Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1372: Probe

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-two chapters probe

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and looked at Wang million with adoration. "I was the first time I saw such a character so close!"

"Hey, Wang million, that's the legend of our whole wz. I have two black and white dishes. Some people say that he is the underworld brother. But this kind of news, we, the people who are fighting, certainly cannot know the true and false, but I see it for myself. After a million million collisions with the Taoist people." Strong and whispered.

“Oh?” Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously. “How come collision?”

"That was two years ago. At that time, we organized a batch of goods to go to the field. As a result, we were stopped by a village road tyrant on the mountain road. We had to pay for the road. Millions have known the news. In the afternoon, you didn’t know, at least three container trucks drove into the village. From those containers, there were about two or three hundred people, all of whom were fierce and wicked. Road tyrants, but only a dozen people, all were interrupted, and then people in the village did not agree, hula cheered the thousands of people out, you know what happened behind? Later, Wang million actually opened a few more When the container truck went in, the scene was really scary and scary. About 2,000 people were confronted outside the village. Later, the local government could not see it, and the mediation, the village over there. People want to pay for medical expenses. Wang Million is not giving a penny. As a result, the mediation is deadlocked. The conflict between the two sides is constant, but the young people in the village are hundreds of people, not Wang Wan. The opponents of more than a thousand people were later intervened by the army. This incident has not happened. Since then, the car that we sent goods here, at least in the territory of zj, has not met anyone who dares not to open the road tolls. of."

"So arrogant?" Zhao Tiezhu's face was full of shock.

"Of course it is arrogant. People are Wang million, and they claim that there are millions of gold in their homes. Of course, these are all rumors." Strong and grinning said, "So I told you, do it well, If you can get his appreciation, then you are flying, and it’s just a blink of an eye."

Zhao Tiezhu nodded hard and said, "I will, but, strong brother, Wang million, he is not in the office, how can I do him to see me?"

"This is simple. Although Wang is not often seen, it is often eaten upstairs in the cafeteria. If you perform well, you may be able to be fancy, but I will tell you, you can be careful. Pointing, you just saw those people around Wang million, but they are all masters. I have seen a person who can smash a cement board of more than ten centimeters in a punch. If you are here, Slim and not a few people on the body, one accident you have to die," said the strong.

"I know that I know, I will be careful!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded in a hurry, but in my heart, there was a plan.

The time for dinner will soon end, and then it will be a one-and-a-half-hour lunch break, and Wang Million has set a special rule for the warehouse. That is, unless he summons, it is not possible to go to the second floor of the building because Upstairs, there are some white-collar financial elites. If you manage a warehouse, it will be easy to add chaos. Second, let others see the drop.

"This is your lunch break, remember, nothing to go out and slosh, you are just a temporary worker." Strongly took Zhao Tiezhu to a small room near the warehouse and said.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "I know, I am just stuck, just stay here, strong brother, you are busy with you."

"Well, obedience can take more benefits, right, Xiaobao, we have to play cards there, if you want to come, you can be together." Strong and whispered to the other side of the warehouse, where Three people stood, two of them security guards and one of the warehouse's dispatchers.

"I want to sleep for a while, wait a minute and go." Zhao Tiezhu refused.

"When you come out to discuss life, you still have to find a way to make money fast. We can't play big, but if you win an hour and a half, you can win a hundred and eighty pieces. Don't you try your hand?" Strongly advised.

"No, no." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head firmly.

"That's it, let's play it ourselves, you want to play, come from yourself." Strongly said, turned and left.

Zhao Tiezhu opened the door of the lunch break and walked in, then closed the door.

"Hakoko, is that new?" A security guard yelled at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Well, the new rookie, do not understand anything, intends to let him play two sets, no courage, haha, no matter who he is, we play ourselves." Strong smile and touched a deck of cards.

"Well, just play here, we just can look at this new one and prevent him from being overly curious." The security guard said with a smile.

This is a small rest room, just a dozen square meters, put a bed, a TV, an electric fan, nothing else.

The electric fan is full of dust. It is estimated that it has been used for a long time, and it is very clean when it is tripped.

Zhao Tiezhu turned over and lay down on the bed, then pulled the quilt to cover his body.

Not long after, the window next to the small room opened slightly.

A slight amount of friction came from the window and then quickly disappeared.

On the corner of a no-man on the second floor, Zhao Tiezhu’s figure slowly appeared.

Then Zhao Tiezhu was like an ordinary white-collar worker, and walked up the stairs.

As for why not take the elevator, Zhao Tiezhu naturally has to care about it. If you really need to kill Wang million in this building, you must first find a route to escape, and taking the elevator is the most stupid way. As long as people turn off the total power, you have to be the embarrassment of the shackles. The stairs are undoubtedly the best choice for escape.

Zhao Tiezhu climbed up and down. In the place where there is video surveillance, he directly escaped from a stealth and then went on. When he met someone, Zhao Tiezhu would smile and say hello to each other. The building’s There are too many employees, so Zhao Tiezhu believes that they are absolutely impossible to know.

The facts are indeed as Zhao Tiezhu thinks, Zhao Tiezhu greets people, and people say hello to Zhao Tiezhu.

In this way, Zhao Tiezhu slowly came to the top of the road.

Then, Zhao Tiezhu was blocked by a glass door.

To enter this door, you need to swipe your card, but Zhao Tiezhu, but there is no card!

"After this door, it should be the place where the real elite of this building gathers!" Zhao Tiezhu thought secretly.

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