, with a knife and a stick, is not conducive to hiding. Zhao Tiezhu’s idea is, when will the guy get the hands, so exposed? The possibility will be reduced very little, and it is not easy for people to grasp the handle. Although everyone knows that Zhao Tiezhu is going to kill the king, but that is only known to everyone. Some things know that it is one thing, but you are violent. If you don’t expose it, then it’s another matter. It’s like everyone knows that an official is going to engage in this project to be corrupt, but knowing that this official is not going to say it, then everyone in your society knows it. It is not a fact.

"It's mainly difficult for big guys. The little guy's words are simple, but the little guys can't play, like fruit knives, etc., can put people in the hands of ordinary people, but to put them in our hands, then If you are not enough to play, you have to take that kind of thing to engage people, hanging."

“It’s really difficult.” Tiandao said, “At least it’s a mountain knife. It’s best to cut the bones with one knife. Otherwise, it’s not good to have one hacked.”

"I know this." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "The guy's business, don't worry, I will see that my former friends are still absent. If you want to, you will get it."

"Well, I can only rely on you." Tiandao said.

Zhao Tiezhu took out his mobile phone and found it for a long time. He finally found the number he wanted and immediately went out.

After a long time, I picked up the phone there.

It is a gloomy male voice.


"Chen Yang?" Zhao Tiezhu asked in a low voice.

"You made a mistake." The phone soon hangs.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and made another pass.

"I said you made a mistake." The gloomy male voice was a little impatient.

"Sorry, I want a takeaway." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Who are you?" The male voice over there suddenly became less gloomy.

"I am an iron pillar."

"I am going, iron pillar, you are still alive!" The man named Chen Yang said with joy.

"Well, still alive, live well." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I ask you something, are you still doing business in zj?"

"Well, still, how, what do you need? Right, I heard that many people are passing on the road recently. You want to destroy the king and the door is full. Is this true?" Chen Yang asked curiously.

"I will tell you later, I want to order a guy, I know that you have a lot of roads, can you give me some." Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This is a bit difficult." Chen Yang said at the end of the phone. "The wind is tight recently. Not only the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce is staring at it, but the police are watching it. Many of my friends are not doing business. Oh, it’s because of you. ""

"That's it." Zhao Tiezhu said, just want to hang up the phone.

"It's difficult, it doesn't mean you can't do it." Chen Yang's voice became a bit cumbersome. "You know our relationship. It's nothing to say. Your business is my business. You tell me." Say, you want something guy, I will help you find it."

"Open a mountain knife or a sabre, at least eighty. If you have a gun, give me a few. If you can have a micro-rush, it is best." Zhao Tiezhu said simply.

"Eight knives? This difficulty is a bit big, but it is still possible to work hard. As for the gun, I have two imitations on the May Fourth. I suggest that you can go to the Armed Police Brigade here to steal. There is no such thing."

"That's good, just do it, are you sure you got it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Of course, my ability to Chen Yang, you do not know if you are Zhao Tiezhu? However, the iron column, the brothers clearly settled the account, this money, we have to say it."

Zhao Tiezhu’s face changed slightly and said, “Don’t be too sloppy.”

"Hey what you said, am I the kind of person? I am counting the account with you, a knife, the production cost plus the labor fee plus the transportation fee. Now it is a special period, and there is a risk fee. You are 20,000, and if you are eighty, it is one hundred and six hundred thousand."

Zhao Tiezhu’s face was black, and Chen Yang really began to slaughter.

Chen Yang, claiming that as long as you want to buy, I can't sell it. This person is also evil. Sometimes I sell some information to the government, sometimes provide arms and other things to the gang, and even often visit the traffickers and drug dealers. Anyway, as long as he gives money, he can sell anything and dare to sell anything. For such a person who wants money, Zhao Tiezhu dares to find him, or has a relationship. First, he has cooperated with Chen Yang. A few times, the two are more trusting each other. Secondly, Zhao Tiezhu is not afraid of Chen Yang’s betrayal. Chen Yang wants to betray himself. Then he must not live. This Chen Yang himself also knows, so Zhao Tiezhu dared to let it Chen Yang gave himself equipment.

"Why, is this price ok? I am a friend of the price." Chen Yang said.

"Well, no problem, I bought it." Zhao Tiezhu said, "What is the price of the gun?"

"One hundred thousand." Chen Yang said with a smile.

"Cheng." Zhao Tiezhu agreed to bite his teeth, because this imitation of the May Fourth pistol, in the usual time, it is about two thousand prices, this turned out to be fifty times, this Chen Yang, really enough black .

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